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Colts 2013

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young gun

Fred Wood (13)
Manly 48 Norths 10 in 1st colts

Manly went to Bon Andrews knowing they would be for a tough game given it was Norths home field and that they had just lost to Randwick last week. Manly also were missing some players to Oz 20 commitments and injury.

From the outset Manly looked to establish a strong forward presence which allowed them to spread the ball wide all day. Their normal half was playing at 10 and was loving the extra space this allowed him. He created the first try with a beautiful cut out to the left winger, a solid build who had a very good turn of speed. In the first half the 12 continually broke through the Norths defensive line. This combination of the 10 and the 12 was proving deadly and when the 8 decided to join in it normally meant points. Score at half time was 29-5

The second half followed a similar pattern to the first with Manly dominating in both defence and attack. Norths never gave up and kept going at Manly but they never were going to threaten the Marlins today.

This Manly side, even without those players missing, plays a very exciting and expansive game. Very little kicking in general play and a desire to keep the ball in hand. The whole team performed today and while the backs looked good the forward pack was dominant at set pieces and in their mobility and aggression around the park. They proved the saying "Backs may win you the game but the forwards will determine by how much."

Best for Manly in the forwards were ... Can't find a standout they were all good. In the backs the 9,10 and 12 were very good.

As a Norths supporter who was present at the Colts games on Saturday I would like to say that this report is a load of absolute one-eyed nonsense ..... unfortunately I can't, it's spot on. Manly totally dominated across the park. Many of the Norths guys tried hard, but it just wasn't enough - congratulations to Manly you deserved your win. a real team effort.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
As a Norths supporter who was present at the Colts games on Saturday I would like to say that this report is a load of absolute one-eyed nonsense ... unfortunately I can't, it's spot on. Manly totally dominated across the park. Many of the Norths guys tried hard, but it just wasn't enough - congratulations to Manly you deserved your win. a real team effort.
Young gun - like it


Phil Hardcastle (33)
As a Norths supporter who was present at the Colts games on Saturday I would like to say that this report is a load of absolute one-eyed nonsense ... unfortunately I can't, it's spot on. Manly totally dominated across the park. Many of the Norths guys tried hard, but it just wasn't enough - congratulations to Manly you deserved your win. a real team effort.
Young gun did you see Norths play UNi? If so how do Manly compare to them

young gun

Fred Wood (13)
Young gun did you see Norths play UNi? If so how do Manly compare to them

Yes I did see that game and it's an interesting question. It's always difficult, in fact impossible, to compare teams based on games against different competitors, and also when your own team is different as well. Not in any way to offer excuses for last weekend, but there were some Norths personel missing last Saturday that I think would may made, at least to the margin, a positive difference - I understand that Manly had some missing as well, so maybe that negates it, I don't know, but I do know at least one of the guys missing would have shut-down some of Manly's trys

That said, Norths did have their best, as far as I know, on the field against Uni. The thing that struck me about Uni was that although it was a new team from last year (can't remember how many played 1st's last year, but not many) it was like they hadn't missed a beat and were just carrying on from where they left off. Other than the first 5 minutes, Uni totally controlled the game - until the last 1/4 when Norths came back and scored most of their points - but the damage had already been done. To compare to the Manly game - Manly didn't take their foot off the pedal for a second, so maybe that's a point of comparison, that's positive to Manly - but then again who knows why Uni leaked points at the end ... subsitutions on both sides, the jobs done, time for a beer, don't know - maybe just Norths found their second wind and wanted to go down fighting - don't know, but whatever it was, Manly didn't do that.

One pointer I can give, is watch out for the winger Clunies-Ross - he is so fast it is ridiculous. Twice he burnt the Norths winger on the outside, easily, and the Norths guy is someone I rate very highly and is very quick in his own right, but Clunies-Ross!!! Don't give him room on the outside. The two centres are both very strong tacklers and runners so it's a potent back line they have, but the ground work is in the forwards. No stand-outs, from what I remember, but all round fit solid and cohesive.

If I had to give an opinion I'd probably go for Uni based on them at least matching the forwards and shutting down the backs - but then again, Natoli will, probably be the most creative person on the field, so who knows.

