What is it about the culture at BBC that prevents them from being successful?
In the past few years they have had some good talent and good coaches in Barker and Philpotts but have not been able to threaten. Last years heartbreaking loss to TSS probably robbed them of some good momentum they would have carried in from Sanix but a strong culture would have helped them bounce back.
It seems that there is a lot of discontent about how different players are treated differently. 'Superstars' seem exempt from the hard work that is required of others.
When things don't go well, rather than looking for solutions, the focus seems to be on apportioning blame, which is not constructive. Talk to Barker and Philpotts about that. They now have their 3rd 1st XV coach in three years.
Boys are forced to row, regardless of body shape, because this is considered the only way to get a boy fit and ready for a season of rugby. Little consideration is given to the fact that boys who have body shapes suited to certain positions will suffer from a season in rowing after losing weight they actually need to have an impact. Forcing participation in a sport does little to create enthusiasm and morale.
Stopping them from involvement in league or rugby competitions that probably first brought them to the attention of the school is not going to make a lot of them happy either.
Other schools who seem to be happy to work with players and parents to negotiate fair and reasonable workloads.
I am not surprised to hear some boys may be looking elsewhere.
They have every right to look at other schools whose programs are more successful and whose cultures are more positive.
This should in no way be read as a criticism of the boys themselves. I have no doubt, most of them work their backsides off and are fully committed but those responsible for the program need to reflect and look at ways to improve in order to be more successful and more attractive to better athletes.
This is what Nudgee, TSS and Churchie have done well and it is no surprise they have winning cultures.