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Quade Cooper; where does he go, what does he do?

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Desmond Connor (43)
With the recent happenings of Will Genia, and Super 15 team Force badly needing a fly half, combined with the Rugby League clubs developing cash chests with the revenue expected from media arrangements, there is plenty of talk about where does QC (Quade Cooper) go?
I'm of the impression that he's going to bide his time.
Firstly, after a poor Wallaby performance before his injury, combined with a long period of rehab, he needs to re-establish himself first.
From past history he likes to draw out making 'future'decisions until the last possible moment.
So I think he'll choose to stay where he is at the Reds for the 2013 season, playing in combination with Wll whom he knows enhances his own game, and then make a longer term decision at about this time next year.
So ideally, I think he'd prefer a 12 month extension with the Reds. But will the Reds management be prepared to offer just one year... I fear not. They have options in Lucas & Sam Lane (if the Force don't snap him up) so would insist on a longer arrangement.
So, where does he go, what does he do?


Greg Davis (50)
Can we move this to the Reds 2013 thread? Otherwise it'll be a nightmare to keep track of everything.

If not - reading his twitter from last night he's been looking at a new house to live in. So with that "bone" in mind, I'd like to do what all journo's do and state that he an't going anywhere.


Tony Shaw (54)
Side comment: I think we also underestimate the impact of the latest generation of player agent now involved in the mix, and, given the young age and little business experience of our latest rugby 'stars', these are parties that can be highly influential advisers to their player clients.

Not directly related to QC (Quade Cooper), but I did a little digging and found that, guess what, Anthony Picone, Genia's new agent, was also responsible for the (now infamous) deal to move Matt Giteau to the Force, bundling in the layered Firepower money.

Here's how Picone's Newstar website describes himself:

"Anthony Picone is the founder and Managing Director of NewStar. He has a degree in Law and a degree in International Business. He is an experienced and highly regarded Agent who has negotiated and engineered some of the most lucrative and innovative deals in world rugby. Anthony is renowned for his ability to maximise outcomes for his clients with dedicated negotiating skills combined with unchallenged integrity."


Tony Shaw (54)
RH I've heard from good sources that a lot of this Genia saga comes down to Picone. Would sell his grandmother if the price was right apparently.

Sometimes little phrases can be revealing. I was particularly taken with Picone's choice of words in his self-crafted bio above: "...who has negotiated and engineered some of the most lucrative and innovative deals in world rugby...".


Tony Shaw (54)
Whatever happens, I just hope Quade makes it quick (I think this might be to much to ask though)

One thing with our beloved QC (Quade Cooper), it may be 'quick' but it will NOT be without: fanfare, drama, rumour and counter rumour, masses upon masses of tweets of vast range and tone, irrelevant Instagrams, tears, smiles, new versions countering old versions, accusations, denials, statements and counter statements, regrets and counter regrets, 17 versions of how many $s were involved or might be involved or could be involved, partnership breakups, multiple media conferences....and finally, from QC (Quade Cooper) there will be said '...hey bro, this is what I always wanted, just want to thank everyone for their support...'.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
It has been a while since we heard fro Koder Nasser, maybe Quade will be thinking of going to the NFL/NHL/NRL/MLB/NBA/AFL/EPL or any number of other sports.

I would love a tough negotiation from the Reds, put in a very high offer (he is worth it) of say $750k and tell him he has a week, if news comes out he is looking elswhere, call him up and revise the offer to $725k, if he still is looking around or taking his time, revise it down $25k again.

I am sick of players and their managers using other sports or countries unions to negotiate, if you are thinking of going the piss off and we will have someone who wants to play here


Geoff Shaw (53)
Obviously Khoder Nasser is something of a different level but don't hate on the player managers.

They have no club loyalty for obvious reasons, they are merely businessmen trading in assets and the assets they happen to trade in are athletes.

It's up to the players to mitigate and rationalise their deals with personal values, managers just deal the hand they're dealt.


Desmond Connor (43)
Can we move this to the Reds 2013 thread? Otherwise it'll be a nightmare to keep track of everything.

If not - reading his twitter from last night he's been looking at a new house to live in. So with that "bone" in mind, I'd like to do what all journo's do and state that he an't going anywhere.
Ignoto, the Reds 2013 thread is about all things Red.
I thought Quade & his future is well worth a thread on its own.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
One thing with our beloved QC (Quade Cooper), it may be 'quick' but it will NOT be without: fanfare, drama, rumour and counter rumour, masses upon masses of tweets of vast range and tone, irrelevant Instagrams, tears, smiles, new versions countering old versions, accusations, denials, statements and counter statements, regrets and counter regrets, 17 versions of how many $s were involved or might be involved or could be involved, partnership breakups, multiple media conferences....and finally, from QC (Quade Cooper) there will be said '...hey bro, this is what I always wanted, just want to thank everyone for their support...'.
And, as mentioned above, Khoder Nasser. Maybe a few gems from "The Man" about how everyone hates on Quade 'cos he's so good, and like.


Mark Loane (55)
I have a theory that Quade's negotiations take longer than everyones else, just because clubs need too hire interpreters to make sense of what Khoder is saying in the contract negotiations.

Have a look at WJ's signature for reference.


QC (Quade Cooper) often goes to Normanby Hotel and enjoys time with friends?
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