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Dewar Shield 2018 + Other Vic Comps


Chris McKivat (8)
I think next year, with the wider squad for the Rebels and they lesser teams in the Dewar Shield should see the standard rise a bit with more professional players playing in the comp.

Should be good fun.
We can only hope. Some of these boys would be lucky to play 10 games in a year.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I think next year, with the wider squad for the Rebels and they lesser teams in the Dewar Shield should see the standard rise a bit with more professional players playing in the comp.

Should be good fun.

Here's hoping! Particularly if a few of the red shirt blokes like Gus Cottrell stick around.
Would you be able to name the clubs that run on a $200k budget.
I think most clubs would be lucky to have over $20k in the bank.

Most 4-5 team Dewar Shield clubs run on a $200k budget, particularly if they have a junior club attached. That's not saying they have over $20k in the bank account, budget =/= budget surplus. It's the money coming in and out.

Most clubs would pay more than $20k in player/team rego alone I'd say.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Interesting that with all the rumoured coach shake ups that most clubs are running with the same coaches.


Frank Row (1)
I did think that was a bit high in retrospect, but that was what I was told by a Club Presidento. but dosh is dosh and eight home games is now seven. My interest in club rugby is varied, so I go to different games at different clubs, I am not a member of one club though - soz

$10k for a typical Senior home game - I don't think so. Losing a home game isn't ideal for club finances - but speaking on behalf of the clubs that get stuck hosting Friday night games not having those is the greatest plus to the draw. Ourselves, EH and Rams get stuck hosting all the Friday nights games and they are terrible for club finances - we had to host 2 Friday night games last season. I don't think there were many other options than to go to 8 teams.


Frank Row (1)
Here's hoping! Particularly if a few of the red shirt blokes like Gus Cottrell stick around.

Most 4-5 team Dewar Shield clubs run on a $200k budget, particularly if they have a junior club attached. That's not saying they have over $20k in the bank account, budget =/= budget surplus. It's the money coming in and out.

Most clubs would pay more than $20k in player/team rego alone I'd say.

I think you mean annual turnover instead of budget - and I think you are being a bit optimistic on a number of the clubs having such an annual turnover. The bigger clubs with large junior numbers would easily - we take slightly more in Junior Rego Fees than in Senior Rego Fees but we have the largest junior numbers in the state. I suspect there would be a number of clubs that would be well below this figure and are barely making ends meet unfortunately and going from the last Rugby Vic clubs meeting there is still $60k in teams fees from across the competition outstanding from last season.


Trevor Allan (34)
Pretty sure JC and Patches are still at Moorabbin. I know the Endeavour coach was signed on for 2 years and last year was his first. I can't see BH changing from Noni either, they seemed to play well under him.

Quick list of the clubs

Quins - Pom (assumption)
Melbourne - Tumai (assumption)
Box Hill - Noni (assumption)
Uni - Tyronne (confirmed)
Endeavour - Neil (assumption)
House - Eric Tom and Cole Mooney (confirm https://www.facebook.com/PowerHouseRugby/posts/1740771495935263)
Footscray - I think Tia was signed on for 2 years
Moorabbin - JC and Patches seem to be running pre-season.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I don't think being signed for longer periods of time really means much in club football haha - didn't know it was even a thing.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Pretty sure JC and Patches are still at Moorabbin. I know the Endeavour coach was signed on for 2 years and last year was his first. I can't see BH changing from Noni either, they seemed to play well under him.

Quick list of the clubs

Quins - Pom (assumption)
Melbourne - Tumai (assumption)
Box Hill - Noni (assumption)
Uni - Tyronne (confirmed)
Endeavour - Neil (assumption)
House - Eric Tom and Cole Mooney (confirm https://www.facebook.com/PowerHouseRugby/posts/1740771495935263)
Footscray - I think Tui was signed on for 2 years
Moorabbin - JC and Patches seem to be running pre-season.

Any further mail? Who's Tui at Footscray?


Chilla Wilson (44)
Any news around the grounds? So far from what I hear around the grounds it sounds like Melbourne, Harlequins, Moorabbin, University and Footscray will be vying for the top 4.

Apparently no coach at Quins just yet though.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Interesting rumour that the majority of the very talented Box Hill Fijian clique will be playing for my boys this year. Wonder what happened there.


Trevor Allan (34)
Interesting rumour that the majority of the very talented Box Hill Fijian clique will be playing for my boys this year. Wonder what happened there.

Massive if true, would be interesting to see how they go on playing the Melbourne structure as they always seem to play best when the game breaks down a bit and they can do what they want.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Massive if true, would be interesting to see how they go on playing the Melbourne structure as they always seem to play best when the game breaks down a bit and they can do what they want.

The two Fijian blokes already with us do alright, 2 or 3 more will be fine.


Darby Loudon (17)
Fijians certainly play a certain way but the fact there's so many playing in so many systems shows there's nothing inherently stopping them playing structured rugby.

The more interesting conversation is why have they left Box Hill?? And what has made the boys go to Melbourne?