Phil Hardcastle (33)
I certainly don't want my staff out in our relatively small community as the spokespeople for some extreme viewpoint, and watch one half or other of my clientele walk. Maybe fine for some of you highly principalled types (who aren't trying to run a small business), but I have to battle on out here in the real world.
By the way, that doiesn't mean I oppose his positions, in fact many of them I support.
I understand you're talking about the broader issue, as he also had the mining incident. How is it relevant here though? It's not an extreme position for him to want homophobia out of the game - it's the policy of his employer and he's an ambassador for the very issue. It's very different from being a private employee of a small business. I'd like my employees to speak up if something didn't meet the professional workplace standards that I'd defined, particularly if another employee was brining my reputation into disrepute by going around using those terms.