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QLD GPS Rugby 2015

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The sage

Vay Wilson (31)
Agree RedsHappy. Also there ability to be consistent and lower injury count, it all helps. Defence is always a prominent point (if the opposition don't score much, they can't win).


Herbert Moran (7)
I am with Darkside on this - GT's u15s will never be competitive across the season due to the very intensive immersion program they undertake - they don't play NC at all and at least 2 more games are significantly effected by boys being away all week (sometimes overseas).

They were completely exhausted before they even took the field V BSHS for the last game - U15 rugby takes a back seat at GT and all supporters know it.

You just need to look at the crowds for the 13s and 14s at Tennyson the U15's are lucky to get their parents watching.

Too many 16's missing and playing in Opens to keep my interest, I watch the odd game but spend most of my time at the 12-14 A'a and Bs and then off to the firsts.

Equally it is not all about judging how strong of a XV we will get in 2018 some of us just enjoy the game and watching kids play and improve. A bit of school rivalry and friendly banter thrown in adds to the experience IMO.
People were watching the GT vs BSHS 13's and 14's for obvious reasons. The BSHS 13A's average something like 80 points a game with only 4 against. The u/14 game was to see who were the premiers. That is why the crowds were big. Whilst it was a good win by state high in the u/15 game. It really was a bit of a nothing game. Nothing to do with it being an u/15 game. If it was to see who was top of the ladder, like the u/14's, they would have got a crowd as well.

Happy to Chat

Nev Cottrell (35)
Not much in a try + penalty (10 points between ACGS & TSS and 25 points seperating the top 4 teams), more however it is suprising that the "Croft, Sua Duo" did not produce more tries. 32 points between the top 2 scoring teams and 50 between the top 4. I'd be very interested to see the Top try scoring tally for the different teams. TSS have 2 boys with 8 tries each (backs) 1 with 6 tries (fwd) and 2 with 5 tries (wings).


Bob Loudon (25)
People were watching the GT vs BSHS 13's and 14's for obvious reasons. The BSHS 13A's average something like 80 points a game with only 4 against. The u/14 game was to see who were the premiers. That is why the crowds were big. Whilst it was a good win by state high in the u/15 game. It really was a bit of a nothing game. Nothing to do with it being an u/15 game. If it was to see who was top of the ladder, like the u/14's, they would have got a crowd as well.

No they wouldn't because GT CAN'T run at the top of the table because the boys don't play all the games, in fact the teams don't even play all the games - that is the point.

The BSHS U13 game was the lowest crowd the GT 13s had all season, the team was done and the outcomes was inevitable - the 14s drew good crowds all year (at home). Next years big pullers will be the 13's (this yeas 12)


Ted Fahey (11)
I beg to differ bout Tom Wright being the game manager WW, don't get me wrong, he is definitely a class SEVENS player but I saw chinks in his armour as did the selectors at the nationals, the 15 they have is solid on defence and creates options around him, hey mate that's only my opinion but I don't think I'm alone! GO THE AUSSIE SCHOOLBOYS & BARBARIANS !

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Frank Nicholson (4)
Interest and a lot of talk about the U13's this year for sure.....with good reason. IGS and BSHS showing very strong A teams with IGS in particular showing great depth from A - C's. The 13 year at IGS were undefeated with 1152 for and 101 against led by the A's with only 14 points against (conceded in 1st round) and over 500 points scored - on the back of being undefeated last year as 12A's (over 1200% F/A record). If people are witnessing the highest quality rugby at this age group in the GPS comp then why not hear about it - many of the boys are representing at either the highest level in Union or league (or both) outside of their school rugby - often against mates in opposing GPS teams - foundation for great rivalry all the way through to firsts.

Blue & white

Billy Sheehan (19)
I saw all matches NC were involved in and watched the tapes of BBC,TSS and most TGS.

My view is the best player in comp(consistantly) was Croft . In the top 5 was Sua.
Neither will play against NZ schools however:(
Others like Ngamanu,Riley,Robertson and Luka were inconsistant-but on occasions brilliant.

Blue & white, Yesterday at 2:11 PM Report

Well ofc we won't see Croft and Sua, they are RL players, and whilst their performances in Qld GPS is very good they didn't participate in the Australian Rugby Schoolboy trails (not that that is the sole criteria). So no need to cry about it B&W :). They have there careers set in league and good for them.

