Peter Sullivan (51)
For the most part, they are. If the player is down and not moving, the neck is always stabilised, and then an assessment is made.Every head knock should get treated as a potential neck injury. It seems bizarre that the incident got reviewed and cleared of foul play, but none were concerned that Vests’ neck went sideways and what that might mean.
Makes missing a forward pass seem pretty insignificant.
Clearly the medics were comfortable that there was minimal risk of neck injury, despite later realisation. I don’t believe this is that unusual for stable fractures - all the medics have to go off on the field is player feedback on what hurts, where it hurts, how bad it hurts, and what movements can be made. Wouldn’t be the first time a player has downplayed or not immediately recognised the severity of an injury.
The medics nor anyone else on the field would not have seen his neck position in the tackle, as no replays were seemingly shown on the big screen. By the time the replay was shown, and comms could’ve been sent through, I believe Vest was already up and walking off.