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QLD Premier Rugby 2015

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Tigers Tale

Well said Reg re Rick Tyrell - it was very said to lose him so young earlier this year.

In addition to a young family he leaves behind many friends at both clubs and in the general rugby community - so glad that this has come together to ensure that he will be remembered.

Rick played in two premiership sides at Easts (1997 & 1999).

Tigers Tale

Red Heavy - do you have any thoughts on my comment that Hagen is a more complete footballer than JJ?


Herbert Moran (7)
Anyone seen these 'Water Boy' videos floating around on YouTube that follow the life and times of Sam Greene? I only came across them today but noticed they were posted a few weeks ago so I might be a bit slow.

Whoever is making the videos seems to be a huge Greene/Brothers fanboy as it completely brushes the time he spent at Wests.

Hi Big Dog,

I am the Waterboy. I spend a lot of time and effort to produce some quality content that I feel should be shared with the world. Forgive me but I am from New Zealand and have no connection with any club here in Brisbane. I do these videos to motivate and inspire young men to continue to play the game. Over 1,000,000 views now on my channel shows that there is obviously some interest. I am not trying to brush any club, the goal of the series is to show the season for what it is, the highs and the lows, and show how entertaining club rugby can be. I am mindful that people don't have time to watch half hour pieces so forgive me if we don't cover everything that happened in the past. The series will give the viewers a great view of all the clubs here. My perspective is a lot larger than yours I'm afraid. The game is seriously dead over here, from a national interest point of view. I'm doing my bit to promote it and hopefully convert people into rugby fans. I cover a lot of rugby league as well, with the aim that they will enjoy the union side too.

There are a lot of cynical old heads on this forum that bash young players. I can tell you that Sam has his goals set and only wants to improve as a player to get to the next level.

Hopefully you will enjoy the series as we get through the season there will be some great moments,

All the best,



Herbert Moran (7)
Good stuff WB. Why the choice of that subject?

The first club game I watched last year was Brothers vs GPS and saw Greene play well that day. I filmed the game and he contacted me to get the footage. I wanted to do something in depth for my channel and asked him for a favour to do this.

I find it funny how some people have concerns about a documentary series for this player but are not concerned about some of the harsh criticism & opinions being aired on this forum.

To compare Greene to James O'Connor is a joke. Every person will react differently in life to experiences. James is midway through professional career lived in the spotlight and had his chance to show who he is. Greene has not, so until he's pissed as a sailor abusing police at airport security... reserve judgment.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Okay thanks for clarify your position Waterboy, I look forward to some of your other videos.

As for cynical old heads bashing players and player comparisons, this is an Internet discussion forum where people have conflicting views and opinions on players. Just because someone comes off as critical doesn't mean they are intending to be negative.

My comment about JOC (James O'Connor) was in reference to some similar videos which went around when he was he same age as Greene, not comparing where they currently are in their careers. I definitely don't share the same opinion of the two blokes.


Allen Oxlade (6)
My comment about JOC (James O'Connor) was in reference to some similar videos which went around when he was he same age as Greene, not comparing where they currently are in their careers. I definitely don't share the same opinion of the two blokes.

JOC (James O'Connor) was a super rugby player at 17 and a wallaby at 18, Greene is 21 playing for brothers..... Bit of a stretch big dog. Good on you waterboy, keep it up, our game needs all the promotion it can get. Hope Greene gets where he wants to go.


Ward Prentice (10)
Sorry I might be bias but I really say this as a Reds fan - the best #10 in QPR in terms of being a game manager is still Matt Brandon.

Sorry I just don't see Green, McIntyre or Tuttle being of S15 standard at this stage.

Here is a thought given Green's speed are his chances at a higher level more achievable at #15?

Like so many backs out of Crosby he's a great counter attacker.

TT I think there will be many who would say that there is a reason Brandon is not at Super level and that is cause he doesn't cut it. McIntyre, Debreczini were just two young 10s who outshone Brandon in the NRC and if anything I thought the Qld country side struggled alot due to Brandon's game management. Problem was country did not have a viable back up option. I prefer Greene myself and I consider his game still in development stage.


Frank Nicholson (4)
You would have to be in complete denial to not accept that Greene had Brandon wrapped around his finger on Saturday. Brandon may have unconvincingly kicked the game winner on his second attempt, but he was simply outplayed if you want to make the comparison between the two.

Also funny to see you critical of Greene's swan dive Tiger Tale, I personally think the continual late shots he copped during the game v Easts would be a better subject for discussion.

Completely agree with @Waterboyrugby in regards to a few cynical old heads who pollute this forum. No surprises as to why certain aspects of the game are in disarray when you take into account the mentality behind some of the belligerent (and completely unfounded) comments made about certain players within this discussion. I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions but remember you are bringing others into disrepute while you are sitting behind the security of an online avatar.

