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NSW AAGPS Rugby 2013

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
HSC Trial exam times for many schools. Some Year 12 boys may have decided to spend time hitting the books, and to rest some injuries/niggles which will let the Yr 11 boys get a go.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
HSC Trial exam times for many schools. Some Year 12 boys may have decided to spend time hitting the books, and to rest some injuries/niggles which will let the Yr 11 boys get a go.

How times have changed - don't kids worry anymore about what happens to their spot if the new bloke plays better than they have been?
That's whats wrong with this country - not enough self doubt!

George Smith

Ted Thorn (20)
HSC Trial exam times for many schools. Some Year 12 boys may have decided to spend time hitting the books, and to rest some injuries/niggles which will let the Yr 11 boys get a go.
How times have changed - don't kids worry anymore about what happens to their spot if the new bloke plays better than they have been?
That's whats wrong with this country - not enough self doubt!
If a Yr 12 thinks he can take a week off to cram then he probably will also be sleeping with his books under his pillow in the hope of some absorption. Either way, he will probably "fail" the HSC if he is remotely thinking of these strategies. [yes, yes, don't tell me you can't fail these days]


Herbert Moran (7)
How times have changed - don't kids worry anymore about what happens to their spot if the new bloke plays better than they have been?
That's whats wrong with this country - not enough self doubt!
There are plenty of kids in the firsts at all schools who are "protected" and never get dropped regardless of how poorly they may sometimes play or how poor their attitude or discipline may be.


Bill Watson (15)
I reckon Steve Smith from Box Hill didn't reckon on the "GPS" student. That is, these boys have an infatuation with bulking-up that either fall into the category of 'naivety' or 'schoolyard expert' but each have the common total disregard to ASADA/AAGPS/and their own health.
In relation to this, GPS student playing 16's gets told he needs to be benching 85kg by start of school next year, he currently benches 52kg, weighs in at 72kg, thats a huge increase. Which had him asking about supplements to help him along. One can only wonder.


Frank Row (1)
Head but by Riverview number 5 after the whistle at 6:20

I couldn't agree more with you main event. I think that for Schoolboy Rugby this is disgraceful, not in the true nature of the game. I will be very disappointed if no action is taken on the View number 5. Did anyone happen to see in the 3rd's game prior the number 14 from View head butt one of the King's blokes, splitting his nose open and sending him to the blood bin? Overall, quite a disgrace in my view.


Watty Friend (18)
I was a bit disgruntled today to find out that the dominating winger for New Josh Mitchell aka 'the bear' (as his on field name goes) has been dropped to the 2nd XV and 'replaced' by in-form ends five-eight Lachlan Anderson. This had come as a bittersweet moment to me as I know both players are excellent in their respective positions. But at the same time has mislead me as Josh was in the NSW 2nds and has been a star player for New for every game he has been in, putting in numerous tries and big hits.

Hopefully Josh will play his usual best on Saturday and 'somehow' prove this worth again. But nonetheless congratz to Lachlan Anderson, he has earnt it but not for the expense of Josh. Rant done.


Bob Loudon (25)
I was a bit disgruntled today to find out that the dominating winger for New Josh Mitchell aka 'the bear' (as his on field name goes) has been dropped to the 2nd XV and 'replaced' by in-form ends five-eight Lachlan Anderson. This had come as a bittersweet moment to me as I know both players are excellent in their respective positions. But at the same time has mislead me as Josh was in the NSW 2nds and has been a star player for New for every game he has been in, putting in numerous tries and big hits.

Hopefully Josh will play his usual best on Saturday and 'somehow' prove this worth again. But nonetheless congratz to Lachlan Anderson, he has earnt it but not for the expense of Josh. Rant done.

So who are the back three this weekend for New? I think they had to find a place for Anderson - he added a heap of spark when he came on against Shore! I don't really think you can say Josh has been dropped - he's fighting his way back from an injury! Josh's injury came at a bad time but I'm sure he will go well and keep the pressure on for his spot!

Also hard for Liam with his injury - the stocks of wingers/finishers of their quality are very depleted!

And on that subject - congrats to Michael Kambas on his debut for the 1st XV including a try I believe! Found the step up a bit difficult defensively but you can never take that run on away from the lad!

Cheers, Wreckless :)


Nev Cottrell (35)
Wow ... That does seem pretty bad ... Must say it seems like refs have a bloody tough job. And having done some coaching ... Every team, always has a nut ... And looks like no 5 for riverview is a complete lunatic, and should have a week off to think about it


Bob Loudon (25)
I was a bit disgruntled today ..............

