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NSW AAGPS Rugby 2016

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Trevor Allan (34)

With the 2015 season now easing its prodigious behind into a wing back Chesterfield for its well deserved retirement ....it's time to ruminate on the season ahead.

With the AAGPS Athletics moved to September the pre-season will be upon us much sooner. What does season 2016 hold for the AAGPS?

Time for all the armchair selectors, rugby dads and mums, interested bystanders and people "in the know" to postulate on team selections, table predictions, GPs reps and all things Opens Rugby.

You know the drill, so get to work; we have KPI's to hit.;)


Stan Wickham (3)
Thought I would start things off with a team I thought would reflect this years play for next year GPS Presidents XV A. Feel free to chop/change.

1. Will McLennan (I)
2. Julian Heaven (J)
3. Angus Bell (N)
4. Liam Jansen (N)
5. Jordan Brown (K)
6. Ben Peper (K)
7. Nelson Roberts (J)
8. Witeriana Koopu (N)
9. Joe Dalton (J)
10. Angus Bell (I)
11. Matt Dutallis (I)
12. Matt Minouge (K)
13. Nathanael Endemann (N)
14. Lachlan Apps (K)
15. Vincent Creagh (J)


Stan Wickham (3)
Apart from maybe Savala who I don't even know about, I don't think there would be any good enough

Will Cooper

Bob McCowan (2)
Apart from maybe Savala who I don't even know about, I don't think there would be any good enough

Seb Strang (brother of Theo Strang) is one to watch out for! wouldn't be surprised if he made an appearance in Scots 1's sometime next year.

Benjamin Dover

Frank Row (1)
My prediction for scots 1st XV next year:
1) Harry Todd
2) Charlie Jeavens-Fellows/ Benjy Joseph
3) Mitchell Smith
4) Charlie Crawford
5) Ridley
6) George Brownlow
7) Hugh Green
8) Darcy Breen
9) Ben Miller
10) Nic Shannon
11) Harrison Bishop
12) Jake Styles
13) Billy Smith
14) Thomas Yassmin
15) Charlie Burnett

Will Cooper

Bob McCowan (2)
My prediction for Scots 1's Next year:
Interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this

1) Harry Todd
2) Charlie Jeavons-Fellows
3) George Feros/ Mitchell Smithh
4) Sam Ridly
5) George Finlayson
6) George Miller
7)Charlie Crawford
8) Hugh Green
9) Ben Miller/ Seb Strang
10) Nic Shannon
11) Harrison Bishop
12)Charlie Savala/ Jake Styles
13) Billy Smith
14) Angus Chadwick/ Charlie Burnett
15) James Mcarthy


Chris McKivat (8)
GPS Presidents XV

1. Will McLennan (I)
2. Julian Heaven (J)
3. Angus Bell (N)
4. Liam Jensen (N)
5. ?
6. ?
7. Nelson Roberts (J)
8. Whiteriana Koopu (K)
9. Seb Strang (S)
10. Angus Bell (I)
11. Ben Baker (S)
12. Matt Minouge (K)
13. Nathaniel Endemann (N)
14. Lachlan Apps (K)
15. Vincent Creagh (J)


Vay Wilson (31)
Apart from maybe Savala who I don't even know about, I don't think there would be any good enough
Minogue is back up NSW U15s #12 and, along with Easy (ISA) was preferred to Savala at Regionals. Savala has not played club for a couple of seasons and this has not helped his rugby.

I cant see the other Scots boys suggested by RugbyHd, Strang and Baker being selected over NSW U15s #9 Pat McCormack (N) and NSW #11 Dutallis. Im not sure whether Baker plays club rugby, but Strang, who also doesnt play club, was ranked behind Tejcek (CAS) and McCormack by Syd and NSW selectors at Regionals.

The #5 slot should go to NSW #5 Brown. #6 I would give to Dan Darwall (K) who played #7 for Syd U15s and was unlucky not to be selected for NSW.

That makes 15 of 15 who play in the SJRU U15 A Comp as well as GPS 15As and all bar two played at least District reps at the JSCs this year and Regionals, with a no. progressing to Syd and NSW teams. The additional tough match each week plus the rep campaign(s) for most gives them the edge over boys who only play school rugby.


