http://a6.sphotos.AK (Andrew Kellaway) (Andrew Kellaway)-snc7/320645_10150362166942144_10622282143_8631665_1528230941_n.jpg
Drew enjoys a good reach around
http://a6.sphotos.AK (Andrew Kellaway) (Andrew Kellaway)-snc7/320645_10150362166942144_10622282143_8631665_1528230941_n.jpg
Try this Turtle, Diggers!http://a6.sphotos.AK (Andrew Kellaway) (Andrew Kellaway)-snc7/320645_10150362166942144_10622282143_8631665_1528230941_n.jpg
Drew enjoys a good reach around
Just to clarify ladies, this is the small Willie I was talking about...
So you got it? You stand there and I run into you at full pelt. I hope your public liability insurance is paid up as chances are I will get injured.
http://a6.sphotos.AK (Andrew Kellaway) (Andrew Kellaway)-snc7/320645_10150362166942144_10622282143_8631665_1528230941_n.jpg
Thats the spot right there oooh!http://a6.sphotos.AK (Andrew Kellaway) (Andrew Kellaway)-snc7/320645_10150362166942144_10622282143_8631665_1528230941_n.jpg
Drew enjoys a good reach around
Let me show you what I learned in prison