Andrew Slack (58)
McLoitering <verb> Pronunciation: ~Muk-loih-tuh-ree-ng~
Definition: The act of of magically hanging around on the opposing side of a ruck in rugby in such a manner the that referee will deem this rather fortunate positioning as being totally "accidental" and not by design.
Synonyms: Many synonyms exist, Notables include "Richie McCaw", "All Black Captain", "number 7" and the rather frequently used "fucking cheating Kiwi bastard"
Also see:
McNotRollingAway (sometimes confused for the "McRollAwayNumberSeven" but technically different)
McCleanout- for some utterly bizarre reason an act not used often enough by opposing players. Some believe this is due to the presence of the much admired "McHalo" and the McConfusion with God.
McYellowCard - a long lost legend. Never witnessed by modern man. Said to have been used in Yak Wars during the yearly 100's. Facts are based on some cave drawings discovered by a lost, drunk Australian supporter who was looking for a place to take a piss after having his team McReamed (again) in McHeadquarters.
Definition: The act of of magically hanging around on the opposing side of a ruck in rugby in such a manner the that referee will deem this rather fortunate positioning as being totally "accidental" and not by design.
Synonyms: Many synonyms exist, Notables include "Richie McCaw", "All Black Captain", "number 7" and the rather frequently used "fucking cheating Kiwi bastard"
Also see:
McNotRollingAway (sometimes confused for the "McRollAwayNumberSeven" but technically different)
McCleanout- for some utterly bizarre reason an act not used often enough by opposing players. Some believe this is due to the presence of the much admired "McHalo" and the McConfusion with God.
McYellowCard - a long lost legend. Never witnessed by modern man. Said to have been used in Yak Wars during the yearly 100's. Facts are based on some cave drawings discovered by a lost, drunk Australian supporter who was looking for a place to take a piss after having his team McReamed (again) in McHeadquarters.