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ISA Rugby 2014

2014 Champions

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
A couple of others gone for the season too I'm told.

Tukipili would be missed at rep level. He consistently troubled opponents last year and could be relied on to graft up good metres in close. Will he be going staying in heavensgame and going to Marlins Colts or stay on the dark side with the <insert car maker> Cup in 2015?

Are the others likely ISA reps (he asked in the complete ignorance of the historical evidence showing that 80% of Augies 1st XV will be in either ISA I or ISA II)?

May be time to reconsider the chances of ISA I beating CAS I this year. With a solid core of fit Augies lads, ISA would fancy their chances. Missing 3 or 4 key Augies lads, the favouritism would swing back to CAS.


Charlie Fox (21)

May be time to reconsider the chances of ISA I beating CAS I this year. With a solid core of fit Augies lads, ISA would fancy their chances. Missing 3 or 4 key Augies lads, the favouritism would swing back to CAS.[/quote]

I don't know where you are sitting, but from here i cannot HEAR any women singing, amply proportioned or otherwise.
things are quiet from down brookie and it would seem dentists may have been better employed to draw more info from those on the peninsular, but only one player has been named as out for any extended period. As robust as he appears he was, he is not on either of the recent 16s teams list that performed well over the past couple of years. It may be the ISA in this age has more than a veneer of talent.
Did last year's ISA front row not come from the Central coast and Strathfield ?

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Tukipili would be missed at rep level. He consistently troubled opponents last year and could be relied on to graft up good metres in close. Will he be going staying in heavensgame and going to Marlins Colts or stay on the dark side with the <insert car maker> Cup in 2015?

Are the others likely ISA reps (he asked in the complete ignorance of the historical evidence showing that 80% of Augies 1st XV will be in either ISA I or ISA II)?

May be time to reconsider the chances of ISA I beating CAS I this year. With a solid core of fit Augies lads, ISA would fancy their chances. Missing 3 or 4 key Augies lads, the favouritism would swing back to CAS.

I understand the aftermath of the NZ tour has provided work for a couple of orthopeadic surgeons.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
did last year's ISA front row not come from the Central coast and Strathfield ?

I'll have to dive into reference material not at hand right now, but last year ISA I fatties were Aisea T (Aug), and J Partridge (Oak).
ISA II was C Davidson (Chev) and "forgot name but should have been ISA Is" (St Pats).
Probs another 2 fatties on the Bench for ISA II's.

Team Manager

Bob McCowan (2)
There are two boys (from NSW Country) who go to St Greg's who made the NSW Under 17s team last year. Unfortunately the representative season for NSW and other states was a bit of a non event, so there wasn't much opportunity to see these boys in action, however maybe they should get a look in.


Charlie Fox (21)
There are two boys (from NSW Country) who go to St Greg's who made the NSW Under 17s team last year. Unfortunately the representative season for NSW and other states was a bit of a non event, so there wasn't much opportunity to see these boys in action, however maybe they should get a look in.
are you in a place to expand on that ... Positions if you don't want to give names ?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Toohey is an excellent player at fullback - strong runner and excellent defender. Is definitely not as effective playing in the backline (5/8 or centre).


Allen Oxlade (6)
There are any number of #4 & #5s that will challenge for the ISA postions. Not sure that Pius will have the personal to be considered versus Auggies, Kinross and Stannies (to name a few).


Stan Wickham (3)
Pats went down to Joey's 1st's 31-15 today after leading 15-12 at halftime. It's becoming a trend that Pat's come firing out in the first half and just struggle to keep that momentum in the second. Joseph Carbo was a standout in attack and defence, as was Albert Jenson showing to ISA selectors that they are in contention. Disappointing to see Angus Chapman walk off with a shoulder injury. Pat's backline were able to beat Joey's and run around them on occasion which is good sign heading into next week's game against Pius. Full credit to Joey's, they stuck it out the whole game and their class showed in the second half.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
That is a very respectable score line vs Joeys for Pats, although one suspects if both schools were at full strength the score would be slightly different.


Allen Oxlade (6)
Pius 1st XV played a trial against Joey's 4th XV today.
Two short halves of 25 minutes on a small field (with a very skinny in-goal).
The game was scrappy with a strong chilly westerly giving a decided advantage to Pius in the first half - which they used well.
Early on the Pius scrum was solid against a sizable Joeys pack, and even managed a tight-head.
The wind made line-outs difficult, and the in the second half (trailing narrowly) Joeys didn't use the wind effectively. Early in the 2nd half they won a tighthead while defending inside their 25, and kicked, only to see the ball travel 85 metres and go dead - and play to be bought back for a scrum. They seemed a little gun-shy after that and didn't kick well. They used their big forwards almost too much from then on and Pius defended well across the paddock.

The end result was a Pius win (approx. 24-17), hard to say exactly because the was no scoreboard and there were no touch judges (fairly poor).
It was a trial, and it was against Joey's 4ths.
So how will Pius go this year ??
Pius don't seem to have settled on their tight 5 (particularly the front row), and the acid-test will come next week against Pats. They missed their fullback Toohey (out injured), and have a couple of injuries to their backline (#10) that would provide more options.


Johnnie Wallace (23)
Saw both Pats and Pius play today and both were fairly impressive. Massive wraps for Pats who really stepped it up and even though Joeys were missing around 8 boys they were still very good. Dominate in the forwards for most of the game but as stated before Joeys showed some class at points and got away with the win. I'd expect Pats to be serious contenders if they keep performing as they did today.

Pius were also good against a Joeys 4th side who were stronger then the grade suggests. BillyBlack you have to remember that it was a 4th grade game from Joeys point of view and the main fields were out of action due to athletics. Regardless Pius seemed to have some good structure and had some size about them, you could definitely tell it was a 1st grade side against a lower grade one. Overall a good showing from the ISA sides today.

Don't have a report but Stannies beat Riverview 17-15 in the snow at Bathurst. Despite View also missing a few thats a massive boost for Stannies. Outside Braidon Burns is one to watch for rep honours

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
News in off the GPS thread is that Stannies v View was won by Stannies 17-15.

View missing a few in GPS Athletics.

Was it too cold for the city boys? It can get as cold and miserable as a kiss from the Mother- in-Law out Bathurst way, and today was rather miserable in Sydney.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
News in off the GPS thread is that Stannies v View was won by Stannies 17-15.

View missing a few in GPS Athletics.

Was it too cold for the city boys? It can get as cold and miserable as a kiss from the Mother- in-Law out Bathurst way, and today was rather miserable in Sydney.

Snow, ice on the road between Lithgow and Bathurst thunderstorms etc etc according to the radio this afternoon.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Bathurst can feel like it's the coldest place in the world,especially when the Stannies boys have got their tails up,and you swear the ref is killing you deliberately....


Allen Oxlade (6)
Well they did score 20+ tries against Joeys, but it was a Joeys D/E squad, so I would say that it was a total mismatch.
That said, you can only play against the competition that is put in front of you, and Pius did do particularly well.
They were a strong U13 side, and obviously are continuing their form.
Let's see how they fair against "like-same" teams i.e 14A teams.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
There are some tough roosters on the other side of the Blue Mountains.

Fire, Flood, Draught, Snow, or Plagues just happen, and the country folk just get on with it.
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