• Welcome to the forums of Green & Gold Rugby.
    We have recently made some changes to the amount of discussions boards on the forum.
    Over the coming months we will continue to make more changes to make the forum more user friendly for all to use.
    Thanks, Admin.

Evolution at Green and Gold Rugby - PLEASE READ

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
Fair enough, Ath.
I misread the first bit, hence my reply. Sorry about that.
I did consider the merit of your views, I posted my bit to put forward my own. The volume of stuff that has to be moderated is, at times, large, and can sometimes present a lot of work for a small number of people. Bear in mind we all have jobs outside this, so we try as best we can to apply due diligence to the process. But we don't always get it spot on, sometimes we react as much as anyone to provocative posts and so on. Hence I suggest that if you, or anyone feels it has been done wrong, let me or us know.
Just so you know, to get a ban, a poster usually needs form, unless it is spam or off-the-charts crap, so it is not the case that a single reaction to a poor parochial post will result in that.
As far as accountability goes, it is privately owned, run by volunteers and funded mostly by donation and selling a few T-shirts, hoodies and stubby-coolers. The shareholders meeting is a solitary affair!! ;)


Some posters here (and yes, I am going to pick the low fruit; reds aligned posters) repeatedly push an agenda without regard to the broader view. When a poster reacts directly to that provincialism, the upshot is they get banned.

Ath, thanks for the feedback. We always want to do things better and as Cyclo says, sometimes things get missed in the wash or is viewed differently by different mods (a bit like the SANZAR refs, right? :) ).

Can you please provide some examples of your point above? Send a PM to any of the mods so we can take this off line.


Alex Ross (28)
Just out of interest, who are the mods? There's a list in the rules thread, but it seems slightly out of date.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member

Thanks for piping up.

If you're happy to step forward and say - "I don't like how things are being handled" though, then yes you will need to back yourself up with some examples over and above "it's just the vibe I get". The vibe you get is very important, but by definition is a subjective one. For the moderating group and improve our performance, we need examples to examine and act on.

And this is an important point - we are a moderating group. Because this is no-one's full time (or even part time) job, we work off the donated time of a group of individuals. There is no one person who oversees every warning, altercation and banning. Because of this group approach, things will not always be consistent, as we are all different people. We do try our best though, and evaluating clear incidents is the best/only way to do this. So please do PM us with better examples of what you mean if you really would like action, we are sincerely interested.

As for mods expressing opinions - believe it or not, the mods do have them when it comes to rugby, and they didn't join a rugby forum just so that they could moderate it for everyone else! (even if that is where they've ended up spending most of their time). Indeed it's their passion for rugby that drives them to donate their free time.

So, interpreting your post, I'll not apologise for expressing an opinion about Robbie Deans and his coaching. If I should ban or warn someone for just having the opposite view, that would be a different matter. Feel free to point out where that has happened. The idea that we need to balance out our moderating group in line with all rugby issues is also plainly unworkable. The point is that if we get our moderating right, that shouldn't matter.

Finally - yes, the moderation policy has hardened a bit of late - we see it as correction of sorts. It may step on a few toes in the short term, but it's for the long term good.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Reading back, the intention wasn't to be "a tonne of bricks" on a reasonable poster like yourself Athilnaur - apologies if it comes across that way.

Truth is we work hard and sweat over getting a balance right - so maybe you hit a nerve!

Please do give us feedback - both here and via PM.


Just out of interest, who are the mods? There's a list in the rules thread, but it seems slightly out of date.

The easiest way to identify a mod is to look at the panel where the user name is located. Dark Green fill under the avatar indicates a mod.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ Grandpa Jarse always said that you should learn something new each day.

Thanks Daz for that little hint. Mission accomplished.
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Peter Johnson (47)
So we are a few weeks into this new format. I have to say I think it is killing the forum a bit. It feels like people are posting less, and there is generally less discussion.

Furthermore I personally find having to flick between the game forum and the main forum rather annoying.

What does everyone else think?


Geoff Shaw (53)
So we are a few weeks into this new format. I have to say I think it is killing the forum a bit. It feels like people are posting less, and there is generally less discussion.

Furthermore I personally find having to flick between the game forum and the main forum rather annoying.

What does everyone else think?

Find the thread you like, comment on it, and then let the alerts function do the work.

I do see your point though, any thread on this site posted to any forum other than 'rugby discussion' is doomed to mediocrity (with notable exceptions at certain times of year).


Peter Johnson (47)
Cheers mate I'll give it a go.

I still stand by my original point that I made a few pages back that we should re-merge the two main subs and just make the front page longer.


Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
I check out the forums I am most interested in first then use the what's new button I have the what's new button as a bookmark for easy access.

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I'm with Bowside, I reckon this new format is killing the forum. The "What's New" button also seems to ignore certain threads recently updated.


Having a sub-forum is killing the place?
Sorry if that sounded dramatic :oops: . I just find the rugby debates to be less coherent now that they are distributed...and I find myself less willing to contribute to threads. Some may like that of course ;)


Mark Loane (55)
I think you are ignoring the ebb and the flow of the place. I haven't been around for a long time, but it quitens down noticebly when rugby isn't being played and also when the Wallabies are up North. We have just had 3 weeks of no Rugby (hence less to discuss), followed up by a tour into the NH.

This place gets firing when Super rugby kicks off and then probably tapers for the rest of the year. That's how it seems to me anyway.


Nick Farr-Jones (63)
Staff member
Yeah, traffic has noticeably tapered off since the TRC in both blog and forum but that is usual.

Feedback on sub-forums noted, although not at panic stations just yet!
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