Azzuri and NIS,
I understand your severe reservations on the age "grand finals" between the GPS and CAS, as it has never happened, needs head of school support etc.
BUT all things start somewhere, and I am sure that the ARU reads this thread, everybody in union you speak to has at least heard of Green and Gold Rugby.
Everyone I have ever spoken to thinks this is a good idea, and NIS there would be a lot of spectators interested in this.
Like all new ideas it needs to be developed and then SOLD otherwise let's not bother talking about the declining numbers in Junior Rugby.
ALL the relevant bodies could be enticed if the concept was fleshed out and trialled 1 year, what harm could that do, answer = NONE.
I think it is the responsibility of the ARU to either do something here themselves, or have another body, take control.
Of course this could also involve the wider public school system, perhaps in their own tournament, and indeed the QLD schools likewise.
Money could be generated from this and used wisely for good causes, which would draw good publicity for the game.