BGS were not allowed to run onto Northgate No.1 on the weekend after their win over IGS. It is new GPS legislation which prohibits students running onto the field. This is just plain ignorance and egotism from the Churchie supporters - disrespecting the efforts of the opposition and the nature in which GPS sport should be played.
So dispiriting for a simple bloke like me when one's protests are proven in vain.
The Wounded Pride Rule has has apparently now become 'legislation'!
The QLD parliament rumour has it is meeting in session to vote on it on the very eve of Round 9. Can you believe it, it's escalated to this extent!
Given the likely legislation, the QLD Minister of Police considers the squad under-resourced for each and every GPS Ists game in 2016 and has stated that he'll have to recruit to ensure there's enough cops to still police the streets on Saturday arvos. (Reportedly he's stated over a beer at the Brisbane Club that Churchie's his men's biggest worry.)
(I should add that I've been told a leading politician's son - secretly at a GPS school as his dad's Labor through and through - had a middle toe broken at the outer crush rim of a recklessly running on bunch of school boys and this sealed the fate of 'the rule' - such travesties compelled the need for an Act of Parliament to deal with this highly contentious matter, once and for all.)