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NSW AAGPS Rugby 2013

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Ron Walden (29)
Good to see the quality of this thread go so rapidly south......a lot of first and dare I say last posters around. Could we possible have a few positive posts about the quality rugby I have been privileged enough to watch this season.
I'll start....scots 16bs last week lost to shore by 5 points ,this week beat view by maybe 5 points....three quality sides,clean games and hard as nails....don' t listen to the crap guys just keep it up.


Ted Fahey (11)
3rd XV
Any results/scores for the TAS V Kings match and the Shore V Newington match?
If Kings have beaten TAS we will have Joeys, Scots and Kings all on 12 points with Kings V Joeys next week and Scots V TAS.

John Brown

Bob McCowan (2)
the 16As at shore are in a shamble, watched them on Saturday and they were a mess, the kings boys ran all over them including a standout performance by big Cameron King (powerhouse) they ended up loosing by more than 40 points, but a good game on the field over in the 15As with the shore lads winning 17-0 which i heard is rare in the Shore 15As

this 16As result is a worry considering they have no players in the opens and the future at shore next year in the 1st-2nds is a worry with this quality of players coming through

You should get your facts right... there are a couple of Shore 16's players in the opens with another going up into the 2nds on Saturday. There is also about 5 players out injured in the 16A's too.

And yes Cameron King is an outstanding player getting 3 tries and setting up another, without Cameron the Kings 16A's is an average side.

And didn't the Shore beat Kings in the 2nds, and Kings won the firsts.


Allen Oxlade (6)
You should get your facts right. there are a couple of Shore 16's players in the opens with another going up into the 2nds on Saturday. There is also about 5 players out injured in the 16A's too.

And yes Cameron King is an outstanding player getting 3 tries and setting up another, without Cameron the Kings 16A's is an average side.

And didn't the Shore beat Kings in the 2nds, and Kings won the firsts.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Look shore 16s at full strength still wouldn't trouble the top 3 joeys scots and kings. I also don't think kings are at all a one man side they beat scots scholarship heavy side and went very well against joeys who are the supreme 16s team. In fact Cameron king didn't trouble joeys at all their other boys stepped up.

John Brown

Bob McCowan (2)
Look shore 16s at full strength still wouldn't trouble the top 3 joeys scots and kings. I also don't think kings are at all a one man side they beat scots scholarship heavy side and went very well against joeys who are the supreme 16s team. In fact Cameron king didn't trouble joeys at all their other boys stepped up.

Maybe not, but that should be discussed in the scholarship thread for what you have mentioned.

Kendrick Lamar

Bob McCowan (2)
Yes Kendrick, young Hayson has played many positions and wearing various numbers in 2012. What is remarkable this year is his transformation from an outside back to the piggies. Apart from Pocock another notable transition is my namesake! Jack's BIO for last year reads:
SJRU City v Country - #21
NSW State Champs (Norths) - #15
Aust U16s Champs - #12

What are you thoughts on him making the switch to 7? he isn't the biggest 6 in the GPS by far but he sure doesn't show it!

Kendrick Lamar

Bob McCowan (2)
I think he is better that lussick in my own opinion his pass is excellent can hit the 5/8 on the chest running full pace any where! and he has a huge boot whether it be a box kick or a chip kick like you saw in that video. Just needs to put on more size thats where lussick gets him

Kendrick Lamar

Bob McCowan (2)
I thought that on Saturday Jack Hayson (number 6) was the man of the match in my opinion he is a dominant ball player with a big engine that never stops! He is always up there with the most tackles per game and most pilfers in a game every game! and he has a terrific running game too, he use to be in the backs and still has all those skills which come in handy when your in the rough stuff with the big boys up front. Big future for this kid but i dont think he is a 6 i would like to see the coaches try him at 7 over the next couple of weeks because i see a Michael Hooper over there at iggies and he plays like Hooper too.


Chris McKivat (8)
3rd XV
Any results/scores for the TAS V Kings match and the Shore V Newington match?
If Kings have beaten TAS we will have Joeys, Scots and Kings all on 12 points with Kings V Joeys next week and Scots V TAS.

Shore had a win but cannot give score


Chris McKivat (8)
I think he is better that lussick in my own opinion his pass is excellent can hit the 5/8 on the chest running full pace any where! and he has a huge boot whether it be a box kick or a chip kick like you saw in that video. Just needs to put on more size thats where lussick gets him

Haven't seen much of him but I know Lussick has a very big boot, some of his box kicks in the past couple of weeks have bee monstrous, and Lussick's footwork around the ruck lately has enable him to make a number of line breaks and score a couple of tries.

DaveyPocock #legend

Stan Wickham (3)
I thought that on Saturday Jack Hayson (number 6) was the man of the match in my opinion he is a dominant ball player with a big engine that never stops! He is always up there with the most tackles per game and most pilfers in a game every game! and he has a terrific running game too, he use to be in the backs and still has all those skills which come in handy when your in the rough stuff with the big boys up front. Big future for this kid but i dont think he is a 6 i would like to see the coaches try him at 7 over the next couple of weeks because i see a Michael Hooper over there at iggies and he plays like Hooper too.

any bias towards this comment?


Stan Wickham (3)
any reports from the view verses grammar game?

Original name. I heard view 3rds played a great game but were let down a bit in the forwards particually the open side flanker. They will be very pleased with there win over a strong grammar side and will look forward to take on shore next week with the comp still wide open.


Frank Row (1)
Original name. I heard view 3rds played a great game but were let down a bit in the forwards particually the open side flanker. They will be very pleased with there win over a strong grammar side and will look forward to take on shore next week with the comp still wide open.

im not sure of your sources although ive heard the forwards dominated to grammar pack and as for the 7 i am unaware. any other information on the game?
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