Newington host Riverview in Round 2 in what shapes as another chapter in what I reckon is an epic recent rivalry. (I 'fess to not being around since the 1890's Az, so you'll have to forgive me about the "recent" reference.)
Few will forget the drama at Stanmore in the final Round last year, with Newington snatching a last gasp, come from behind, victory to share the spoils of the main silverware with Scots. And before that, in Round 5 out at Lane Cove, with only 2 points separating the teams with just 2' remaining, in a high scoring affair, before the Wyvern put the Blue & White to the sword that day.
, they were the 2 best matches of last Season, both of them hard fought to the death, free-wheeling, first rate joys of schoolboy Rugby. A treat, really.
These 2 teams renew friendly(?) hostilities on Saturday at Stanmore in what I can't help but feel will be an early pointer to this Season's eventual outcome.
View will bring a tonne of confidence with them after their emotional win last week, and there's a sufficiently goodly number of them that played in the last Season, that even without Princess Leah cheering from the sidelines, the power of "redemption" will be strong in their force.
Those lucky enough to get out there, even sans the pies worthy enough to attract Azzuri's keen attention, should be rewarded with a fine game amongst equals.
If View wins away from home again, and frankly, I expect they will, though not by terribly many, they will justifiably have not just bragging rights, but early favouritism for this year's silverware - shared or alone.
I won't be able to be in 2 places at once, so will rely on reports coming in from attendees. If @Sidesteppa can be persuaded
or bribed![U/] to spectate with his trusty HighDef lens, I for one will be very grateful.
There was a twitter last night on the GPS Writers channel that the great man, @LG, had pulled off somewhat of minor coup to have another great man, John Eales, be a backup correspondent on the game for the GPS Blog for the New v View game. But LG, powerful as he may be in his space, disabused us of the notion. Can only say, that woulda 'bin speshhh, so LG, go sort it out, mate.