Anyway, good luck with all and it will be interesting to see how the whole season pans out.

the coach

Bob Davidson (42)
Yes I did see that game and it's an interesting question. It's always difficult, in fact impossible, to compare teams based on games against different competitors, and also when your own team is different as well. Not in any way to offer excuses for last weekend, but there were some Norths personel missing last Saturday that I think would may made, at least to the margin, a positive difference - I understand that Manly had some missing as well, so maybe that negates it, I don't know, but I do know at least one of the guys missing would have shut-down some of Manly's trys

That said, Norths did have their best, as far as I know, on the field against Uni. The thing that struck me about Uni was that although it was a new team from last year (can't remember how many played 1st's last year, but not many) it was like they hadn't missed a beat and were just carrying on from where they left off. Other than the first 5 minutes, Uni totally controlled the game - until the last 1/4 when Norths came back and scored most of their points - but the damage had already been done. To compare to the Manly game - Manly didn't take their foot off the pedal for a second, so maybe that's a point of comparison, that's positive to Manly - but then again who knows why Uni leaked points at the end . subsitutions on both sides, the jobs done, time for a beer, don't know - maybe just Norths found their second wind and wanted to go down fighting - don't know, but whatever it was, Manly didn't do that.

One pointer I can give, is watch out for the winger Clunies-Ross - he is so fast it is ridiculous. Twice he burnt the Norths winger on the outside, easily, and the Norths guy is someone I rate very highly and is very quick in his own right, but Clunies-Ross!!! Don't give him room on the outside. The two centres are both very strong tacklers and runners so it's a potent back line they have, but the ground work is in the forwards. No stand-outs, from what I remember, but all round fit solid and cohesive.

If I had to give an opinion I'd probably go for Uni based on them at least matching the forwards and shutting down the backs - but then again, Natoli will, probably be the most creative person on the field, so who knows.

Anyway, good luck with all and it will be interesting to see how the whole season pans out.

There was a Henry Clunies-Ross at Trinity who ran about 11.5 secs for the 100 metres -- same guy?
(Possibly descended from the family that ran Cocos Islands???)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Henry Clunies-Ross - Ex Trinity Grammar Boy. NSW Schoolboy last year.
Didn't get too much pill in the game I saw him play in at the Nationals.

He is listed as the 14 for Uni Colts in the player lists on the Shute Shield web site..

Done that

Ron Walden (29)
Henry Clunies-Ross - Ex Trinity Grammar Boy. NSW Schoolboy last year.
Didn't get too much pill in the game I saw him play in at the Nationals.

He is listed as the 14 for Uni Colts in the player lists on the Shute Shield web site..

Yes he got little ball in the nationals ,but still managed to look impressive as he went looking for it as a consequence, & always looked dangerous in possession.
Was outstanding at Trinity Grammar over the past 2 years where he played fullback , his best position in my opinion , where he gets more room to show his abilities including a great side step.
Reminds me of a quick Steve Larkham.

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
I have no respect for a club that tries to bolster it's colts strength by chasing colts playing with other clubs, something which I suspect most others on this site would agree with.I've not seen any comments to the contrary from you , so presumably you think this practice is O.K.
If you think the Orr's weren't chased by your club with inducements then you're a dope.
And your excuse as to why your team was well beaten ,suggests that having players missing is something that only happens to your club.
Let me tell you that every single club in the competition has players missing every week , & that includes the University team which scored 92 points against your lot.
The West Harbour team also has players missing every week no doubt ,& that doesn't include the very good players which have been pursued by your club ,violence or no ,& who are
consequently missing from the Wests team every week.
If the players mentioned played as well as you say , good luck to them but it's hardly surprising , their talents were well recognised before they went to your club .
And just as well they did play so well , who knows what the score might have been if they hadn't .

By the way , you know nothing about me & in particular you know nothing of my involvement in Rugby , so my advice is to keep your suggestions to yourself.

Hey you blokes - peace in our time please - i think objectively the results to date tell us the winner is going to come from the current top 3 this year but gee Uni look ominous . Its a shame we'll have to wait until September to see the full strength squads running around with Aust u/20's and super 15 cutting into player availability ; it will be worth the wait. Go Marlins!

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Knock out Finals and anything can happen. Just ask the B&I Lions. On the way home from NZ they were cleaned up by Fiji in 1977 by 25–21 at Buckhurst Park, Suva. (Guaranteed to get you a blue drinking token in any rugby pub [unless up against a Gaggerlander] - Q. Which Team has a 100% victory record against the B&I Lions? A Fiji)

As many have (correctly) suggested on these threads the top 4 in the finals will be Uni, Manly, Wicks and Norths. Anything can happen from there.

