Wrong thread I know. But aren’t schools with a lot of sports scholarships actually being subsidized by old boy boosters so that the school covers it’s expenses anyway?
I'm not sure that "expense" has much to do with it, in the sense that if a school has places available, i.e. the house is not full, then they're not foregoing fee income they would otherwise have earned by giving one of those places to a sportsman.
Obviously there's a bit of a difference with boarding scholarships, but even so if there's a spare bed in the boarding house it's not going to cost a school much extra to feed the new boy, wash his clothes etc.
If there's a school at moment with a full boarding house I'd be surprised, particularly with most farmers doing it pretty tough.
I don't know if there is any Old Boy funding of sports scholarships going on at any of the GPS schools at the moment, but if it is I'd say it's far more likely to be happening where the school in question has to give up a spot which a fee-paying student would have taken up, which would narrow it down considerably.