Jesus this thread isn't called the "bitch and moan about the problems in the wallabies and ARU" it's called "how to fix the wallabies" (and ARU). QH and Gnostic (and TWAS, half among others) you aresaying what the problems are (which is correct, you've got to know what the problem is to solve it), but you DON'T PROPOSE ANY SOLUTIONS.
The thing is torpedo, that there's no simple fix. If there was, even the ARU might have been able to come up with it.
You want to fix the Wallabies, then allow 10-15 years for it to happen on a meaningful basis.
At the moment the root of the problem is there aren't enough young kids playing the game and there haven't been for at least 10 years. It's just that the time lag between decline of base and decline of Wallabies has meant that it's taken this long for many to realise that there is even a problem to fix.
(Predicated on the basis that anyone has enough money to implement these - which the ARU clearly don't).
Increase junior participation in club based competitions (as opposed to school based competitions). This would require the ARU to provide DOs to traditional rugby areas AND significant community support in setting up junior clubs in non-trditional rugby areas and DOs to those areas.
In Sydney - return club juniors to a Saturday competition based on north, south and west zones instead of a Sydney wide competition. Hockey is infinitly smaller - but can manage this structure. (Although junior club hockey is expanding at about the same rate that junior club rugby is contracting)
Provide coaching and organisational support to state schools to enable schools to play 15 a side Wednesday (secondary) and Friday (primary) competitions. Both of which existed in the past but have disappeared - even in traditional rugby areas.
Put a logical structure in place from 6s to Wallabies with each level having a relationship with the level above and below. At the moment we have things such as JGC and NRC which sit outside other structures. (Not saying who is right - just that it needs to be fixed.) Junior village to district club to NRC club to super club to Wallabies. As a part of this rationalise the number of different junior representative pathways (many of which overlap and/or have the same kids playing multiple levels).
The education of coaches is clearly a problem - as it stands we have a dearth of coaching talent. Encourage innovation and difference instead of white bread sameness. The skill level of our elite players is well short of what is should be - we have players who have been in elite junior programmes since their mid teens - many can't pass both sides, can't kick to save their lives and have limited tactical nous beyond "run it".
That's probably enough suggested solutions to be going on with, but it aint going to happen by Saturday night in Wellington. It's a long, tough road ahead and I'm not sure that those charged with running the game (a) appreciate the extent of the problem and (b) have sufficient understanding of how the game functions outside of a narrow social clique to do so.
EDIT: I'll now affix the crash helmet for the incoming from the ARU apologists on these threads.