One or other, or both of you, may be telling porkies or taking the proverbial as happens with monotonous regularity around this time of the year on the Schoolboy threads. Doesn't matter, provided future contributions comply with forum rules and normal decency.
The Schoolboy Thread Moderators operate on a hair trigger most of the time. Be warned (everyone). Keep posting in accordance with forum rules in a civil manner and there will be no need for further intervention.
Schoolboy rugby is the lifeblood of the sport and because these threads are widely read we can't let immature and inappropriate shenanigans drag the site down. If moderator actions and sanctions seem inconsistent and disproportionate against what's allowed in other parts of the forums, we make no apologies. The posts on here are mostly about minors, and you all need to be mindful of that fact.
If it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck, walks like a duck... ... ... we will treat it like a duck, especially the ducks from posters without an established history of acceptable contributions on the forum. This is not a democracy. We also make no apologies if we get it wrong sometimes, but our batting average is extremely high and this is evidenced in the generally constructive, positive and mature level of postings here.