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
I have no respect for a club that tries to bolster it's colts strength by chasing colts playing with other clubs, something which I suspect most others on this site would agree with.I've not seen any comments to the contrary from you , so presumably you think this practice is O.K.
If you think the Orr's weren't chased by your club with inducements then you're a dope.
And your excuse as to why your team was well beaten ,suggests that having players missing is something that only happens to your club.
Let me tell you that every single club in the competition has players missing every week , & that includes the University team which scored 92 points against your lot.
The West Harbour team also has players missing every week no doubt ,& that doesn't include the very good players which have been pursued by your club ,violence or no ,& who are
consequently missing from the Wests team every week.
If the players mentioned played as well as you say , good luck to them but it's hardly surprising , their talents were well recognised before they went to your club .
And just as well they did play so well , who knows what the score might have been if they hadn't .

By the way , you know nothing about me & in particular you know nothing of my involvement in Rugby , so my advice is to keep your suggestions to yourself.
Done that I can assure you not a lot of sleep will be lost over your lack of respect. The weekend against Uni we had 10 juniors in our run on side in the same round Wests had 4 run on juniors so where did the other 11 players come from
Like I said I had no involvement in the Orr Bros joining the club but again as I said they are happy and playing good footy, is that a crime?. It was asked what happened against Uni and I only said what happened I was not after any sympathy. We took the lose on the chin trained hard during the week and pushed Randwick on the weekend and we will turn up this weekend with our footy boots on and do our best against Manly
Take all the pot shots you like, this is colts rugby for gods sake and the people involved do not run the clubs or make the decisions
I do this for enjoyment and being part of rugby and I enjoy being part of this forum and I guess dealing with people like you is cross we have to bare. I am sure you have better contributions to make to this forum than trying to make a point of belittling a side that got its arse kicked by Uni.


Peter Burge (5)
Randwick Vs Souths Colts 1 - last weekend

Worth a note to say Souths came back with a good attitude after last week's humiliation - in fact lead 11-10 at oranges.

Neil Favager the referee took control from the onset and did not blush in his management of the game - whistle and arm got a workout. Not sure of the penalty count - one player said it was something like 28 to 6 against Souths - off side drew significant attention - even a yellow card for perceived repeated infringements against Souths.

Two yellow cards for Randwick - leaving them with 13 on the field at one stage.

Two of the Randwick tries in the second half scored directly after penalty.

Some interesting interpretations of the advantage rule - blowing the whistle before two phases of play - so what if was five metres form the opposition try line

Randwick have a large mobile pack (comprising a number of recent college Waverly first XV players - Harris, Cockinos and Melsom etc) and to date as we know have not lost a game.

Look forward to how they fare this weekend -particularly if Skeleton from Uni gets a run? ("Thats not a knife (forward)" from Crocodile Dundee scenario comes to mind).

Randwick won a lot of ball against the feed last weekend - perhaps only partly due to Souths resting their (CHS) hooker for the first half - nevertheless showed superior strength (and weight) and domination as needed.

Technical aspects of scrummaging (IMO) and how interpreted needs serious review by the referee gods though - before someone gets a "preventable" injury.

Brian Westlake

Arch Winning (36)
Randwick Vs Souths Colts 1 - last weekend

Worth a note to say Souths came back with a good attitude after last week's humiliation - in fact lead 11-10 at oranges.

Neil Favager the referee took control from the onset and did not blush in his management of the game - whistle and arm got a workout. Not sure of the penalty count - one player said it was something like 28 to 6 against Souths - off side drew significant attention - even a yellow card for perceived repeated infringements against Souths.

Two yellow cards for Randwick - leaving them with 13 on the field at one stage.

Two of the Randwick tries in the second half scored directly after penalty.

Some interesting interpretations of the advantage rule - blowing the whistle before two phases of play - so what if was five metres form the opposition try line

Randwick have a large mobile pack (comprising a number of recent college Waverly first XV players - Harris, Cockinos and Melsom etc) and to date as we know have not lost a game.

Look forward to how they fare this weekend -particularly if Skeleton from Uni gets a run? ("Thats not a knife (forward)" from Crocodile Dundee scenario comes to mind).

Randwick won a lot of ball against the feed last weekend - perhaps only partly due to Souths resting their (CHS) hooker for the first half - nevertheless showed superior strength (and weight) and domination as needed.

