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Colts 2013

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Manly will lose only two - Northampton is playing 2nd grade

My bad. I just assumed that the U20's were all Colts, less the obvious S15 players.

That is a danger of assumptions. I also think that Wessels from the Hobbits is also spending most of his time in Grade, so they will only be -1 from their Colts programme.


Ron Walden (29)
It's interesting to me that a lot of Talk about Uni having lots of Schoolboys etc yet only 2 made it into the side.

Great to see Jack Dempsey make the side too (Nephew on Tony Dempsey)

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
My bad. I just assumed that the U20's were all Colts, less the obvious S15 players.

That is a danger of assumptions. I also think that Wessels from the Hobbits is also spending most of his time in Grade, so they will only be -1 from their Colts programme.
Waldo Wessels is playing Colts on the weekend
ARU will only let him play 40 minutes as he is still coming back from his knee injury. I haven't heard if he will stay in colts or go to grade
I think Grayson Hart not being picked for the Tahs has caused a re think

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
Waldo Wessels is playing Colts on the weekend
ARU will only let him play 40 minutes as he is still coming back from his knee injury. I haven't heard if he will stay in colts or go to grade
I think Grayson Hart not being picked for the Tahs has caused a re think
The biggest problem for Souths is they have 4 players still in school and 2 will go very close to making Aust schools and the other 2 will at least be in the CHS rep sides and pushing for NSW Schools or Combined Stated so they will have these players in and out for a part of the season.

Tah and feathered

Watty Friend (18)
Souths beat the Rats 20 to 8 on the main field at Forshaw in a game that reached no heights as a game.
The ref absolutely butchered the game in blowing penalty after penalty and mostly at the breakdown for tackled player holding on to the ball
I am sure both teams have not practiced during the week to hold on too the ball when tackled and you watch a game and there are say 10 of these penalties and the following week there are 40. It got to the stage that there were no more than 4 phases between penalties so both sides could not get any pressure going.
Souths were the better side and deserved the win but next time I will check if this ref has a game before I go and watch


Phil Hardcastle (33)
Manly won 1st. Colts 70-3.

A very good win by a very good team. Parra were aggressive and competed with the MMM in the first ten minutes and it took some good defence to keep control. Parra had first chance at points with a penalty but soon after their No.13 who only minutes before had made a strong run was red carded for a dangerous tackle on the Manly 10. From there Manly slowly took control through there forwards. With some very uncommon errors from some terrible passing the Marlins led 21-3 at half-time. As the second half wore on Parra gave the Manly backs too much room and the No. 10 controlled his back line well.

Manly were very good all over the park - strong and mobile forwards who controlled the breakdown and a back line with pace and skill. Parra played most of the game with 14 players but this may have made the score blow out but Manly were not going to lose this game.

Only sad point came with two serious injuries - one to Parra and one to Manly. Came from the one strong run by the Manly winger who ran through the Parramatta winger and appears to have broken the Parra boys collarbone and then was caught in a glorious tackle by the Parra fullback and suffered a serious knee injury.

Best for Manly were the No.10, no.6 and no.9. Best for Parra their no.2, no.12 and no.15.


Ron Walden (29)
Strong result for Gordon Colts at Concord Oval. 37-5 away from Home is a great result against a strong Colts Club in West Harbour.

Again more good signs for Gordon. Just keep building, just keep building....

Nos Tradamus

Frank Nicholson (4)
Parramatta have published a report about the Two Blues Colts matches against Manly on the club website.

gotta love a passionate fans write up. I'd hardly call Manly 3s "unsuspecting prey". credit where credit's due. from what I saw while avoiding the worst weather ever and attempting to stay warm - Parra played very well and made less errors. although perhaps someone can clear up their #8 who was subbed off then came back on due to someone being injured and him being the "only trained prop" and then packing the scrum at the back? seemed a touch dodgy.


Ted Fahey (11)
gotta love a passionate fans write up. I'd hardly call Manly 3s "unsuspecting prey". credit where credit's due. from what I saw while avoiding the worst weather ever and attempting to stay warm - Parra played very well and made less errors. although perhaps someone can clear up their #8 who was subbed off then came back on due to someone being injured and him being the "only trained prop" and then packing the scrum at the back? seemed a touch dodgy.

Considering most clubs had little faith in Parramatta fielding a 3rd grade team I think the term "Unsuspecting" is reasonable. The fact that Parramatta also openly allow access to what is essentially a club report is to be applauded. Every club write up is usually slanted in favour of the writer as they are clubmen, not unbiased journalists who have no club allegiance like those in the rugby media (not).

