Peter Sullivan (51)
Just one large post to give all my thoughts.
I gave Georgina the benefit of the doubt when this started but I hope she pulls her head in after this. Really disappointed in a journo I actually really liked.
Feel for Link. Really do. Hopefully for the Reds he may go back there. With all the choice signings wouldn't it be great for Reds fans to have link back? Not to mention I think the team would also love it.
Eddie Jones would be best advised staying in Japan. He doesn't need the stress coming back here surely - though I'd love to see him back just for the entertainment.
Jake White would not be too bad. I think we need an Aussie but then again I also think we need a hard arse.
Larkham - not enough experience.
Nick Mallet - not bad an option at all.
Chieka - I think he should stay at the Tahs & continue to work the campaign of winning over more fans to Rugby in Sydney. Given the competitive sporting market there I think they need to ride the momentum. And won't his appointment just fuel media spec elsewhere about the "tahs-clique" theory - media will continue to have a field day (just maybe not in Sydney this time).
Now, the rest of this message is brought to you by pure rage & Red Bull.
As for the whole "we are Australians get behind the wallabies or fuck off you're not an Australian", well fuck you right back. Don't bring into question peoples national identity or their national loyalty over a damn sporting team. As passionate as I am about my sport no one is going to die. Given I spent around 6 and a half years serving my country in the ADF I suppose my priorities are different. I guess I should look at anyone who hasn't done national service as someone who doesn't love this country as much as I do. But that would be a ridiculous thing for me to do - however it would not nearly be as ridiculous as someone saying "you're an Australian & you're not going to follow our men's Rugby team until their behaviour're not Australian". Lol, er no
I've been fortunate to have been raised by a member of the "greatest generation" & one from the "silent generation" - they taught me about "mateship" which has been bandied around a lot by a few Wallabies players of late. But what I also learnt from my old school senpai's would be the other quintessential Australian concepts of "Fair-Go" & standing up for the right thing - this has been fundamentally lost in the Wallabies squad over time & has now come to a head. Loyalty to each other without a collective belief in the right principles is faulty. This is the last time I'm posting about my thoughts on the Wallabies behaviour as I'd just be going in circles.
The Wallabies are our baby!? WTF?, no. More like a red-headed step child that needs the crap smacked out of it (I have red heads in my family I can say it
Basically what it boils down to for me is that this Australian will start following the Wallabies again when they start acting like Australians again. In the mean time everyone else on here sign up for national service for STRAYA or piss off to ISIS ya c****.
(And I hope some of my sarcasm in this post isnt lost over the internet).
I gave Georgina the benefit of the doubt when this started but I hope she pulls her head in after this. Really disappointed in a journo I actually really liked.
Feel for Link. Really do. Hopefully for the Reds he may go back there. With all the choice signings wouldn't it be great for Reds fans to have link back? Not to mention I think the team would also love it.
Eddie Jones would be best advised staying in Japan. He doesn't need the stress coming back here surely - though I'd love to see him back just for the entertainment.
Jake White would not be too bad. I think we need an Aussie but then again I also think we need a hard arse.
Larkham - not enough experience.
Nick Mallet - not bad an option at all.
Chieka - I think he should stay at the Tahs & continue to work the campaign of winning over more fans to Rugby in Sydney. Given the competitive sporting market there I think they need to ride the momentum. And won't his appointment just fuel media spec elsewhere about the "tahs-clique" theory - media will continue to have a field day (just maybe not in Sydney this time).
Now, the rest of this message is brought to you by pure rage & Red Bull.
As for the whole "we are Australians get behind the wallabies or fuck off you're not an Australian", well fuck you right back. Don't bring into question peoples national identity or their national loyalty over a damn sporting team. As passionate as I am about my sport no one is going to die. Given I spent around 6 and a half years serving my country in the ADF I suppose my priorities are different. I guess I should look at anyone who hasn't done national service as someone who doesn't love this country as much as I do. But that would be a ridiculous thing for me to do - however it would not nearly be as ridiculous as someone saying "you're an Australian & you're not going to follow our men's Rugby team until their behaviour're not Australian". Lol, er no
I've been fortunate to have been raised by a member of the "greatest generation" & one from the "silent generation" - they taught me about "mateship" which has been bandied around a lot by a few Wallabies players of late. But what I also learnt from my old school senpai's would be the other quintessential Australian concepts of "Fair-Go" & standing up for the right thing - this has been fundamentally lost in the Wallabies squad over time & has now come to a head. Loyalty to each other without a collective belief in the right principles is faulty. This is the last time I'm posting about my thoughts on the Wallabies behaviour as I'd just be going in circles.
The Wallabies are our baby!? WTF?, no. More like a red-headed step child that needs the crap smacked out of it (I have red heads in my family I can say it
Basically what it boils down to for me is that this Australian will start following the Wallabies again when they start acting like Australians again. In the mean time everyone else on here sign up for national service for STRAYA or piss off to ISIS ya c****.
(And I hope some of my sarcasm in this post isnt lost over the internet).