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Bill Watson (15)
Agree, as I wrote at HT today

“Joeys struggling at soaked Kings No.1, as stated previously Joeys style of rugby not good in wet weather and Joeys not playing wet weather footy tactics. Need short passes, one off the ruck and short kicks behind Kings defence.”

and last Sunday

“Joeys once again a run first team, passing the ball laterally 2/3 passes away from the ruck straight from the first phases making Scots forwards run a lot with multiple phases. I’m not a fan of going wide before earning the right to, myself, particularly when you have 8 and 12 who are two of the strongest hit up runners in the comp. However Thommo’s tactics certainly tired the Scots forwards who were gone by half time. Joeys forwards looked very fit (again) and
Joeys games against Auggies & Newington showed that rain will be the catalyst for Joeys season. Joeys were vulnerable against Auggies, as the rain meant Joeys found the long lateral passes tactics difficult with the slippery ball. Joeys struggled. Auggies used their short kicking game overt the defence to great effect, just as the All Blacks play in the wet.
Against Newington in the first half it was dry and Joeys could move the ball wide and looked dangerous leading 19-5 with Newington defending most of the half . But in the second half the rain came Joeys couldn’t move the ball wide and actually lost the second half 7-5.

Joeys are clear favourites but will be vulnerable to rain and/or muddy grounds. Particularly the away games at Riverview, Scots and New that turn into muddy swamps after an inch of rain. Joeys will be very hard to beat on a dry track.”
When I woke this morning and looked at the forecast, I recalled your post and a chill ran up my spine. I knew that the limited tactical flexibility of the coaching team would be a major issue today. The belligerent insistance on only playing one way really bit us on the backside today. Well done to Kings, 3 and 5 were epic for them.

The Chairman

Cyril Towers (30)
Right here we go.

I’ve seen the depths and disparity of the mid-2010s Shore School 1st XV. Those were truly challenging times. But it was there that we saw the heart of the school. The boys would rock up every week and cheer on even though they knew it was going to be a bloodbath. But then we enter a new era, one of renewal and success. The younger teams start to get better, better training is established, and better decisions are made. Now we stand in the modern day, with the world looking at us as the favourites. But only one thing stands between us and the title. RAIN. It was seen against SIC, where Grover and Bousie dismantled the Shore backline with their tactical kicks. They played compact, and Shore tried playing expansive rugby which naturally wouldn’t work. You would’ve thought they would learn from this, but it seems not. This time Stirling Bridge was flooded, the ball would stop when it hit the deck. But again, same thing happens. Rodwell is one of the best kickers in the comp, and Makasini is probably the best ball carrier in the comp. They stay the course. The kicking battles would be loss after loss, and Newington would march down and walk over. The forwards worked hard, but all Newington had to do was pick and go, wait for them to get sucked in and the winger would miss the tackle and its over. I believe in this team I really do. But they have got to start to get their heads together about how to gain territory with kicks and play APPROPRIATELY in the rain. In the dry, they are arguably the best team in the comp. But they MUST learn how to start winning kicking battles and play smart in the rain. Kicking the ball twice away when you have a scrum in your own 22 with 3 minutes left is not a good idea. Kicking a grubber when it is past full time when the ball doesnt move across the deck is not a good idea. Personally, I think they panicked but the strategy just was not there. Not enough forward utilisation and continually entering losing kicking battles killed them today. We hold faith, but reluctantly.


Jim Brennan

Frank Nicholson (4)
Oh, what a jolly tough match that was between Saint Ignatius and Scots College! The weather was frightfully wet, making for a rather challenging game with many a missed opportunity. Ignatius came ever so close to besting the lads from the east, but alas, they were unable to hold them off in the final minute or so. I dare say, Scots were quite fortunate to secure their first home win. Congratulations to them, though! The Ignatius boys fought valiantly, but they just didn't have enough to clinch the victory.


Bob Loudon (25)
Oh, what a jolly tough match that was between Saint Ignatius and Scots College! The weather was frightfully wet, making for a rather challenging game with many a missed opportunity. Ignatius came ever so close to besting the lads from the east, but alas, they were unable to hold them off in the final minute or so. I dare say, Scots were quite fortunate to secure their first home win. Congratulations to them, though! The Ignatius boys fought valiantly, but they just didn't have enough to clinch the victory.
Why did I read this in a British accent ?


Frank Nicholson (4)
Oh, what a jolly tough match that was between Saint Ignatius and Scots College! The weather was frightfully wet, making for a rather challenging game with many a missed opportunity. Ignatius came ever so close to besting the lads from the east, but alas, they were unable to hold them off in the final minute or so. I dare say, Scots were quite fortunate to secure their first home win. Congratulations to them, though! The Ignatius boys fought valiantly, but they just didn't have enough to clinch the victory.
A rather gallant effort from the lads, a shame the rain dampened many bounteous opportunities presented deep within oppositional territory. It does indeed truly seem that such immeasurable downfall foreshadowed a rather unpredictable and variable encounter betwixt two a foe.