Just my 2 cents take it or leave it.

Tigers Tale

The Reds couldn't see the value in keeping Placid, McMahon or Sueteni so I can't see them making a big play for Green should he chose another Aust Franchise or Japan.

Particularly if Graham is retained which contrary to general views the Australian Newspaper earlier in the week reported that he would be the Reds coach in 2016.

I don't want to open this forum up to debate about the Reds coach I just want to point out that what we commonly believe may not be how it pans out. I am not defended Graham in anyway shape or form in this comment.

If Green doesn't get a No.1 gig as the #10 for one of the Qld NRC sides he may be forced (pardon the intended pun) to look elsewhere.

Tigers Tale

Sam Johnson moving on may ironically open up an opportunity for a Green, Dagleish, Tuttle etc.

Tigers Tale

As for Brandon v Green debate.

Brandon has two things Green does not:
- he has a Super Rugby cap(s);
- he was in the winning team on Saturday.

All I will say if Easts lead 20-3 at half time the experience of Brandon & Mullins would have ensured that they left Crosby as winners.

Not a better place in Bne to leave a winner than Crosby.


Chris McKivat (8)
As for Brandon v Green debate.

Brandon has two things Green does not:
- he has a Super Rugby cap(s);
- he was in the winning team on Saturday.

All I will say if Easts lead 20-3 at half time the experience of Brandon & Mullins would have ensured that they left Crosby as winners.

Not a better place in Bne to leave a winner than Crosby.
He also has two Premierships, two Rothmans, and an Australian Club Championship.....#justsaying

Tigers Tale

He also has two Premierships, two Rothmans, and an Australian Club Championship...#justsaying

Green may well outstrip Brandon in the course of time but Brandon has the runs on the board so a little respect please.

It was not that long ago (circa post 2013 GF) that the GPS crowd were saying "if we only had a fly half like Brandon"!!!!


Ward Prentice (10)
The Reds have a 2nd choice 9 playing at 10... when there are a few suitable 10s available throughout this comp... and if they don't get used, they will disappear.

The Reds season is gone. Genia is going. Quade is going. Why continue with Frisby at #10 when he will be the #1 halfback next year?

Why not throw a Greene or McIntyre or Dalgleish in now?? What is there to lose?? They are genuine #10's and I feel have been playing enough to earn a shot.

Isn't that the purpose of a pathway? QPR, NRC (apart from Greene last year) then Super Rugby.

Just like Adam Korczyk, he has played well, earned his call up and hasn't let anyone down.

The Reds could do with, and NEED an injection of new blood. Blood that is playing well and their confidence is high.

Ready, Faagase, Gill, Korczyk, Kerevi, Kuridrani are the future of the Reds and have all spent plenty of time in the QPR over the past couple of seasons, and its no coincidence that they are the better performing Reds week in and week out when they get on the park.

Tigers Tale

Something unusual on Saturday Green missed two conversions from the same spot in the space of about 5 minutes in the first half.

Did the Tigers bench get in his head?


Nev Cottrell (35)
With the BYE this weekend for the Reds anyone know of blokes filtering back to club rugby? I've heard Chris Kuridrani will be running out for GPS, not sure of others at this stage.


Charlie Fox (21)
He also has two Premierships, two Rothmans, and an Australian Club Championship...#justsaying
And 8-10 years longer in senior football so a ridiculous comparison!

Greene is a dynamic prospect for QLD rugby & very entertaining to watch. Along with Tuttle, Third, McIntyre, Gibson, & Dalgleish, we should be talking about their strengths given their limited experience rather than their limitations.


The Oldest Rat

Peter Burge (5)
Interesting observation made by Trainer GB that I agree with wholeheartedly. Over the years and there has been a few I have seen this sort of thing happening where we hang onto a player or play one out of position rather than bring on a young up and comer. Perhaps it is the contracting part that doesn't allow this to happen. Whatever it is I have seen over time some players passed over because they just didn't get the opportunity. I do not agree with the current situation of playing Frisby at flyhalf he has shown in all games that he struggles with this position at that level. Better to put a young bloke that is a natural flyhalf in there and see what he is capable of. It seems to be very short sighted of the coaching management of the Reds. The Greene debate is just that,it is a debate on who is better or prefered by some. The other contenders have their attributes that may be equal or better than Greene. WB has siad that he doesn't like some of the commentary re Greene, well if you are a good player you will always get someone who is not of that opinion thats what these sites are about, it is an opinion only, some are harsh some are not, you have to take the good with the bad and not cry about it. If you are close to the player best not to look at these debates, someones opinion will always be upsetting and not what you wnat to hear.
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