Tuesday 17 March 2020, 5.00pm
The Great Public Schools Association of Queensland has resolved to cancel all organised sport and activities for the remainder of term 1 and postpones term 2 & 3 pre-season training and trial games.
The Great Public Schools Association of Queensland (GPS) Executive met on Monday to discuss the current recommendations from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, endorsed by Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, that organised public gatherings of more than 500 people be cancelled to reduce transmission of COVID-19 in Australia.
With the current threat of coronavirus impacting the health and welfare of Australians, the GPS has taken guidance from the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) along with State and Federal Sporting Organisations, to amend the GPS events calendar and pre-season programs for active sport and activities.
The health and safety of our students, staff, volunteers and the entire GPS community continues to be our number one priority and while we all want to see the competitions running as soon as possible, we won’t make any decisions that put anyone at risk.
While many of our sport and activities are relatively safe and non-contact there are considerable measures that need to be in place to adhere to expert advice around reducing the risk of spreading the virus. We focused specifically on minimising the risk and impact on our communities that we lead and serve, as well as their families.
The GPS can confirm that the remainder of Term 1 activities which includes Cricket, Volleyball and Debating and the postponement of pre-season Cross Country meets and all formal and informal pre-season training and competitions for Football, Tennis, Basketball and Rugby Union, have been cancelled. This directive will come into effect at midnight Tuesday 17 March effective until further notice. This decision is consistent with the relevant state and national sporting organisations current directive.
These are difficult decisions and we certainly appreciate our community have invested a lot of time, effort and resources into preparing their teams, however we feel that it is important that we play our part, in reducing the spread of COVID-19 out of respect for all Australians.
The GPS acknowledges that this advice can change as the situation evolves, and as such will continue to monitor, and act accordingly. Should there be any change to this advice the GPS will communicate this information through direct communication with Headmasters and Principals.