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Colts 2013

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The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
To which I reply BS and hopefully those things are being addressed by those charged in setting guidelines for 2014 !

To the extent you apparently have inside knowledge - which one ,which two? Since where they live or are enrolled have anything to do with it on the northern beaches if you mean some hitherto Rats juniors. If the club you represent is as well run as it no doubt is you won't have any problem attracting them back will you. Still once you get a taste of Manly its hard to leave .....;)

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
First of all,I do not represent anyone.
Secondly you clearly have in idea of the workings down there or you would immediately know who was referenced above.
Thirdly,don't be snide about a club with less resources than yours.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Absolutely Dave,that is a given.
Good luck to Manly,they have worked hard and smart to be where they are.
This series of posts were purely in response to a incorrect and glib statement about why 3 star Schoolboys changed clubs.


Vay Wilson (31)
Taking into account the scorelines in the qualification finals (1v4 & 2v3) of 100 and change vs 5 and 40 vs 13 are you advocating we reduce the final series to a two team event only, as Uni and Manly have clearly cornerned the market in elitism? Adding to that, the fact that 8th beat 5th in all games and 7th beat 6th in a couple of games of the elimination finals, it reminds most of us that this is a game played mostly for enjoyment and that giving these kids a chance to test themselves against each other after slogging it out for 18 rounds is still the principle reason for playing. Not to satisfy the Ego's of those who believe they hold some social or personal status off the back of a teams performance. In fact if you took Uni and Manly out of the competition it would be "more competitive". Is this what you desire, your own 2 team competition?

Your use of the terms "elite" and "also rans" clearly indicate you feel there are some within the game unworthy of playing against your team. Rather than narrowing the focus on who the elite are, why not embrace everyone's participation in what constitutes the competition and allow them a brief moment in the sun, even it if it momentarily delays your desire for your own glory.
So I guess you are from the generation where everyone gets a prize. My point wasn't about whether 8 could beat 5 or anything like that. Simply if you are including teams have have only won 4 out of 14 games then you maybe might need to re evaluate.
As you don't know me or my background your desire to label me as some elitist inspired by my own glory is well, you couldn't have been more off the mark from how I think sport should be played. I like the idea of people participating and enjoying their sport. I just think that a 5 team semi final series would lead to a bigger importance on playing well all season.

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Absolutely Dave,that is a given.
Good luck to Manly,they have worked hard and smart to be where they are.
This series of posts were purely in response to a incorrect and glib statement about why 3 star Schoolboys changed clubs.

Gee ILTW talk about chippy down there at Rat Park - thanks for acknowleding Manly have worked hard and smart but I'm not going to let the " glib" and "snide" comments go unanswered . Get your house in order before you come out swinging . Results speak for themselves and it ain't just about money - its got a lot to do with vision and culture . Plenty of millionaires north of the bends .

Michael Hunt

Frank Row (1)
Gee ILTW talk about chippy down there at Rat Park - thanks for acknowleding Manly have worked hard and smart but I'm not going to let the " glib" and "snide" comments go unanswered . Get your house in order before you come out swinging . Results speak for themselves and it ain't just about money - its got a lot to do with vision and culture . Plenty of millionaires north of the bends .

Can you two stop your bickering! You are giving a bad name to both clubs. What has happened in regards to juniors going elsewhere is irrelevant and manly would have still had a good side without them. As someone involved with the rats I am proud of their effort to make it this far and hopefully they can make it even further!

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Indeed it is albeit in the best traditions of the rivalry ! There is more that unites the clubs beyond a good home gate each year . A colts grand final between the Rats and Marlins in a few years should be the goal but we'd probably be ousted for anti competitive conduct ! The Rats acheivements with Colts this year are to be genuinely applauded - you've learned from "Big Brother" :)


Phil Hardcastle (33)
The game between Souths and Norths in Colts 1 next weekend will be a beauty. Souths will be relying on ther big pack to dominate and provide the go forward. Norths last week against Manly realy competed well with the scoreline not really giving the best picture of how the game went. They were physical and really challenged at the breakdown. If they do that again watch out for some really physical clashes. I'm sure that no matter who wins this one (my tip is Norths) then Uni will not get another walkover like they did last week.

