Not sure re BGS but its interesting what "Brave and Game" mentions above with 13 available this year for the Terrace 1sts who got game time last year. They were a pretty strong team last year so perhaps they will be a contender this season.
Re the ubiquitous scholarship chat, BSHS offer approximately 450 scholarships for year 12 students each year, the Grammar schools history/model is based on offering a significant proportion of scholarship opportunities across various fields rewarding excellence and the two Catholic schools have always had a proportion of kids on scholarships, which are a mixture of benevolence based programmes and rewards for excellence. The great Public schools in England also offer scholarships as do the top Ivy League schools in the USA both for benevolence and excellence.
Re the rugby cultures, its obvious Terrace, Nudgee, Churchie, BBC, TGS and TSS have very strong cultures and depth at the moment, but IGS, BSHS, BGS have fallen off in this area. The thing about rugby is that it builds resilience and courage and this is the case whether you're in the E team or the A team. I to this day still rate this sport/subject as the most valuable out of all the subjects offered when I was at school. Rugby is such a niche sport and privilege to play in Australia and I'm astonished that some of these schools with access to rugby are not pushing their kids more to engage in this sport.