Perhaps Manly could clear up why they had no props available to play in 1st grade (after both 2nd graders finished the game) and had to have uncontested scrums while 2 players where in the bin and then did not remove a 3rd player from the field to allow for this situation as per the rules? Glass houses champion.

The Galah

Darby Loudon (17)
Considering most clubs had little faith in Parramatta fielding a 3rd grade team I think the term "Unsuspecting" is reasonable. The fact that Parramatta also openly allow access to what is essentially a club report is to be applauded. Every club write up is usually slanted in favour of the writer as they are clubmen, not unbiased journalists who have no club allegiance like those in the rugby media (not).

Perhaps Manly could clear up why they had no props available to play in 1st grade (after both 2nd graders finished the game) and had to have uncontested scrums while 2 players where in the bin and then did not remove a 3rd player from the field to allow for this situation as per the rules? Glass houses champion.[/quote

Congrats to Parra 3's something we won't have to say to Gordon this year but to take a swipe ay Manly after a 70 - 3 scoreline ?????? !!!! Club reports are exactly that fodder for the club


Nev Cottrell (35)
The fact that Parramatta also openly allow access to what is essentially a club report is to be applauded. Every club write up is usually slanted in favour of the writer as they are clubmen, not unbiased journalists who have no club allegiance like those in the rugby media (not).
Parra have never claimed to be unbiased in their match reports! And nor should they be. Sometimes the reports are even fair!

Nos Tradamus

Frank Nicholson (4)
Perhaps Manly could clear up why they had no props available to play in 1st grade (after both 2nd graders finished the game) and had to have uncontested scrums while 2 players where in the bin and then did not remove a 3rd player from the field to allow for this situation as per the rules? Glass houses champion.

settle down. I gave credit where credit was due. Glass Houses Champion is unnecessary. the glass houses champions touched you up 70-3 don't forget.


Ted Fahey (11)
settle down. I gave credit where credit was due. Glass Houses Champion is unnecessary. the glass houses champions touched you up 70-3 don't forget.

Then why the hell are you whining about a throwaway line in a Parramatta written report, that was pretty clearly tounge in cheek, before making insinuations that Manly were some what hard done by in 3rds through some dodgy act, That's not what I percieve as giving credit where it's due The glass houses comment wasn't aimed at Manly, who were wonderful hosts on the day, it was to highlight the pettiness of your complaint when there had been a similar breach by Manly on the same day.

In regard to the touch up, although self inflicted, a scoreline of anything less against 14 players for 70 minutes would be expected from the quality of this Manly team, so please spare me the "look at the scoreboard" routine.

Nos Tradamus

Frank Nicholson (4)
I was whinging at all. It was a passing observation. Re-read my posts. Nowhere did I say Manly were hard done by. In fact if you can find where I wrote that, I'll empty my bank account for you. I asked for clarification as once you're subbed you can't come back on unless it's for injury or front row. The big bloke came back on and packed at the back. It was a simple observation. It's Tuesday. No need to get all huffy. and again - re-read my post. I gave Parra all the credit in the world. They were well drilled and played better in tough conditions. Let's just end this here shall we?

Enjoy the rest of your week no9.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
In regard to the touch up, although self inflicted, a scoreline of anything less against 14 players for 70 minutes would be expected from the quality of this Manly team, so please spare me the "look at the scoreboard" routine.
For future reference you should know that 70 -3 is a flogging.whether it is against 10 players,or in perfect running Rugby conditions.
To suggest that that scoreline is only just acceptable for a team such as Manly, indicates you have a low opinion about the standard of the Parra boys.


Phil Hardcastle (33)
For future reference you should know that 70 -3 is a flogging.whether it is against 10 players,or in perfect running Rugby conditions.
To suggest that that scoreline is only just acceptable for a team such as Manly, indicates you have a low opinion about the standard of the Parra boys.
In his defence I think he was inferring more that the quality of the Manly team should run up that score against 14 players rather than the poor quality of the Parra players. The Parramatta team displayed courage and were quite competitive early and their results in the other matches show they are a competitive team. This Manly team though is quite special. I would also like to point out that on saturday the Manly side was missing their LHP (recently selected in the OZ u20's), their starting half (currently involved with the Oz 7's program) and their normal starting 7 (one of their best players in the earlier games). Lots o depth in the club and lots of very skillful players
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