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Ewen McKenzie: Wallaby Coach

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Train Without a Station

This statement makes me think that your glasses might be a tad rose coloured.

I'm only basing this on the amount of basic handling, tactical and defensive errors the 2012 All Blacks made.

Perhaps the previous teams were no better. In hindsight we do tend to forget the bad and only remember the good.


Sydney Middleton (9)
The All Blacks have regressed since then, the competition has just regressed further.
So on the whole world rugby is worse than it was ten years ago? I don't know what stat(s) you look at to come to this conclusion. Are there more draws now, so there are fewer wins? Or is it just a feeling you get?

Train Without a Station

Just basing it on the quality of rugby and skill execution. Is that a stupid thing to base it on?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Just watched full press release from Link - I think its highlights one of his best gifts... and that is he gets to know the players and talks about creating depth in individual positions... so good to hear.

He also talks about getting to know the players 'as individuals / people' to work out what makes them tick. SOOOO refreshing to have someone that actually understands how to make players perform at their best....!

Think this season RC will bevery interesting now...............

BTW Pulver also states that Deans was gone regardless of BIL games.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Just basing it on the quality of rugby and skill execution. Is that a stupid thing to base it on?

Right, so it's your opinion, ie: baseless. I much prefer watching rugby now then I did 10 years ago. Is that because rugby is a better standard now? Have law changes impacted the style? Have my personal preferences changed? Is it the medium that rugby is delivered through now?

'Quality' is too subjective, but skill is not and I think rugby players are much more skilful now than they were 10 years ago. All you have to look at is the chip kicks, flick passes, banana kicks, long cutout passing etc.


Ward Prentice (10)
What would be considered a successful first 6 months for the new coach? Just curious as to the standard people here will measure him by
Win the Bledisloe. And the Four Nations. And undefeated EOYT. Debut young players seamlessly into the team in key positions, unearthing previously unknown, but crazily talented 120kg tight head prop and No.8 and 110kg hard running, ball playing inside centre. All the while playing attacking, ball in hand, entertaining rugby. Successfully appeal results of game 2 of Lions tour, result reversed, humble pie from all of UK. Then upwards from here for next year.


Tony Shaw (54)
Four facts from the media conference:

one, under a query, BP confirmed the incident whereby JO'C and KB (Kurtley Beale) failed to catch the team bus for training last week and came instead by taxi;

two, also under query, the change now to Link would have occurred irrespective of Test 3 BIL being won or lost;

three, BP confirmed that senior Wallaby players were extensively consulted re 'coaching matters' over the last few months;

four, extensive due diligence and interview processes did take place wrt to the final selection of national coach.

All revealing.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I agree with the sentiment but i would not leave out "team culture" as an area that needs to be addressed - i happen to think the mere appointment of Link (first ex wallaby coach since Brock, i think) will go a long way in this area.

Hopefully one of the first things Link does is to have a squad gathering with a no holds barred discussion. Where players can clear the air between the squad members.

It was one of the first things that Declan Kidney did (and one of the best things he did for Irish rugby) when he took over from Eddie O'Sullivan. For many years there had been tension between Munster and Leinster players which descended into all out war during and post our RWC 2007 debacle.

Although Kidney's negative tactics hamstrung the team for many years he still should get a lot of credit for getting Munster and Leinster players to work together for the national team. Now there's still fierce rivalry between the two when they are wearing red or blue but in green they've all learned to pull in the same direction.

Hopefully link can do something similar with the Wobs. Clearly there is tension due to JOC (James O'Connor) and Beale's actions. Giving players a chance to bury the hatchet and start over with everyone on a clean slate will do wonders for what seems to be deflated morale.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Four facts from the media conference:

one, under a query, BP confirmed the incident whereby JO'C and KB (Kurtley Beale) failed to catch the team bus for training last week and came instead by taxi;

two, also under query, the change now to Link would have occurred irrespective of Test 3 BIL being won or lost;

three, BP confirmed that senior Wallaby players were extensively consulted re 'coaching matters' over the last few months;

four, extensive due diligence and interview processes did take place wrt to the final selection of national coach.

All revealing.
I call bullshit.

2)It's not credible to suggest that RD would be gooone if they won the series.That would have been 2 wins and a very very unlucky loss.If that was the case,they should have removed him prior to the series.
3)If they have been extensively consulted senior players,then they have white anted the bloke,and made him a lame duck coach.
4) What else is he going to say? "Fuck, I read the papers on Sunday and thought I better do something"
Spin doctor.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Jesus wept. I was delighted yesterday to see that this thread had started in such a positive manner. Then I read it today and it's full of arguments about Deans and all the optimism for Link seems to have evaporated in less than 24hrs.

Keep going at this rate and the English will be hard pushed to retain their whinging championship for RWC 2015. It may take you guys beating them (subsequently knocking them out) in the pool stage where a questionable decision for a try decides the game.

Deans is gone now, he wasn't the worst coach in the world, but he wasn't the right coach for Aus. That became widely apparent after RWC 2011 and he should have gone then. He didn't so we all had 2 years to bemoan that fact.

Now he's finally gone and the man most wanted is in the hot seat. I'll continue to be optimistic on your behalf. Hope link does an excellent job and the world gets to witness that spirit of adventure and skillful attacking rugby from Aus that has been so sorely missed.


Tim Horan (67)
Well, while I liked White for job, I fully understand why Link got job, and say bloody good on him! Hope everyone supports him, and there is one other thing I can get mileage out of, with QC (Quade Cooper) almost guarnateed being in team, I can now say without fear of contradiction from mates the jersey is YELLOW:p


John Solomon (38)
Well, while I liked White for job, I fully understand why Link got job, and say bloody good on him! Hope everyone supports him, and there is one other thing I can get mileage out of, with QC (Quade Cooper) almost guarnateed being in team, I can now say without fear of contradiction from mates the jersey is YELLOW:p

Its official. Reading the judgements from the judicial officers, it is yellow.


Mark Ella (57)
Win the Bledisloe. And the Four Nations. And undefeated EOYT. Debut young players seamlessly into the team in key positions, unearthing previously unknown, but crazily talented 120kg tight head prop and No.8 and 110kg hard running, ball playing inside centre. All the while playing attacking, ball in hand, entertaining rugby. Successfully appeal results of game 2 of Lions tour, result reversed, humble pie from all of UK. Then upwards from here for next year.

Anything else?


Bill McLean (32)
Anything else?

Bring about World Peace and solve the issue of widespread poverty whilst single handedly taking Rugby Union to its rightful place on the Global sporting stage as the most popular game on earth!

Anyone know where I can watch the presser?? Missed it as was on a plane.
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