The Penrith Rep teams u10 - u17 (192 players) assembled on Friday night at our major sponsor Emu Club - Leonay for our 2013 Junior Rep presentation evening. On the night the players were presented with their shorts, socks, playing jumper, and polo shirt for the NSWJRU Championships by Club President Jeff Fox & the support from the Penrith seniors & NSWRU was outstanding. Injured Emerging Waratah Greg Peterson addressed the lads (given the Tahs were in NZ) and was credit to the Tahs & Manly club for making the trip from Freshwater to support the boys from the west.
The 2013 rep programme has been very much built upon the gains made in 2012. Early in 2013 the junior district secured EMU club (Leonay golf club), Ian cubbitt classic home improvements, securegaurd, TAG proactive marketing, Minuteman press, & Montecini smallgoods as district sponsors. The extra income has been put to great use and the plan is to finish the year with a substantial war chest. The Penrith DJRU golf day was another inovation for 2013 except for the fact it was won by John mullinger and his group of burglars from Hawkesbury Ag College RUFC

Since the rep teams were named on good friday teams have been training weekly & trial matches in various ages have been played against SUFC, SOUTHERN DISTRICTS, EASTWOOD, ILLAWARRA and PARRAMATTA. Overall the general opinion is that the rep programme is having a direct benefit on the standard of village rugby and the players themselves. All ages are showing that they will not be pushovers and Penrith teams have won many of the trials.
In terms of the improvement being witnessed our u11's have lost 10 - 5 to Illawara, 36 - 26 to sufc, defeated southern districts 55 - 5 and had a 4 try all trial vs Eastwood in 2013. This team was beaten 60 - 5 by uni , 55 - 0 by souths, 60 - 0 by illawarra, and 25 - 10 by eastwood in 2012 so the gains are truly visible and parents are wrapt.
The U15's are another team to watch with a key factor being that both Hawkesbury & Raptors have moved from saturday comp to div A sunday comp thus having a good effect on player preparation. This team lost in the semis of the NSWJRU u14 CHAMPS in 2012 and are hoping to go further in 2013.
Rest assured the Penrith junior teams are ready to play in 2013.