I did say in "living memory with maybe except one" and yes I agree, Harry Wilson is a half decent player.

. I have no idea who the other third stringers are, you mentioned- did they play Rugby once? ( ..........Stand back - That comment should get some red and black Blood boiling - such offence to such Rugby Royalty).
Only joking - that was a "memorable win" for the Gorrillas that year and they had a good team with spirit to match.
We are still a round away from THAT NEXT DERBY but, I am unsure if GT have the ambush in them this year, but certainly without RT and at Home, this would have to be the best opportunity , presented to them on a plate. Furtherest from it being the Team of the Century, This Nudgee team is perhaps the weakest for a few years without RT, and so long as GT don't drop their bundle ,and those inspirational leaders fire up as we have seen in glimpses this season, well .....anything could happen. Remember when the Irish beat the All Blacks this year at home.
Teams can certainly grow a leg when motivated in a " State of Origin - Queenlander " Type of way, and well GT should be motivated having worn so much Lip from Nudgee over the years. All the other GPS schools quietly smirk , when they hear GT go through the annual ritual of publicly announcing , of being a real chance of Knocking off Nudgee this year - Only to be trounced. Seriously it becomes monotonous if not cruel.
GT has been a great Rugby school in the past - and I mean the deep dark past, but this year maybe different. I have positively commented on the early games , where this team showed real mongrel and ticker and were prepared to roll the sleeves up. They will need to be fully committed to the win and prepared to put their bodies on the line. It will be trench warfare and will be that way for the full 70 minutes. Their leaders will need to dig deep and lead by example as they have done in the early games. And they will need to believe - To actually believe that they can actually beat Nudgee.
This weekend the GT are being given a great training run against IGS , and a gutsey Loss will be fine to position them for the Derby. There is nothing more GT can get from the Season so a triumphant win at Tennyson at the Derby Day against Nudgee, will be better than Christmas! As usual my money will be safely on Nudgee, and I won't give GT much hope, but it is really up to the GT team to finally show some real MOXY and to bring home a memorable win, for their school. I will wish them Good luck.