Also - I am intrigued by the word "disgruntled"! This appears to be the only context for the word - I have never heard of anyone being described as "gruntled"! I myself have been disgruntled, but I can't remember being gruntled! It's like "inept" - have you ever come across an "ept" ref??!! And have you ever seen "flotsam" mentioned without "jetsam"? Can they exist on their own?

Just a thought! Cheers, Wreckless :)

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Also - I am intrigued by the word "disgruntled"! This appears to be the only context for the word - I have never heard of anyone being described as "gruntled"! I myself have been disgruntled, but I can't remember being gruntled! It's like "inept" - have you ever come across an "ept" ref??!! And have you ever seen "flotsam" mentioned without "jetsam"? Can they exist on their own?

Just a thought! Cheers, Wreckless :)

flotsam floats - part of a ship or cargo; jetsam is stuff thrown overboard - as in jettisoned.
the legal consequences of salvage varied according to which was which - and thats about all i know.
Can someone tell me the game times at New this week - in particular 3rds? and place


Bob Loudon (25)
flotsam floats - part of a ship or cargo; jetsam is stuff thrown overboard - as in jettisoned.
the legal consequences of salvage varied according to which was which - and thats about all i know.
Can someone tell me the game times at New this week - in particular 3rds? and place

IS - thanks for clearing that up for me! But - can one exist without the other? I've never seen it!

Games are at Stanmore vs. View this weekend - I believe as follows :

3rd's at 1.00pm
2nd's at 2.00pm
1st's at 3.15pm

I will confirm as soon as I know for sure.

Cheers, Wreckless


Herbert Moran (7)
I was a bit disgruntled today to find out that the dominating winger for New Josh Mitchell aka 'the bear' (as his on field name goes) has been dropped to the 2nd XV and 'replaced' by in-form ends five-eight Lachlan Anderson. This had come as a bittersweet moment to me as I know both players are excellent in their respective positions. But at the same time has mislead me as Josh was in the NSW 2nds and has been a star player for New for every game he has been in, putting in numerous tries and big hits.

Hopefully Josh will play his usual best on Saturday and 'somehow' prove this worth again. But nonetheless congratz to Lachlan Anderson, he has earnt it but not for the expense of Josh. Rant done.

WOW that is a big surprise to me that a NSW rep can be even considered to be dropped from a 1st XV team. Good luck to the riverview 2nd XV team now he is gonna be fired up and ready to go on the weekend im sure.

Would u know what the 1st and 2nd backlines look like now then??


Nev Cottrell (35)
As someone who remembers the early 90s and some of the great sydney high players ...like adam magro, Chris Whitaker, and Duncan mcrae ... It is sad how woeful high are

They should be completely out of gps comp

Google sydney high rugby, and you will see results of the 1sts that are disastrous, and 16s the same

Need to get below 15s for some respectability.

Anyway time to look at how to set up a gps/cas amalgamation with div 1 and 2

Knox v joeys would hold a lot more interest , across the age groups


Watty Friend (18)
flotsam floats - part of a ship or cargo; jetsam is stuff thrown overboard - as in jettisoned.
the legal consequences of salvage varied according to which was which - and thats about all i know.
Can someone tell me the game times at New this week - in particular 3rds? and place

Just checked it........
should most likely be playing at 1pm on the Johnson Oval as there is no need for grammar to reserve for yarda yarda, will you stay for the 1s IS?


Watty Friend (18)
WOW that is a big surprise to me that a NSW rep can be even considered to be dropped from a 1st XV team. Good luck to the riverview 2nd XV team now he is gonna be fired up and ready to go on the weekend im sure.

Would u know what the 1st and 2nd backlines look like now then??

I would post them up but I would face some doubts as it is early in the week and I know that New are facing many niggling injuries in the 1s and 2s and positional changes would be being made as well.

Ask again on friday!

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Head but by Riverview number 5 after the whistle at 6:20

That is a pretty nasty thing that #5 View appears to have done. Is there any context for that behaviour?

It is certainly most unwelcome in any form of rugby no matter what the provocation was, particularly after the final whistle!

It looked to be a rather blatant act in the video, yet I can't seem to recall any discussion about it during the match banter.

In the grown up version of the game, it is probably about an 8 weeks holiday IIRC what Bakkies Botha got for his head butt on Justin Marshall or whoever the Darkness #9 was that copped his wrath.
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