I find it a stupid response to say this is bad journalism and the reason it's come up is crap.
I witnessed it, I know other people that witnessed it, the people quoted in the article witnessed it.
There is an underlying current of hatred, I can tell you that as I witnessed it, I'm angry about it and I find it stupid and beyond acceptable.
I have witnessed dickheads and I don't accept there behavior whether it be from someone from my own country or someone else's.
The incidents I witnessed where not an individual but groups and collectives that not only found these actions funny, acceptable and needed but joined in or fired up if someone tried to stop them.
To call it a minority is one thing, but to sweep it under a rug and ignore it's happening is to condone it. If itisnt acceptable to the greater majority of NZs then they should be the first stepping in to calm there fellow countrymen down and point out the stupidity and shame associated with the behavior on display.
If it's acceptable for the incidents I saw, then in four years time, will it be more acceptable, does it escalate, do we end up with old school soccer riots where your not just required to cheer your team but land a couple of blows as well. That's not a port I want to follow, nor do I want future generations. The smart thing is to talk about it without causing histerior and then deal with it right now so it doesn't happen again, not to shrug the shoulders, say it's others fault and leave those involved to feel like there heroes.