According to the World Rugby Protocols each player will have to pass a six stage process with each stage a minimum of 24 hours and unlikely any journalists know what the final result will be..
As they played on a Sunday it will be a close call to get either props cleared in time:
"World Rugby’s six-stage Graduated Return to Play protocol must be followed before a player is cleared to participate in full contact training or playing.
Key features of the protocol include:
After a player has been diagnosed with a concussion, they are monitored and may only commence the return to play protocol when symptom free
Progressing to each new stage also requires that the player remain free of symptoms. Should any of the activities defined in each stage trigger recurrence of symptoms or signs of a concussion, the activities should be discontinued and the player must return to the prior phase in the protocol
Every player is treated as an individual and objective decisions about treatment are made based on the current injury, past medical history, risk profile of the player and the player’s response to each stage of the return to play protocol
This return to play protocol features a medically supervised six-stage process, starting with complete rest followed by light exercise with gradually increasing intensity culminating with contact training. Each stage is a minimum of 24 hours but often longer
The player must remain at the pre-concussion baseline level clear of signs and symptoms during activities outlined in each phase and remain so after before being cleared to move to the next stage
Having completed the six stages, a player may only return to play when they have completed a comprehensive neurocognitive test.
This return to play protocol, combined with the Head Injury Assessment (HIA) process used to assess head injuries during and after a game, has transformed the identification, removal and supervision of players with concussion in elite rugby, an approach followed by other sports."