I no longer feel the same passion that I did for the Wallabies from about 2012 through to the World Cup.
Aside from the Scotland and BILs games, I loved every win, and bemoaned and got angry at every loss.
I thought it was just the Fox Sports arrogance, and a little bit of Schadenfreude based on that.
But it continued. And I think that's a combination of Cheika, Moore and a minority of very poor losers.
Highlander, I understand where you coming form a lot, while I am an AB supporter, and still am and always will be, I am losing some enthusiasm for test rugby in general, particularly between NZ/Aus because I find the minority of 'fans' (and I use the word loosely) from both countries are taking away the enjoyment of it. Perhaps I getting old, but I have always found I enjoyed being able to discuss rugby with people from allover the world with whoever they support and found that we may like different players, styles of play etc etc, we now seem to be just getting non stop excuses why our team lost, didn't win by as much as we thought, why the other fans are really not as good as we are, and are bad sports because they don't agree with me etc. Ok I dislike intensely the booing of Quade (and I actually tell people to shut up when I hear it), but actually don't know any kiwi that does it personally, I felt the same about the rubbish Richie copped from fans here, but most proper knowledgeable rugby fans don't really get into any of that crap in my opinion. I not sure if it rugby forums, the press from the countries that are helping to spoil game for us, I personally find things like the Clown cartoons from both NZ and Aus papers bad taste, and the ad done by Kearnsie, Marto, Horan and Kafe before the poms came here even probably more disappointing as they former players.
And not every ref is against Wallabies, All Blacks or whoever you support, they just referee to best of their ability and make mistakes as do players who are not useless bacause they make a mistake or odd bad decision in game.
Anyway thats about it, just thought I would say I can see where you coming form, and think I need xmas off and then get back to watching my local club play, and remembering how much I really still love the game of rugby, and the reasons I have for most of my 62 years on earth.

Perhaps I just not the type to grace rugby forums.