Technical aspects of scrummaging (IMO) and how interpreted needs serious review by the referee gods though - before someone gets a "preventable" injury.
I also was there at the game and wonder where your technical aspects of scrummaging were an issue?
I don't think having another hooker in there would have made a difference tbh.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Randwick Vs Souths Colts 1 - last weekend

Worth a note to say Souths came back with a good attitude after last week's humiliation - in fact lead 11-10 at oranges.

Neil Favager the referee took control from the onset and did not blush in his management of the game - whistle and arm got a workout. Not sure of the penalty count - one player said it was something like 28 to 6 against Souths - off side drew significant attention - even a yellow card for perceived repeated infringements against Souths.

Two yellow cards for Randwick - leaving them with 13 on the field at one stage.

Two of the Randwick tries in the second half scored directly after penalty.

Some interesting interpretations of the advantage rule - blowing the whistle before two phases of play - so what if was five metres form the opposition try line

Randwick have a large mobile pack (comprising a number of recent college Waverly first XV players - Harris, Cockinos and Melsom etc) and to date as we know have not lost a game.

Look forward to how they fare this weekend -particularly if Skeleton from Uni gets a run? ("Thats not a knife (forward)" from Crocodile Dundee scenario comes to mind).

Randwick won a lot of ball against the feed last weekend - perhaps only partly due to Souths resting their (CHS) hooker for the first half - nevertheless showed superior strength (and weight) and domination as needed.

Technical aspects of scrummaging (IMO) and how interpreted needs serious review by the referee gods though - before someone gets a "preventable" injury.
Cockinos actually attended Cranbrook. Randwick will be bolstered by the return of regular 5/8 Norton and openside Jack Johnson this week to take on UNI. They will have to be at their best to win, some great early season form from centre Aidan Anderson and country lock Jock Armstrong.


Ron Walden (29)
Cockinos actually attended Cranbrook. Randwick will be bolstered by the return of regular 5/8 Norton and openside Jack Johnson this week to take on UNI. They will have to be at their best to win, some great early season form from centre Aidan Anderson and country lock Jock Armstrong.
Apologies for correcting you Pete King however Norton is in 2nds, Johnson in Firsts this weekend. Randwick will be not be at full strength this round and will be t long odds to maintain their unbeaten record IMO.

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Apologies for correcting you Pete King however Norton is in 2nds, Johnson in Firsts this weekend. Randwick will be not be at full strength this round and will be t long odds to maintain their unbeaten record IMO.
Hey Macca no apology required made statements prior to teams being named, assumed they would file back but applaud Kelly's confidence in playing Johnson in firsts, think he will do well and be better for it. Norton was excellent in twos and probably warrants reselection. It will be a tough ask for the colts now for sure without Baldwin also


Nev Cottrell (35)
Henry Clunies-Ross - Ex Trinity Grammar Boy. NSW Schoolboy last year.
Didn't get too much pill in the game I saw him play in at the Nationals.

He is listed as the 14 for Uni Colts in the player lists on the Shute Shield web site..

Clunies-Ross is a quality player. Fast, elusive, looks skinny but has real upper-body strength and a great fend. So far he has scored 12 tries in seven games for University 1sts Colts. I played Colts with Bob Egerton a million years ago, and he reminds me of Egerton at the same stage (except he wears his socks up). It would be good to see him at fullback some time.


Larry Dwyer (12)
this news came to me last night at the pub, Warringah colts snuck past Eastwood in the last 5, following last weeks similar win against Nth Harbour AND the previous week, three in a row. There must be some happy little colts down that way, not a fancied team but getting some runs on the board.


Peter Burge (5)
this news came to me last night at the pub, Warringah colts snuck past Eastwood in the last 5, following last weeks similar win against Nth Harbour AND the previous week, three in a row. There must be some happy little colts down that way, not a fancied team but getting some runs on the board.
They are getting some runs on the board and they do seem well pleased with 3 wins on the trot but they must keep it in perspective but I hope they keep it up after the long weekend break.:)

Done that

Ron Walden (29)
Clunies-Ross is a quality player. Fast, elusive, looks skinny but has real upper-body strength and a great fend. So far he has scored 12 tries in seven games for University 1sts Colts. I played Colts with Bob Egerton a million years ago, and he reminds me of Egerton at the same stage (except he wears his socks up). It would be good to see him at fullback some time.
Yes, see #487
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