I was chuffed about the mention of due diligence, but I wonder who on the NRC Commission will do it; hopefully a firm with rugger partners will do so, gratis.
I also liked the mention of corporate interest, modest as it is.
People may think that 12 (expected) tenders out of 41 expressions of interest (EOI) is a low fraction but it probably isn't.
Parties had to express their interest formally to be involved in the dialogue of questions and answers and many prudently dropped out after that process. Plus many of the 41 EOIs would likely have been doubles—where the boxes for both individual and joint venture were ticked on the same application.
But the figure of 12 is only "expected".
It depends on the quality of the tenders, but if I were entering into an enterprise where I needed nine, ten or eleven participants I'd like to have more than twelve "expected" tenders.
If I wanted eight participants I'd like twelve definite tenders; so I think that eight (the minimum) is the right number of teams for the NRC in Year 1.
It may be the job of the Commission to do a bit of cajoling to merge the interests of some of the applicants.