Extra Time. AUS to kick off.
SAF still have a man in the bin.
Jenkins wins the kickoff restart.
Knock on awarded against AUS. SAF Scrum.
SAF awarded penalty, kick for touch burns up time. Sinbin over. SAF now back to 7 men and win lineout.
SAF knock on. Our ball.
This is golden point. SAF penalised on halfway. AUS taking time to restart with a tap.
And we blow a golden overlap with a greedy Laloifi not passing to free man outside him.
SAF Penalty. Kick it out on halfway. SAF Lineout, but stolen by AUS.
22 metres out. AUS grinding it up. Siren sounds for half time in extra time. This is as tense as.
AUS could/should be in front and will rue not taking chances.
2nd half extra time: Golden point. SAF to kick off.
Parahi receives and sets it up.
Penalty for AUS !! Cecil Afrika nearly YC. AUS with Gilbert on 1/2 way.
SAF Yellow Card Offside too often, AUS 7 players SAF = 6 players. 3 minutes left.
AUS get PK. Clarkie takes a shot and butchers it badly. 2 minutes left SAF drop off at 22 meters.
AUS retain the pill and have overlap into 22. Laloifi passes to Parahi who scores out wide with about 1 minute left.
Final Score 24 Australia 19 SAF.
The extra time and probable injury to Walker may count against us up against the Black Tide from across the Tasman in the Final. The Men in Gold were out on their feet, effectively having to play two games, while The Darkness were enjoying a break in the shade.
AS it happened, as per IRB web site:
1st Half
0:43, Shannon Walker, AUS, Try
1:15, James Stannard, AUS, Conversion
2:04, Con Foley, AUS, Try
2:33, James Stannard, AUS, Conversion
5:59, Jamba Ulengo, RSA, Try
6:40, Justin Geduld, RSA, Conversion
2nd Half
0:13, Ed Jenkins, AUS, Try
0:32, Jesse Parahi, AUS, Substitution
0:53, James Stannard, AUS, ConMiss
1:34, Jamba Ulengo, RSA, Try
2:11, Justin Geduld, RSA, Conversion
2:18, Cecil Afrika, RSA, Substitution
3:35, Stephan Dippenaar, RSA, Try
3:53, Paul Asquith, AUS, Substitution
4:26, Justin Geduld, RSA, ConMiss
4:42, Sampie Mastriet, RSA, Substitution
5:50, Alex Gibbon, AUS, Substitution
6:53, Justin Geduld, RSA, Sin Bin
7:06, Junior Laloifi, AUS, Substitution
Extra Time
0:01, Steven Hunt, RSA, Substitution
8:55, Sampie Mastriet, RSA, Sin Bin
10:16, Cameron Clark, AUS, PenMiss
10:32, Mark Richards, RSA, Substitution
11:21, Jesse Parahi, AUS, Try