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QLD Premier Rugby 2015

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Nev Cottrell (35)
As long as Dammers has a 2016 succession plan in place then I think he will be fine. Would be very knee jerk reaction for the club to move him on after one year. Besides, I don't think there is currently anyone at the club who could succeed him and they won't go external again.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
In all honesty though, I will give credit to Easts. It is an 80 minute game.

Brothers will be bitterly disappointed with that loss. In patches they were excellent, but fell asleep in that second half.

Sam Greene was outstanding.

A very tough challenge against University next week. We haven't beaten 'the Students' in two years, but hopefully that can change.

I won't have a go at the ref. It's a bloody tough job out there, especially with a vocal crowd. As I said, it's an 80 minute game and Easts managed to capitalise on their chances.


Frank Row (1)
With the confirmation of Quade cooper and Genia leaving the Reds, look out for Frisby to find a permanent home in at scrum half. I don't think you could go past Sam greene at 5/8th next year. Had a blinder against easts on the weekend. Look out red heavies next week.

Tigers Tale

Prem table after round 7
Snbk 26/25
Easts 24
Bond 23
Uni 22
Bros 20

It is a tough comp and plenty of top 5 clashes in last 2 rounds.

Tigers Tale

I appreciate that this is. QPR forum but what of the the #9 & #10 for the Reds in 2016.

It would appear that the first choice #9 will be Nick Frisby and he deserves his chance but he will have to get over the fact I think he tends to over play his hand for GPS & Bne City.

With Quade likely to be at Toulon with Gits & UJ. Interesting that when UJ joined the Reds straight out of TSS he was being touted as the next Quade.

So is the #10 for 2016 Karmichael, JOC (James O'Connor), McIntyre, Green or Another.

Tigers Tale

With the NRC who will be the #10s for City & Country.

McIntyre was the BC 10 in the final.

Green was involved with Country & City in 2014.

Then there is Dagliesh (Uni) who is likely to be first choice Aus U20 10 this year.

Also Tuttle(GPS) and Duncan Pau???(GPS).

I think the next Reds coach will bring in another 10 to the mix.

Tigers Tale

I don't necessarily think that Greene is in the plans of the current Reds brains trust to play S15 for the Reds in 2016.

Having said that he was very good in the first half last night but it's not as if he took charge at the death and got Bros home.

Despite the missed penalty it was Brandon who stepped up to get his side home literally with that last gasp penalty that was right on his range and just snuck over the cross bar.

Great strength of character for Brandon to step up after the previous run in with the upright.


John Thornett (49)
Great evening/arvo of footy at Brothers.

As much as I hate the Filth, an afternoon out at Crosby is always great. I could get used to a few games a season under the lights, thought it was great.

Greene had his way with Easts in the first half. It was one of the most dominant displays from a fly half I've seen. He was quiet in the second, but that was more a result of his side being under pressure.

Tupou (Thor) was similar. He ran amok the first half, but was put under scrum pressure in the second. Credit to AJ Campbell, who has been very good this season for the tigers. Easts have a great scrum, especially when Ready is there.

I thought the tigers looked lost in the first half, especially without Gunn or Ready leading them in defence. As a result, Brothers cut them apart.

Was pleasing to see the turn around in the second half. Shows that Easts have what it takes this season.

For Brothers, I rated Greene for obvious reasons. I was speaking to some Brothers supporters about how it is a travesty he didn't even get a NRC gig last year. I'd put him currently the next best fly half behind Cooper in QLD (ahead of Frisby, Pau'aui and McIntyre). Tupou's ball running was very impressive, but he still isn't at the required level in the scrums. He wasn't bad, but he did fade pretty badly. Matt Mafi was good around the park, and Clyton Knox was strong in the centres.

For Easts, Toby White was my stand out, as he seems to be every week. Elias Power at 8 has flown under the radar this season, but I continue to be more impressed with him every week. His physicality and strength in contact is great to watch. TT can you shed some info on him? Where he's come from etc?

Jimmy Moore at lock is another who goes unnoticed sometimes, but defensively he is always impressive, and his line out and ruck work continues to improve.

Neither team will be overly pleased with there overall performances, but I can see both of them right up there at the pointy end of the season.

I've watched all of Easts games this season, and after losing the likes of Butler, Enever and Placid, I was sceptical about how we'd go. But I couldn't be happier with the Tigers gameplay right now. The teams physicality has stepped up massively, and the boys in the pack have some real mongrel (Gunn, Power, Moore, Milosevic), with those later 3 really stepping up to the level.

I've been very surprised with what's happening at GPS, because every week I look at their team sheet I think they have one of the strongest in the comp. Bond's development has been great for the competition, and I expect them to give a good run for the finals. Interested to see them play.

Currently I think this is where everyone will end up, judging from the games I've watched, match reviews, and general form.

1- University
2- Sunnybank
3- Easts
4- Brothers
5- Bond University
6- Souths
7- GPS
8- Wests
9- Norths

I can see a big gap between the top 5 and the rest come the last few rounds. Brothers and Bond look to fight it out for 4th.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I just watched a bit of the University v Wests game on YouTube.

