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Ewen McKenzie: Wallaby Coach

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Colin Windon (37)
No way, with two home games this year, we need to win the Bledisloe Cup THIS YEAR!! If we don't, then we have to play two games away next year to try and get the trophy. No likely.
Then in 2015, with the RWC we are probsbly only going to play 2 tests, so we will need to win home and away. Once again, not likely
If we don't win the Bledisloe Cup this year, I don't see us winning it until possibly 2016 when we will have 2 home games again.


Mark Ella (57)
First thing first. Link has to finish with the Reds and we are finals bound so naturally in with a shot at a second tiltle.


Bill McLean (32)
First thing first. Link has to finish with the Reds and we are finals bound so naturally in with a shot at a second tiltle.

Are you sure that's how it will work? I thought he'd be straight into the ARU headquarters starting to sort out the absolute mess he has inherited.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
He's a big boy. He can multi task.

But will his first wallaby side be based on what is there now, or will he start from scratch? Can't imagine tinkering with the forward pack is on the cards to any great degree, but backs need a few tweaks

I hate autocorrect ...


David Codey (61)
He's a big boy. He can multi task.

But will his first wallaby side be based on what is there now, or will he start from scratch? Can't imagine tinkering with the forward pack is on the cards to any great degree, but backs need a few tweaks

I hate autocorrect .

Yeah, forward pack doesn't have much wrong apart from Alexander at THP. The core is there.

The backs will be significantly different I expect. The reds halves with the form players in the other spots.

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)



Herbert Moran (7)
They say good things come in threes: ditching mickey Arthur for Boof, ditching Gillard for anything and ditching Deans for Ewen. All good, the Lions test series defeat is just a distant memory now!


John Thornett (49)
At the end of the day you have to give Link credit for playing his cards right. It was a big call announcing that he was moving out of the head coaching job at the Reds. There weren't many other obvious options if this didn't come off. He wanted the top job and ensured the Reds would be well looked after when he moved on.
I like to think he'll bring this to the Wallabies. Balls to make big calls on and off the field and develop a legacy that will last after he finishes up.
I hope it all comes off.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Damn it! Really wishing I'd signed up for a Tom Waterhouse account after he posted these odds! Should've put $100 on it....



Dick Tooth (41)
Think that this is a great move for the Wallabies, Link is just the guy that they need right now. There are a lot of big calls needed in the back line in particular, and the culture needs improvement talent alone isn't enough as Gary Player said "the more I practise the luckier I get."

Most importantly he is Australian, so there won't be the issues that Deans had bubbling away under the surface no matter what the results. All in all its a big win for Australian rugby.


Alfred Walker (16)
Great to see Ewen finally rewarded would have been a crime to overlook him given the success he has brought to the Waratahs and Reds. Look forward to seeing the changes he will bring to this side. I'm sure Jake White would have done a better job than Deans, his results at the Brumbies and with SA show he has what it takes but at this stage in time we needed to get an Aussie coach back at the helm.


Chilla Wilson (44)
What ewen did for the reds in a season, he has just over month to do before kick off against The AB's. What a big test for him, gets given this mess and plays the ALl Blacks 1st up. Welcome to international rugby coach. Ewen is all over this....

For the first time in years I'm really excited about the wallbabies again.


Ted Fahey (11)
Link used to be prolific on Twitter. He suddenly stopped. Anyone know why ? Anyway, stoked he is our new leader.


Dave Cowper (27)
He has 100% record against NZ teams this year!

I'm not sure he can continue that but I actually believe he has a shot, I havent thought that about the wobblies in a LONG time.


Tom Lawton (22)
Congratulations Wobs on getting a new coach. Its just a bit of a pity that the forum is going to be so quiet now with no anti-deans vitriol to be thrown around.


Tim Horan (67)
Wasn't it the interview process that knocked Deans out of the running for the ABs job?
Apparently he stuffed interview for All Blacks job because he went in with no team of assistants named to help him.
Though there were quite strong suggestions that the NZRU indicated quite strongly he wasn't really the second choice.......and there were only 2 standing for job.


Tim Horan (67)
He has 100% record against NZ teams this year!

I'm not sure he can continue that but I actually believe he has a shot, I havent thought that about the wobblies in a LONG time.
Not quite sure why having a 100% against NZ super teams equals as good news in Test rugby, personally I think it's irrelevant. Because Reds lost to SA teams does that mean Wallabies can't beat SA??
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