My top five would be (in no particular order) Croft, Hewat, TGS #1, BBC #7 & Ngamanu.

Are you an Aussie Schools selector ?4 of the 5 made the team and the other would have if he tr ied out !

Blue & white

Billy Sheehan (19)
Interest and a lot of talk about the U13's this year for sure...with good reason. IGS and BSHS showing very strong A teams with IGS in particular showing great depth from A - C's. The 13 year at IGS were undefeated with 1152 for and 101 against led by the A's with only 14 points against (conceded in 1st round) and over 500 points scored - on the back of being undefeated last year as 12A's (over 1200% F/A record). If people are witnessing the highest quality rugby at this age group in the GPS comp then why not hear about it - many of the boys are representing at either the highest level in Union or league (or both) outside of their school rugby - often against mates in opposing GPS teams - foundation for great rivalry all the way through to firsts.

I am getting in first . I am backing GT for 1st or 2 nd in under 14 in 2016.
Went to a RL canival down Logan way on weekend - is it 4 or 5 new boys at GT next year in that age group.?
That Qld captain they are getting ( KVB) is brilliant.

The Guru

Fred Wood (13)
Congrats to young Ngamanu ( BBC) and Riley ( TSS) on their silver medals at Commonwealth games sevens tournament in Samoa.The SA boys were a little too big . Lets hope they go one better against NZ schools
good to hear there is a " baby" Ngamanu starting at BBC next year.


Ted Fahey (11)
Congrats to young Ngamanu ( BBC) and Riley ( TSS) on their silver medals at Commonwealth games sevens tournament in Samoa.The SA boys were a little too big . Lets hope they go one better against NZ schools
good to hear there is a " baby" Ngamanu starting at BBC next year.

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Ted Fahey (11)
I watched the live stream and our boys just took too long to start, it was 17 -5 before they got out of the blocks, too hard to play catchup in 7s, however they made it into the final. CONGRATS to all our young men, bound to see a few of them take the next step.

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Murphys Law

Allen Oxlade (6)
My top three backs and three forwards from this years Qld GPS comp and by far the best in their respective positions would be - Hoopert (1), Hewat (8), Farrell (7) Croft (10), Sua (12), Ngamanu (15). Ngamanu wasn't as consistent as the others, but the danger man for his team most weeks. I was also impressed by Harry Hockings for Churchie and see he is in the Aus squad. Im not crying (don't think you were either), but B&W im with you - the fact Croft and Sua will not be there against the kiwis is disappointing. If trials were held after our GPS comp (and chosen from the form from our comp), then maybe all of the best GPS schoolboys would be suiting up. But that's an old argument that will be there again next year also.

Garry Owens

Alan Cameron (40)
trust me . your recruiting in under 13 in rugby is as good as cricket. you got the under 13 premiership in cricket and will go close in rugby.

Well....Blue and White .............you had a crack at the start of this season in proclaiming the Red and Black - and were significantly off base ( your quoted post above from May ) and I see you have already made the call again for the Red and Black next year in the 14's ( on Page 117 )

That's some mantra

And it assumes inertia amongst the Top 3 teams that finished ahead of the Red and Black

And honestly outside of the 3 x new lads I know of ( with a possible 4th ) they may well bridge the considerable existing gap to the top 2 and then the not so steep ( but still significant ) gap to 3rd place .....but then , respectfully , like I said you are assuming State High and BBC are sitting still ( which is not the case )

You shouldn't underestimate TGS at this age level either . They will be a strong challenger for a spot in the top half of the table


Bob Loudon (25)
A considerable powder keg is building in the land of the Brave and the Game

It's going / gone wholesale

I am sure it will be just as exaggerated as it was this year - but i hope we get half of the players (3-5 in every age group) I have heard linked to the school we will win everything!!! - bar firsts of course you cant buy that title ;-)


Bob Loudon (25)
And it assumes inertia amongst the Top 3 teams that finished ahead of the Red and Black

Well we nearly pulled it off this year (U14) with the addition of just one lad compared to 2-3 from the pace setters in 2014, so imagine what we can do with a additional, what is it now, 5 or 6. lol
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