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Homophobic remark in Tahs Brumbies game

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Mark Ella (57)
im not asking anything, don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying that alot of people that fall into these categories wern't even alive during these times of extreme prejudice so it is in many cases a moot point

2 people have mentioned that in the last half dozen pages or so of this thread, one of which is yourself, don't think you need to really quote yourself do you? aaaaand your point is? are you insinuating i'm white? not homosexual? i don't see why else you'd include it in your post otherwise? you know sweet FA about me and the majority of other posters on this forum, i could be a little green man from outer space for all you know

I knew you lot (of little green men) existed

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Why do you need to fix it ? Is it a disease ?
Don't you have to make them normal? <sarc>

My sister really agonised what she did wrong with raising my nephew after he came out to her and his siblings a year or two back.

It still took her more than a year to come to terms with that and tell us the "secret" that we already knew (siblings talk).


Mark Ella (57)
Don't you have to make them normal? <sarc>

My sister really agonised what she did wrong with raising my nephew after he came out to her and his siblings a year or two back.

It still took her more than a year to come to terms with that and tell us the "secret" that we already knew (siblings talk).

Mate I understand a parents right to be PERSONALLY disappointed.

However I bet your sister's love for her son wasn't diminished


Dick Tooth (41)
It's not a sledging issue, it's a code of conduct one.

  1. (k) not to do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult or humiliate another participant on the ground of the religion, sexual orientation, disability, race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the person;

There's nothing in there regarding general abuse or sledging. It's pretty cut and dried. This is what you can't do, Potgeiter has done it and he's been penalised for it. It's not like Pocock and Moore are leading some noble crusade, it's more that they've brought up a workplace bullying issue with HR.

Chris McCracken

Jim Clark (26)
Alright, completely off-topic. You guys who are quoting the stat for the suicide rate being 6 times higher for LGBT, where does that come from? I'm not questioning it. I would just love to know the source.

I am working on a project which requires suicide stats broken down by different demos and the ABS, among others, can't provide that data broken down by anything other than age and broad location.

I want to figure out who compiled that. They may have some raw data that could help me.

Sorry to take the focus off the discussion. Please get back to misinterpreting one another.


Stan Wickham (3)
I'm sure there's statistics out there, and i think they probably only tell half the story. There would be many more who would have been unsuccessful, and just as many who did it while they were internally struggling to come to terms with their sexuality, and hadn't let many (or any) people know. Having a gay sibling (who used to be an avid poster on this forum, and gothetahs before it) i can tell you the damage words like this cause, there should be no debate about it whatsoever. Unfortunately it seems, some people just don't get it.


Mark Ella (57)
Vic Richardson, the vice-captain, turned to his team. "All right, which one of you bastards called this bastard a bastard?"

This immediately brought to mind the scene in Game of Thrones with Tyrion calling out John Snow on his bastardry. '.... never forget it, because nobody else will. Wear it like a badge of honour, then it can never be used as a weapon to hurt you again.' Poorly paraphrased of course.

A tactic many of my friends have used calling themselves "poof", nigger etc. It all comes back to context and intent, I have called my friends some appalling things, in affection and friendly byplay. Said with derision and intent to instil negative feeling saying "have a nice day" can evoke an emotional response. If the barb is aimed at a person's sensitivities the effect is compounded and can have far reaching consequences, especially if the delivery is from somebody of community standing. This is why Jackpot was wrong, and the only way for people to truly understand that is for them to empathise with those so effected.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I'm sure there's statistics out there, and i think they probably only tell half the story. There would be many more who would have been unsuccessful, and just as many who did it while they were internally struggling to come to terms with their sexuality, and hadn't let many (or any) people know. Having a gay sibling (who used to be an avid poster on this forum, and gothetahs before it) i can tell you the damage words like this cause, there should be no debate about it whatsoever. Unfortunately it seems, some people just don't get it.
What is "it" in this sentence?

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
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