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New Zealand vs Argentina, Nov 14, 2020


Jim Lenehan (48)
Generally I agree but arguably the longest professional dynasty in Australian sports the QLD Maroons 8 in a row was overseen by Mal Meninga, and it’s pretty widely known he was an emotional leader not known for his coaching prowess. Of course it helps when your team is staked with future NRL legends.

I think a spirit/emotional coach can be highly successful especially at representative level where you’re only getting a group for a couple of months a year, but the playing group needs to be exceptional, of which that era of Wallabies weren’t.

Yes, but you need to factor in the number and frequency of games. A lot easier to go that route for three games a year vs. the 11-15 odd games a year that the Wallabies play. It's arguably not even as tactically challenging as you are playing the same opposition year after year at similar venues etc.. vs. the complications of coaching a International Rugby team, variety, travel etc..etc... Not to diminish his record, but I think it would be fair to say Meninga benefitted from particular cattle as much as some coaching masterclass.

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
Turns out I've been spoiled rotten by 20 years of NZ answering a loss with blood, murder, death and fury in the next match.

They had nothing.

Pre-programmed automatons who thought they could just truck it up like usual and the seas would part.

Fozzie has somehow taken the Super Rugby stallions of 8 weeks ago and turned them into geldings.



Up the Guts

Steve Williams (59)
Generally I agree but arguably the longest professional dynasty in Australian sports the QLD Maroons 8 in a row was overseen by Mal Meninga, and it’s pretty widely known he was an emotional leader not known for his coaching prowess. Of course it helps when your team is staked with future NRL legends.

I think a spirit/emotional coach can be highly successful especially at representative level where you’re only getting a group for a couple of months a year, but the playing group needs to be exceptional, of which that era of Wallabies weren’t.
Mal’s tenure was more like the first half of Hanson’s, blessed with generational talent that didn’t need coaching.


Andrew Slack (58)
I’ll add that I note that Cheika features in discussions across social media this morning. Lots of people find it an interesting sub-plot, even if some do not.

People love themselves a buffoon.


Mark Ella (57)
Ok if you are happy to mix threads with anything that goes by all means.
I completely understand why some people don’t want to talk about Cheika.

But he was an assistant coach in the game and the various points of discussion where the level of influence he had, if any, on the result and the contrast of tactics employed vs what tactics he employed as coach for the Wallabies. IMO it is entirely within the context of the thread. And i repeat that I don’t believe it is in anyway disrespectful to the Argentinian team to have this discussion. No one is diminishing the quality of their performance. They were fantastic.

Anyway - I’ve had my say, I’ll leave it at that.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
NZ panelists vert critical of on field leadership in the post game. Essentially not so subtle swipes at Sam Cane.

Not sure who else would be better suited to the captaincy - some of the more experienced blokes have really fallen off these last few games.

My immediate thought was Whitelock.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
^ taking a sabbatical next year (Covid permitting, of course) so was never really an option, we don't tend to "do" caretaker captains except in an emergency.

Cane obviously has to bear a captain's share of the blame but so, too, do others, Whitelock included, for such things as not taking the three when on offer, giving kickoff/ restart duties to Beaugan then asking Mo'unga to kick for the sideline (I wasn't that surprised when he overcooked it, he often tries for that extra & ultimately unnecessary metre or two).


Jim Lenehan (48)
They won back to back U20 RWC’s in 2018/19 , that group should be coming along nicely by 2023 and it’s in France.

A bit like this Argentinian performance yesterday, part of their issue has been focus and consistency, particularly around errors and fading out. People like Shaun Edwards joining the coaching staff looks to have really shorn up things like defence.


Ted Fahey (11)
As soon as he makes any assertion I just immediately think the exact opposite.

"Nothing in that, penalty at best"
So a straight red then.

"Not going to beat this team with 3's"
They should definitely take the 3 here.

Bewildering how often he just manages to get it 180 degrees of wrong.

That is known as the Showbag FitzSimon Factor. He is always wrong, the more convinced he is that he is right the greater likelihood that he is wrong. On all things, at all times.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Don’t have kayo at the moment so could only see the highlights on YouTube - gees wonder what the odds were for an argie win as I don’t think anybody was expecting that - especially given kiwis put out their full strength best side.

Like what Mario said in post match interview you could write a book about this win. Certainly creates lot more interest in the tri nations now.


Geoff Shaw (53)
ABs were $1.05 on Saturday morning, they were also heavy faves against Wobs last week (I got the Wallabies at $7).

The Nomad

Bob Davidson (42)
Don’t have kayo at the moment so could only see the highlights on YouTube - gees wonder what the odds were for an argie win as I don’t think anybody was expecting that - especially given kiwis put out their full strength best side.

Like what Mario said in post match interview you could write a book about this win. Certainly creates lot more interest in the tri nations now.
$13 for a straight out win on the Argies , which before the game most would have considered a little on the conservative side.