As for the other game a great win by Warringah against a rather unpredictable Eastwood and Randwick, a team trying to overcome "that" scoreline. Hopefully they will be fired up and will be trying to show that last week was just a blip. The result was surprising as Randwick started very well with their forwards working well and getting a rolling maul over the line to get the first points of the game. However from there it was all downhill. Again whoever wins (my tip is Warringah, who have some momentum) will then come up against Manly, who played well last week and did just what they had to, which will give the opposition some hope. A local derby at Forshaw will certainly go down a treat.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Look, I love the Sydney Uni club, and I guess I should feel good about the fact that Colts I on the weekend exacted revenge from some of the fearful beatings I took at the hands of Randwick. But there's something wrong with a competition where first plays fourth in a semi, and the score is 103-5.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Look, I love the Sydney Uni club, and I guess I should feel good about the fact that Colts I on the weekend exacted revenge from some of the fearful beatings I took at the hands of Randwick. But there's something wrong with a competition where first plays fourth in a semi, and the score is 103-5.

I thought I would have left all this type of shit behind in the GPS!!


Larry Dwyer (12)
Yeh, There is probably more to it, as well as players returning for the finals etc,. I haven't checked the scores in the previous rounds either, but that sort of scoreline is hard to take as well as the movement of players to other clubs, accusations of inducements offered, but passed of as going to a stronger club, that thype of results accredited to strong coaching, and the better set-up, no doubt to some extent, all valid arguments. I don't want to pick a fight, I'll just keep trying to find a good game to watch each weekend, and in the main, I do, but it's easy to loose interest after about 30or40 to nil. It's never going to be fixed to everyone's satisfaction, even with draft picks, salary caps or player point systems, it is, and was and always will be a cyclical thing.


Peter Burge (5)
Yeh, There is probably more to it, as well as players returning for the finals etc,. I haven't checked the scores in the previous rounds either, but that sort of scoreline is hard to take as well as the movement of players to other clubs, accusations of inducements offered, but passed of as going to a stronger club, that thype of results accredited to strong coaching, and the better set-up, no doubt to some extent, all valid arguments. I don't want to pick a fight, I'll just keep trying to find a good game to watch each weekend, and in the main, I do, but it's easy to loose interest after about 30or40 to nil. It's never going to be fixed to everyone's satisfaction, even with draft picks, salary caps or player point systems, it is, and was and always will be a cyclical thing.
I'm lead to believe that Randwick lost 3 players to grade and this type of disruption would have had an impact on the playing group. Let's hope that Warringah get to play against a weaken team down on esteem but somehow I don't believe this will be the case as good footballers will want to make amends after such a lost. If the Rats can get pass Randwick it opens up a great game against Manly for a GF berth!!

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
I'm lead to believe that Randwick lost 3 players to grade and this type of disruption would have had an impact on the playing group. Let's hope that Warringah get to play against a weaken team down on esteem but somehow I don't believe this will be the case as good footballers will want to make amends after such a lost. If the Rats can get pass Randwick it opens up a great game against Manly for a GF berth!!
Thats the go!!!!
Talk about a "cup half full kinda guy!!!" Keep up that spirit :/

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
Souths beat Norths in 1st colts 40 to 28
Halftime score was Norths 21 to 7
Souths forwards very strong and backs in the 2nd half were able to take advantage.
Very physical game with about 3 Norths players going off injured which didn't help Norths cause
If Souths can play the 80 minutes like the last 40 today next week Uni will have a tough day.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
See Warringah beat Randwick today 41-39. Two very good games next week. Uni and Souths to beat the crap out of each other and Manly and Warringah having a war to make the GF and have some bragging rights over the other. Sensational


Peter Burge (5)
Great battle Warringah, classic finals rugby, Randwick had a chance to win it, with a penalty at full time, but the kick went wide, Wicks kicking was on/off all day. Another trip to Foreshaw, luvinit!

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
See Warringah beat Randwick today 41-39. Two very good games next week. Uni and Souths to beat the crap out of each other and Manly and Warringah having a war to make the GF and have some bragging rights over the other. Sensational

Agree, Souths could really take some sting out of Uni for the GF if the result otherwise goes to form . Manly won't get it all their own way by any means. I anticipate the old rivalry will cause the Rats to grow a leg but hard to go past Marlin's class once the softening up phase is over ; Alex Northam was one of the few shining lights for Manly 2nd grade yesterday when he came on - he will play and be hard to contain
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