Herbert Moran (7)
AAGPS Round 2 in 18 words

Joeys - looking the goods
Scots - just not clicking
View - undefeated dark horse
Shore - back on track
Kings - brave in defeat
New - need to lift
AAGPS Round 2 in 18 words

Joeys - looking the goods
Scots - just not clicking
View - undefeated dark horse
Shore - back on track
Kings - brave in defeat
New - need to lift
AAGPS Round 3 in 18 words

Scots - Splash and bash
Joeys - Wrong game plan
View - So so close
Shore - Looking over hyped
Kings - Pigs in mud
Newington - Great away win

Tiaan Biscuits

Bob McCowan (2)
Shore should be on their knees praying for rain for the Joeys game next Thursday

Dry track = Joeys by plenty

wet track = close game
Kings deserved winners today and Joeys inexplicable in their choice of tactics. Poor decisions across the park.
Re Shore praying for rain….I would say that all that will happen is that Joeys will learn from that and won’t make the same mistake again.
When they did play through their forwards and play genuine wet weather footy for about 10 mins in the second half, they scored two tries through Logan and Ghattas. Ghattas particularly was excellent today and if Warner is the clear choice for GPS 1, then Ghattas must be the next hooker picked. He was outstanding in an otherwise fairly pedestrian team which played the entirely wrong game for the conditions and compounded the error by getting frustrated when they made errors.


Watty Friend (18)
Proud of the Kings boys today. Clung on in the first half and worked their way into the game. I felt were the stronger team in the second half and took their chances well. Managed the conditions better. Kings forwards won the set piece and was even at the breakdown. Handling in backs was surprisingly good and some good tries.
Penalty try to Kings and yellow card to Joeys #8 will be a talking point - though Joeys hit back immediately with a try under the posts.
Joeys were quite a bit bigger and looked good going route 1 and the short side. Should have stuck to a simpler game plan.
All the Kings kids that came up from the seconds had excellent games and will put pressure on to retain their spots.
Thought Kings 8 was best on ground, strong carries and over the ball. Backrow contest was excellent with the Kings no names taking it to their more recognized counterparts (especially with TKS captain #6 going off early). Joeys 6 is huge!
Here's hoping the wet weather continues, plays to the teams strengths and nullifies the oppositions.
Weekend results has really opened up the comp, everyone still has a look in.


Allen Oxlade (6)
A day filled with brilliant games of rugby today. The White Oval began with TKS 7ths and Joeys 7ths with Joeys taking the win 35-7 after a rough game. Each game I saw there was a unrelenting battle between both teams which is great to see. Finally, the main event was rainy, miserable and muddy with TKS just scraping a victory against the favourites Joeys, capping off an intense and thrilling day of rugby. :)

The Chairman

Cyril Towers (30)
Competition Round 3 Stats


I'm begging you Newington have just 1 try scorer above everyone else.


Frank Row (1)
I completely disagree with you on this TSP. Shore were very solid against Kings. Yes, they may have let in a couple easy trys but it was on the back of some brilliant individual plays by some of the Kings players. I will be very surprised if Shore struggle against Newington especially at Northbridge. The crowds are only getting bigger for Shore and the footy is only getting better. I can say the complete opposite for Newington.

Would be happy to hear any rebuttals.


GPS Connoisseur

Stan Wickham (3)
Any standouts in 2nds Joeys V Kings match (both teams) Got to the 1sts but missed out on the 2nds coming from sons game
Last edited:


Bill Watson (15)
Proud of the Kings boys today. Clung on in the first half and worked their way into the game. I felt were the stronger team in the second half and took their chances well. Managed the conditions better. Kings forwards won the set piece and was even at the breakdown. Handling in backs was surprisingly good and some good tries.
Penalty try to Kings and yellow card to Joeys #8 will be a talking point - though Joeys hit back immediately with a try under the posts.
Joeys were quite a bit bigger and looked good going route 1 and the short side. Should have stuck to a simpler game plan.
All the Kings kids that came up from the seconds had excellent games and will put pressure on to retain their spots.
Thought Kings 8 was best on ground, strong carries and over the ball. Backrow contest was excellent with the Kings no names taking it to their more recognized counterparts (especially with TKS captain #6 going off early). Joeys 6 is huge!
Here's hoping the wet weather continues, plays to the teams strengths and nullifies the oppositions.
Weekend results has really opened up the comp, everyone still has a look in.
Do you mean Joeys 5? 6 is not huge. Only 2 and 5 for Joeys could be happy with their games today amongst the forwards. A lot of reflection required by all the others and as a whole, much more tactical nous must
Urgently be found.

The Cleaner

Ted Fahey (11)
I would always select any boy who plays rugby, including players who also play and/or are contracted to league clubs. At the age of 16-18 the NRL offers are going to be minimum quadruple what the ARU can offer. Who can blame a kid (particularly if his parents are doing it tough) for taking the better offer.

BUT many of these players may end up back in the Wallabies ranks in future years like Joseph-Aukuso Sua'ali'i. Let’s say Sua'ali'i was blacklisted from playing GPS 1st XV, NSW schools and the victorious Australian Schools team. There is no way he would have later signed with the Wallabies. Those great experiences he had in rugby including beating NZ would have helped the ARU signing him.

We need these players who pick league or it may be another +20 years before we win a Bledisloe again , interestingly that game in 2002 we had 2/3 ex-NRL players and two other Wallabies sons who now play league (both for CIS).

It’s also little investment as the NRL club will pay, coach and train these players for free before they return one day like Sua'ali'i.
Sua’ali’i was “bought back” Don’t forget. He chose league first. I’d agree to respectfully disagree with your view point. I want to see the Wallabies back to their glory days That we have in common I suppose. Good evening.