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NSW JRU State Championships & Representative Teams 2015

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Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
There are enough sharp lawyers around here.

Could it be possibly argued that the AAGPS Rugby competition is a "long term school event" during "the Regular Season Matches", and thus a phantom player could qualify for a dispensation to play in SJRU Finals under under SJRU rule 7.3(D)iii?

HJ you know that if you pose the question "could it be argued" to a lawyer the answer will always be "yes".
The more pertinent issue is "will it be argued" and that depends on how much you are prepared to pay to see it argued.


Bob McCowan (2)
In fact how are Easts involved in this scenario at all? Could it in fact be that it was Souths who were only interested in the 3 and none of the others? It seems a far more likely explanation.

QH et al : I cannot explain it any more simply. Souths were approached by Easts about THOSE three players. No others. Full stop.
None of it was about "strengthening" a position, it was about filling a position with an able player. And if you tell me which incumbent suffered I will make sure they receive an apology.
I guess you will all read whatever you want to read....
I am done on this issue.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Strange that Easts would be so determined to ensure that those 3 boys and only those 3 boys should play for Souths.;)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
It could simply have been that the parents of those three young fellows approached Easts and asked the District Club Junior President if there was any way that their kids could get a gig at JSC. The good folk at Easts may then have approached Randwick, Souths, & possibly Wests or Norths to see if any of those Districts had slots at club and/or district rep level for 3 players.

The parents of the others at Beastieland may have resigned themselves that the junior village club pathway had come to a dead end when the Wallaroos club could not find the numbers to enter a team in the SJRU competition.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
And if you tell me which incumbent suffered I will make sure they receive an apology.

But you must know who played in what positions and got what game time - or someone must.
It must be possible to refute the proposition that anyone played less time or played out of their selected position - you have to sign on for each game etc etc.
For someone to make the point to me you can rest assured that there is dissent in the ranks.
And hopefully VP Rep will read this too.

The Horse Whisper

Bob McCowan (2)
HJ you know that if you pose the question "could it be argued" to a lawyer the answer will always be "yes".
The more important issue is "will it be argued" and that depends on how much you are prepared to pay to see it argued.

I feel that a lot of people are missing the point here. These 3 boys want to play rugby. If Souths did't take them someone else might have. Our game numbers are falling away every year and congratulations on Souths for keeping 3 boys playing. Most of this talk is from parents not the kids playing. SJRU is dieing and the poison cherry was stopping the Under 16 Nationals for the Junior Gold Program. ARU and the private schools have been for a long time wanting to control Rugby and in a few years they will get their wish. BUT the fact is at what price! A weakened Sydney Junior Program. The ARU needs to spend some money helping junior clubs and the game grow!!!!! Bring back the Nationals. Look at who the NSW teams are playing if there is a team to be selected.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
The Under 16 National Championships only offers 46 Sydney Rugby players pathway development that is not currently on offer. This number assumes that no players from NSW country will be in the NSW Schools team.

How is that going to help SJRU? Go back through the archives to see how much discussion there was on team stacking, eligibility rorting, phantom players, and the annual festival of Selectorial Splender that was the bun fight associated with NSW Schools, NSW Counrty JRU and SJRU selection. The "Nationals" may have artificially propped up the SJRU U16's, but there was a huge drop off in player numbers, and "quality" at Under 17 level.

The rot has always been there. National U16's papered over the rot.

Something needs to be done to reinvigorate Junior Club rugby in Sydney and NSW Country. ARU needs to be involved somehow. The Wallabies winning more regularly would help with that reinvigoration enormously.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
I feel that a lot of people are missing the point here. These 3 boys want to play rugby. If Souths did't take them someone else might have. Our game numbers are falling away every year and congratulations on Souths for keeping 3 boys playing. Most of this talk is from parents not the kids playing. SJRU is dieing and the poison cherry was stopping the Under 16 Nationals for the Junior Gold Program. ARU and the private schools have been for a long time wanting to control Rugby and in a few years they will get their wish. BUT the fact is at what price! A weakened Sydney Junior Program. The ARU needs to spend some money helping junior clubs and the game grow!!!!! Bring back the Nationals. Look at who the NSW teams are playing if there is a team to be selected.