Stan Wickham (3)
I cant see the other Scots boys suggested by RugbyHd, Strang and Baker being selected over NSW U15s #9 Pat McCormack (N) and NSW #11 Dutallis. Im not sure whether Baker plays club rugby, but Strang was ranked behind Tejcek (CAS) and McCormack by Syd and NSW selectors at Regionals.

I think that Tejcek is good if not the best halfback in NSW for that age but I think the one that could knock him off would be Dalton (J) theyare almost the same players. I agree, watched the regionals and 2nd best would be McCormack in my eyes. Strang would probably be 3rd? Savala may be able to play 10 for Presidents XV A?


Vay Wilson (31)
I think that Tejcek is good if not the best halfback in NSW for that age but I think the one that could knock him off would be Dalton (J) theyare almost the same players. I agree, watched the regionals and 2nd best would be McCormack in my eyes. Strang would probably be 3rd? Savala may be able to play 10 for Presidents XV A?
Haven't seen enough of Dalton to say, but McCormack (and Tejcek) have a lot of experience at higher rep level and you know they will perform under pressure.

I think your initial choice, Bell is a better 10 - reads the game well, takes it to the line and has a great pass and kicking game. Has good defence too having played a fair bit of rep league in addition to rep rugby. Savala has looked off the pace to me when I have seen him play, which I attributed to not playing club as well as school, and time out with Glengary.


Chris McKivat (8)
Minogue is back up NSW U15s #12 and, along with Easy (ISA) was preferred to Savala at Regionals. Savala has not played club for a couple of seasons and this has not helped his rugby.

I cant see the other Scots boys suggested by RugbyHd, Strang and Baker being selected over NSW U15s #9 Pat McCormack (N) and NSW #11 Dutallis. Im not sure whether Baker plays club rugby, but Strang, who also doesnt play club, was ranked behind Tejcek (CAS) and McCormack by Syd and NSW selectors at Regionals.

The #5 slot should go to NSW #5 Brown. #6 I would give to Dan Darwall (K) who played #7 for Syd U15s and was unlucky not to be selected for NSW.

That makes 15 of 15 who play in the SJRU U15 A Comp as well as GPS 15As and all bar two played at least District reps at the JSCs this year and Regionals, with a no. progressing to Syd and NSW teams. The additional tough match each week plus the rep campaign(s) for most gives them the edge over boys who only play school rugby.

I don't think it is exactly fair that you would pick a player over another just because they play club rugby? if you look at the good players that go on to higher rep honours in union has played club league. league offers alot in defence and teachers the kids alot and makes them better rugby players IMHO


Vay Wilson (31)
I don't think it is exactly fair that you would pick a player over another just because they play club rugby? if you look at the good players that go on to higher rep honours in union has played club league. league offers alot in defence and teachers the kids alot and makes them better rugby players IMHO
I haven't overlooked anyone on the basis of playing league vs club rugby. In fact, one of the boys I suggested has a strong league background so I'm not by any means opposed to it. My point of difference was in the amount of top level 'footy' being played. IMHO playing 2 games a week plus reps, ideally rugby but five kick ok for backs, gives boys a strong advantage over those that just play the school match each week. That feeds into form and its form that has dictated my suggestions. But as Eric Rush's Dad always cautioned, that's just one mans view:)


Trevor Allan (34)
By definition the AAGPS thread is about the opens competition. Suggest if correspondents want to discuss the junior comps that they start a new thread to ensure the discussion remains focused ;)


Bob McCowan (2)
Not sure if this has been said before, but I honestly think the Newington "Reign of Terror" has ended, two teams in the 16s? Sorry, but that's not promising.

Trent manning

Frank Row (1)
My predictions for the first XV for scots 2016:

1) Mitchell Smith
2) Charlie Jeavons-Fellows
3) Tim Creer
4) Charlie Crawford
5) Darcy Breen
6) Hugh Green
7) Harry Todd
8) George Miller
9) Ben Miller/ Seb Strang
10) Nic Shannon
11) Harrison Bishop
12) James Mcarthy/ Jake Styles
13) Billy Smith
14) Charlie Burnett
15) Winston Yunupingu

What is everyones thoughts?
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