University did well to win convincingly with only 14 men.

#9 for Uni certainly didn't miss the Wests bloke with a couple of punches. That's the first time I've seen that from a Uni player. They're usually very disciplined in that area whilst some other clubs aren't.


Ward Prentice (10)
I know I have had my say about the likely demise of GPS top 4 chances this year and nothing since has convinced me any different. I know there has been discussion on this forum re a 'culture' issue with change in coaching staff and some politics at play at the boardroom level blah blah. I don't know about the board room but I noticed one incident last weekend at the GPS/Bros game that confirmed for me that all is not well at Yoku. Stefano Hunt was very frustrated at the end of the game and did not hold back in telling Coach Dammers that bringing him to the club to play 15 was f#$%&d as they were directionless and going nowhere. He was not making any effort to do it with much subtlety as he was that angry. I actually left thinking Hunt was done for the season but saw he got moved to 10 this week. I know there have been rumblings Paiaaua has not been the ideal option at 10 for GPS or the Reds. On another note, watched Bond again yesterday and for a few weeks have watched them play ugly and still get the results. In the past they have struggled to grind out the victories but interesting to see what belief can do for a club. Having the likes of Taumata, Cox, Fattal etc in the mix for Bond certainly makes a difference. There achilles heel is that their front row is still not up to scratch for Premier standard, with a shortage of decent props on the Coast. Interesting to see Aj Campbell ex Bond prop at the Tigers going well for them.

Corne Uyc

Chris McKivat (8)
Correction Snbk did not get a BP.

Gee that's tight.
Bond just keep chipping away silently producing consistent results. Good on them. Really looking forward to seeing how the next couple of months unfold. Those five teams deserve a spot in the 4 but what they bring to the table on match day is inconsistent.
Perhaps the victory against the odds on the weekend could be the making of the Tigers


Chris McKivat (8)
I know I have had my say about the likely demise of GPS top 4 chances this year and nothing since has convinced me any different. I know there has been discussion on this forum re a 'culture' issue with change in coaching staff and some politics at play at the boardroom level blah blah. I don't know about the board room but I noticed one incident last weekend at the GPS/Bros game that confirmed for me that all is not well at Yoku. Stefano Hunt was very frustrated at the end of the game and did not hold back in telling Coach Dammers that bringing him to the club to play 15 was f#$%&d as they were directionless and going nowhere. He was not making any effort to do it with much subtlety as he was that angry. I actually left thinking Hunt was done for the season but saw he got moved to 10 this week. I know there have been rumblings Paiaaua has not been the ideal option at 10 for GPS or the Reds. On another note, watched Bond again yesterday and for a few weeks have watched them play ugly and still get the results. In the past they have struggled to grind out the victories but interesting to see what belief can do for a club. Having the likes of Taumata, Cox, Fattal etc in the mix for Bond certainly makes a difference. There achilles heel is that their front row is still not up to scratch for Premier standard, with a shortage of decent props on the Coast. Interesting to see Aj Campbell ex Bond prop at the Tigers going well for them.

AJ Campbell gets better every week and has been a decisive factor in almost every match he's played for the Tigers.


Peter Burge (5)
Watched the game between GPS and sunnybank...
To be honest that is another win that got away from GPS. To score 4 tries and lose is tough to swallow. Tied turned when setu was sin binned for..... Well actually i don't even know what for!!!
GPS did turn a corner against the bank and looked far better with hunt at 10.
For 70minutes there I thought my investment at $9 was looking quite good!! But that is rugby and judging by what I have read the Tigers v filth was also a great game!!!
In terms of what happens to dammers?? Nothing!! He will be the coach next year as was always planned. Big shout out to timmy swimmy Sampson for a great coaching effort against brothers...he has instilled a great attitude into the boys from bottomley and he deserves a lot of credit for that!!


Bill Watson (15)
Great time at Brothers on Saturday. Good crowd good game. Thor impressive and Greene showed some class. Very fast off the mark and steps well (both of them). All credit to Easts in the second half. Not sure who the Brothers number 4 is but he just keeps going.

Tigers Tale

Hound was a great evening of Rugby @ Crosby where both Bros and Easts showed their worthiness for top 4 spots.

We will know more about the relativities of both clubs given these upcoming encounters:

Rnd 8
Easts v Snbk
Uni v Bros

Rnd 9
Easts v Bond
Snbk v Uni
Bros v Souths

Rnd 10
Bond v Uni
Snbk v Bros


Ted Fahey (11)
TT any idea if the Easts boys were happy to be playing under the lights ? Still a few shadows on the ground. No complaints re seeing the pill ?


Nev Cottrell (35)
GPS v Bond at Yoku this weekend, could be a close game if GPS can put in the same effort they did vs The Bank. Its also GPS Ladies day, apparently 500 ladies have sold out a marquee at the club. The results may not be on the board for the Gallopers but at least they're still getting bums in seats so to speak.
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