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NSW Schools - Trial Games and Selections 2016

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Dick Tooth (41)
Anyone know who finished where and when under NSW 16s team is announced?

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Frank Row (1)
For CHS 11 the two Locks (4 Kemp & 5 Gifford) toiled all game and both made some good line breaks, Great service by halfback 9 Lewis and 10 Carberry was probably their best back.

To all who have recognized the efforts of the chs 11 scrumhalf could it finally be noted that his name is Ben Harding not lewis. Only been playing rah rah for 2.5 years. Got one of two pilfers awarded and probably should of been given another one. Allegedly box kicks both feet as well. One to watch

Not in straight

Vay Wilson (31)
To all who have recognized the efforts of the chs 11 scrumhalf could it finally be noted that his name is Ben Harding not lewis. Only been playing rah rah for 2.5 years. Got one of two pilfers awarded and probably should of been given another one. Allegedly box kicks both feet as well. One to watch

Noted, will watch out for B Harding,

Sorry about the name, but we can only work from the program on the day (if you are lucky enough to find one)


Larry Dwyer (12)
Any news out of the NSW camp? Any of the shadows been brought in or are the teams still as per announcement?

Shane Smeltz

Fred Wood (13)
And wasn't there also a whisper that both five-eighths originally selected for NSW I & II pulled out because of league commitments?

I did point out weeks ago that several of the CAS boys were listed as being in the CIS team, along with couple GPS & ISA boys. At the time I got my head chewed off by couple of posters saying '"who cares".
Now we care, now we care.

The Australian Schoolboys League comp starts next weekend. In Qld.
Players are meant to be Wynnum, Qld, on Saturday 9th July (same day as finals of the Schoolboys Union tournament) ready for their week-long league tournament.

But I am presuming this happens every year at this time.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Usually the Dual Coders can fly up on the Saturday straight after the Presentation luncheon at Riverview.

The big challenge is if they get selected for Australia in both codes, as often national Mungo and Australian Rugby team commitments clash, and the player must select one or other not both.

Usually it is not a deliberate or sneaky act on behalf of the administrators from the codes, just a reflection of the lack of time in the secondary school calendar available for state and national representation.

Essentially they only have the holidays, and they try to avoid tours and commitments during study vacation and major exam times. Doesn't leave much left.


Vay Wilson (31)
You did SS and its interesting those boys decided to seek selection for Schools rugby and then announce that they will not be competing in favour of fivekick. Obviously they knew before being selected for NSW rugby, so begs the Q - why not withdraw before the teams are announced, save the selectors a few headaches and allow some other boys the honour of being named directly in the teams instead of drafted in from Shadows? I s'pose in the Youtube era its good for a player's "brand" to be named in both.

Troy Dickson

Herbert Moran (7)
I did point out weeks ago that several of the CAS boys were listed as being in the CIS team, along with couple GPS & ISA boys. At the time I got my head chewed off by couple of posters saying '"who cares".
Now we care, now we care.

The Australian Schoolboys League comp starts next weekend. In Qld.
Players are meant to be Wynnum, Qld, on Saturday 9th July (same day as finals of the Schoolboys Union tournament) ready for their week-long league tournament.

But I am presuming this happens every year at this time.

CIS Secondary 18 & Under Rugby League Team 2016

Corey Galea Moriah College
CIS Players
Tom Angel Wollondilly Anglican College
Jack Conlan Bishop Druitt College
George Francis St Augustine's College
Jack Ongosia St Augustine's College
John Sione Mau Hopoate St Augustine's College
Ned Dawson The Scots School Bathurst
Jackson Mohi Waverley College
Harrison Leornard Oakhill College
Sam Dolores Oakhill College
Ryan Papenhuyzen Oakhill College
Babucarr McKern Chevalier College
Nick Eccleston Chevalier College
Matheson Johns Shire Christian School
Matthew Hammond Oakhill College
Harrison McKeon St George Christian School
Adam Doueihi St Patrick's College Strathfield
Thomas Fuller Waverley College
Triston Reilly St Joseph's College
Hosea Leuea Macarthur Adventist College
Giordan Patea Macarthur Adventist College


Sydney Middleton (9)
You did SS and its interesting those boys decided to seek selection for Schools rugby and then announce that they will not be competing in favour of fivekick. Obviously they knew before being selected for NSW rugby, so begs the Q - why not withdraw before the teams are announced, save the selectors a few headaches and allow some other boys the honour of being named directly in the teams instead of drafted in from Shadows? I s'pose in the Youtube era its good for a player's "brand" to be named in both.

Good point, CnP!! We have the example of Cam Murray, the 2015 captain of rugby at Newington, who opted out of last year's schools rep rugby selections from the very beginning because of his commitment to league - he did the right & honourable thing back then, which wasn't a surprise really, because he was a class act both on & off the field.


Herbert Moran (7)
So Adam Douiehi and Kieran Hayman are both out? Is that correct. When i watched the trials they looked good but both played like league players. Talented footballers for sure, but why go to the trials if your not available for NSW? Seems pointless. If just building a CV, well that while permissible is not good for the game. Shouldn't we require that you need to be available for NSW to trial in the first place?


Vay Wilson (31)
Ahhhhh,right & honourable. Concepts you doesn't see mentioned much on Facebook (or so I'm told). Young Mr Murray will go a long way I'll hazard.


Trevor Allan (34)
So Adam Douiehi and Kieran Hayman are both out? Is that correct. When i watched the trials they looked good but both played like league players. Talented footballers for sure, but why go to the trials if your not available for NSW? Seems pointless. If just building a CV, well that while permissible is not good for the game. Shouldn't we require that you need to be available for NSW to trial in the first place?

Another classic case of Rugby being treated as Mungo Ball's door mat. What a circus! It's great that talented lads have the skill to play both but seriously the ARU's lunch is being eaten while they sit lamely on the sideline twiddling their thumbs.

Hold the championships on the same weekend as league and that will go a long way towards stopping the uncommitted to stuffing around a whole lot of people for apparently nothing more than CV bragging rights


Herbert Moran (7)
you could make a very good NRL team out of lads who have played Australian rugby schoolboys and then gone to mungo ball. Thats a great idea to hold them at the same time. Hopefully Ongosia commits to rugby rather than league.


It seems to me that a talented player would be mad to drop out of either Rugby or RL trials because if he didn't make one of the Rugby Schoolboy teams, he'd have a second chance of making the Australian Schools RL team.
He could fly up to sunny Qld Sat night.

He'd also have a possible 2 lots of offers to play for Rugby or RL Clubs which he could weigh up for his future prospects. It wouldn't necessarily be for CV bragging rights.

If the 2 Trials were on the same date then it would force players to choose, but as it stands you can't blame players and their parents for wanting to explore their options.
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