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EOYT 2014

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Train Without a Station

Giteau played for the Reds under The Coach?

As part of his throwing his toys out of the cot with Deans he made some tweet about Link being able to understand/motivate his players or something similar.


Cyril Towers (30)
In the thread that shall not be named people loved throwing absolute crap out like "Cheika wouldn't have put up with this", "Cheika would have put a broom through the place", "Cheika would have cured cancer and eradicated Ebola".

Indeed. Not all that unexpected given what's happened though. In fact I seem to remember quite a lot of rumbling about McKenzie being Jesus on stilts when Robbie was in charge, and Robbie being the rugby world's Optimus Prime when Knuckles was in charge.

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Jim Lenehan (48)
My squad

Props - Slipper, Kepu, Alexander, Sio, Robinson, Cowan
Hookers - TPN, Fainga'a, Hansen
locks - Horwill, Simo, Carter, Skelton
Backrow - Fardy, Higgers, Palu, McCalman, Hooper, Hodgson
Halves - Genia, Phipps, White
5/8 - Cooper, Foley
Centres - To'omua, Lilo, Godwin, Kuridrani, Horne
Back three - Folau, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Speight, Tomane


Ken Catchpole (46)
As part of his throwing his toys out of the cot with Deans he made some tweet about Link being able to understand/motivate his players or something similar.

ahhh, thanks. if Giteau gives an opinion on team management and harmony, it must be so
even if he recants a couple of years later

Teh Other Dave

Alan Cameron (40)
I expect to receive a crap flood for this, but I'd be inclined to blood Godwin in Brisbane for the Bledisloe, I think he'll be required for the RWC and he needs some time in the side; there aren't too many tests left.

Train Without a Station

ahhh, thanks. if Giteau gives an opinion on team management and harmony, it must be so
even if he recants a couple of years later

I'd take it with as large a grain of salt as Mitchell's defense of Beale to be honest.

Was more pointing out that all the great things about Cheika's bond with his players were all said about Link too.


Ken Catchpole (46)
I'd take it with as large a grain of salt as Mitchell's defense of Beale to be honest.

Was more pointing out that all the great things about Cheika's bond with his players were all said about Link too.

isn't all present coach praise by any player to be ignored?
after all, no player is disinterested in the matter, is he/she?
it might even be said that almost every player has vested interest in retention of his/her current coach, mightn't it?


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Wales have been in free fall since then, the form of some crucial players in Gatlandball have fallen off a cliff as well. They are usually pretty vulnerable in their first game of a series.

Ireland have a lot of injuries in the pack and are clueless as to who should replace BOD. I'd be backing the Wobs to win 4/5 at the moment regardless of their terrible form, lets not forget they were in probably worse form on paper last year and beat Ireland Wales and Scotland pretty comfortably.
Are there no standout Irish 13s in the pro12?
Isn't Matt O'Connor playing D'Arcy at 13 for Leinster. Perhaps an option for Schmidt to push him out in to midfield?


Colin Windon (37)
Are there no standout Irish 13s in the pro12?
Isn't Matt O'Connor playing D'Arcy at 13 for Leinster. Perhaps an option for Schmidt to push him out in to midfield?

D'Arcy looks like the front-runner right now, and he has BOD's nod of approval. D'Arcy is playing 13 against Zebre this week, while O'Connor jerks Ian Madigan around again and shifts him from 12 back to 10 -- but this time as a starter. (Is D'Arcy growing his hideous beard back?) Robbie Henshaw in Connacht could grow into the role; he's doing a good bit of work out west and sometimes tackles like a back rower, just ferocious power. There's talk of Tommy Bowe maybe getting a run there -- he's played 13 in the past, but is probably a better weapon on the wing. Jared Payne is starting at 13 for Ulster against Glasgow, and he could be interesting. He's a good all-around footballer, generally clever, and with Rob Kearney probably the nailed-on 15 (barring injury), Payne may have a better shot of making his Ireland debut at 13.

D'Arcy, Payne and Henshaw seem like a stable of outside centers Schmidt could work with.


Dick Tooth (41)
Are there no standout Irish 13s in the pro12?
Isn't Matt O'Connor playing D'Arcy at 13 for Leinster. Perhaps an option for Schmidt to push him out in to midfield?

No one has really stood out so far, Schmidt seems to be pushing Payne or Henshaw as his preferred options at this stage. We've seen a few other options show their potential (Stuart Olding in particular) so far in the Pro 12 but there hasn't been anyone dominating game after game.

D'Arcy is lining out at 13 for Leinster but I'm not sure he is quick enough to play there internationally plus he is a pretty crucial defensive cog at 12 for Ireland.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
We need to blood Goodwin at 12, depth is problem in that position and if To'omua goes down all our back-line structures crumble. Godwin would be up there to get some valuable game-time IMO.

I agree. Godwin and To'omua are very interchangeable in my view. Both play similar games and have similar strengths. With time for Godwin to learn the structures and moves it would almost be a seamless change to include one if the other is injured. If a particular game requires more of a hit-it-up straight runner type, atm that should be Luke Inman. Would like to see all of them tour. Lealiifano to backup Quade and Foley at 10 as well as Folau at 15.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Pretty telling he was never wanted on the bench.

Probably because he offered much the same on the bench as Beale. With Beale missing out, it might enhance Christian's chances to make the bench, at least, this test. He would be about the best cover for 15 if AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is needed to stay on the wing.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Either Godwin or Lilo. Going on form, I'd have Godwin right now. I suspect that Foley will start, with either Lilo or Cooper on the bench. Personally, I'd rather see Cooper get a full 80 with City again!

Do I detect a hidden agenda? Personally. I'd prefer to see Quade get his chance in the test.
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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I don't think Cheika would make a good Test coach anyway, he'd have to significantly change his coaching philosophy. Neglected set piece, high running game and all based on a strong physical dominance. Won't work with the Wallabies.

Not without Jackpot.


Cyril Towers (30)
I'd rather not have us "whisker" anything - I want a united and committed squad going there to lay waste to all and sundry.

To show the pricks Aussie rugby can be a beautiful thing, with a hard-nosed core. I want the forwards to be a fucking broadsword while the backs are a rapier.
So like the All Blacks then?

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Rugby Is My Life

Herbert Moran (7)
What happened to Wallaby teams being known for being one step ahead of teams through creativity and imagination? Apart from beating a VERY ordinary French team 3-0, we've been very ordinary and only displayed tiny glimpses of what is possible when we bust our a$$e$ to defend (SA test) and attack with ball in hand (Arg test last season + 2 of 3 French tests).

The coming EOYT must be used as a dummy run for RWC 2015, taking into account the troops returning to duty soon such as Moore, TPN, Pocock, Sio, etc.

If we're weak in an area or not 100% sure about others - throw the dice and don't die wondering. We've seen what some guys can/cannot do this season in Wallaby colours. Let other guys have a chance and mould a group over 4-5 weeks together. We lack mongrel, authority, leadership and at times basic skills.

Importantly for our own sake, we have to beat England at Twickenham and continue Wales drought of recent losses to us.

Train Without a Station

How come every side we beat is ordinary?

Get with the program Sully. That's the way it is. If they lose to us, the must be ordinary. South Africa for example. So ordinary. Oh they beat the All Blacks? Must have just brought them down to their level then.

The new de rigueur ala Matthew Burke is to describe them as ordinary when we beat them and then simultaneously talk them up as tough opponents coming up.


David Codey (61)
I had a mate who isn't a Union fan but kinda getting into it say oh our pools so tough we are screwed. Im like when was the last time Wales beat us.. England have and be tough and we will hammer Fiji. We will be fine
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