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"Club Rugby" on 7Two

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Based on a sample set of 1, Cameron Shepherd's commentary of the Shoremen's games appears to be nearly as parochial as that of Brett Papworth and the Woodies from the good old ABC days.

With tribalism so rife in Sydney rugby, I imagine that it would be hard to find a knowledgeable commentator that is also able to be impartial in their commentary.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Hopefully it can become a recurring feature as it's the only one of 7's state based football programs (VFL, SANFL, WAFL) currently not broadcast on the main 7 channel...........


Phil Kearns (64)
Hopefully it can become a recurring feature as it's the only one of 7's state based football programs (VFL, SANFL, WAFL) currently not broadcast on the main 7 channel.....

The current scenario has this state based programme being telecast outside its home state.

In other words, SevenTwo shows the Sydney club rugby in at least one other state (Queensland).

Will Seven show a Sydney competition outside NSW and maybe ACT?

They are apparently showing the grand final in Queensland, so the answer is maybe.

It is I important to remember that this is a Sydney competition, but we are trying to develop the game throughout the whole nation.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Happened to bump into Swainy talking to Brendan Cannon outside the ground after Saturday night (Huxley also walked past).

Enough name dropping.

Anyway, shook Swainy's hand and congratulated him on the coverage - though we did discuss the early creaks and the massive learning curve, not to mention the shoestring budget they're running the whole thing on.

So this is massive news, and should be celebrated.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Will Seven show a Sydney competition outside NSW and maybe ACT (and Qld)?

Short answer - no.

Anyways, my post was ill thought out as the VFL, WAFL, and SANFL are played at midday on the main 7 Channel on Saturdays and Sundays as a lead in to the day's AFL match, so it's not really comparable to the SS.


Phil Kearns (64)
A bit more clarity, Prime is showing the game live in some regional areas, including in Queensland.


Mark Ella (57)
AFAIK no matches were available on 7's catch-up service. If that's true, it's a sorry state of affairs, especially for areas that didn't show it live. At least the ABC had a replay and it was available on iView.


Trevor Allan (34)
Is there a way to watch a replay of a shute shield game?
Not that I've found. The only way would be to run the show on your computer or device, and install some software that's able to record all screen and audio activity on that device.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Simplest way is the run the aerial through a set top box with USB recording capability. Probably finish up with an analogue replay but it is very watchable in my experience.
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