David Wilson (68)
fuck me they can’t win can they. Being pilloried for living beyond their means, then when they propose to severely reduce their expenses by moving to an affordable venue that they would have a stake in, gather more government funding that would cost so much less than AAMI, they get roasted for that. Is that not value added?The Tarneit proposal, at a surface level, doesn't seem to address the underlying cash flow issue; if anything, it will magnify those issues through the loss of corporate support and matchday income that comes with shifting from the CBD to the outer suburbs. Even with $20million capital raising from investors, surely they don't want this just used to pay off debts, I'm curious where's the value-add proposition in their investment?
When you also consider that one of the main people driving the Tarneit proposal is also the father of one of the directors currently liable for ATO debt held against the Rebels, the whole proposal smells a bit off.
Also regarding the father/daughter, there’s not that many influential people willing to burn millions on a rugby club in Melbourne. It’s not a shock that they would have already been involved.
I gather that everyone outside Vic have now reached the conclusion that no matter what, Rebels are unsustainable no matter the proposal.