You miss the point that these boys are at a private school and have significantly greater access to a game of rugby than most. Did you ever stop to think that some of the boys who play village club rugby at the district concerned might consider not playing rugby next year because boys who had no prior connection were brought in? This little manouevre could in fact result in less boys playing club rugby.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
It could simply have been that the parents of those three young fellows approached Easts and asked the District Club Junior President if there was any way that their kids could get a gig at JSC. The good folk at Easts may then have approached Randwick, Souths, & possibly Wests or Norths to see if any of those Districts had slots at club and/or district rep level for 3 players.

The parents of the others at Beastieland may have resigned themselves that the junior village club pathway had come to a dead end when the Wallaroos club could not find the numbers to enter a team in the SJRU competition.

Do you want to buy a bridge HJ? I have one I'm trying to sell - quite cheap;)

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I feel that a lot of people are missing the point here. These 3 boys want to play rugby. If Souths did't take them someone else might have. Our game numbers are falling away every year and congratulations on Souths for keeping 3 boys playing. Most of this talk is from parents not the kids playing. SJRU is dieing and the poison cherry was stopping the Under 16 Nationals for the Junior Gold Program. ARU and the private schools have been for a long time wanting to control Rugby and in a few years they will get their wish. BUT the fact is at what price! A weakened Sydney Junior Program. The ARU needs to spend some money helping junior clubs and the game grow!!!!! Bring back the Nationals. Look at who the NSW teams are playing if there is a team to be selected.

Its not the 3 boys brought in its the 3 boys bumped out who don't get access to the AAGPS President's U16 A and B Xvs (anyone recall the furore when a non GPS boy was picked 2 years ago?) or the 4 AAGPS Opens teams (count them 4) who get to play in the NSW Schools Champs: and look how many of their number get into NSW I and IIs etc etc.
- and QH has answered the rest of it.


Vay Wilson (31)
Even giving the benefit of the doubt to Souths - that they would have been 3 short at the JSCs and no Souths club players missed out (and despite the apparent evidence to the contrary) - the 3 Scots boys also took 3 slots in the MSZ team over boys who clearly were available and had qualified through Club rugby this season. In addition, they now get the opportunity to land a spot in the Syd and ultimately NSW teams over other boys who are available and have also qualified as required. The Scots boys will get the Schoolboys pathway whereas many at the Regionals this weekend will not. Who benefits from this other than the 3 boys in question? It's shortsighted and wrong any way you look at it.


Stan Wickham (3)
Don't forget it hinders your own personal plans as one of the scots boys is in direct competition with your son for a spot Come clean don't hide behind the greater good of club land. Your driving your own agender nothing more nothing less at least be up front about it. I don't care that you but don't be do pius about it.


Vay Wilson (31)
Don't forget it hinders your own personal plans as one of the scots boys is in direct competition with your son for a spot Come clean don't hide behind the greater good of club land. Your driving your own agender nothing more nothing less at least be up front about it. I don't care that you but don't be do pius about it.
I drive a Honda. And why would I want to do pius? What's it done to me?

Hasn't your Mum told you to go to bed yet?


Stan Wickham (3)
Still not coming clean. There's a surprise. I'll dumb down the retroic if it makes it easier. We wonder why club rugby is in the state it is. Seriously let the kids play without pushing your case. Your day is over let them have theirs. Find a hobby.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Isn't retaining scots kids in club rugby just as important as retaining kids who aren't in private schools. Especially, since so many of them did well at the NSWPSSA prior to joining scots. If these kids really were the best players, I don't see how excluding them from the JSC or any other rep competition helps anyone, it just weakens the competition. I can understand being disappointed if your son misses out but there is always the option of playing for another district.
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