Kilgore Trout
Herbert Moran (7)
I think it's well worth exploring - parents not to mention the boys will very quickly tire of battling Sydney Saturday morning traffic for half a game or less.I wanted to road test an idea on the forum after watching the Waverley 15Ds v Cranbrook 15Cs yesterday. Because Trinity and Cranbrook asked that their Bs be matched against Knox & Waverley Cs the Bs game was between Knox and Waverley (who also played against each other last week - they'll be sick of the sight of each other at season's end).
Anyway, the Cs v Ds game was fine but both teams had 10-11 players on the bench which I assume is because they were short of getting enough for a Ds and Es respectively. Both schools ran their reserves on and off as often as possible to give the boys a run.
The thought occurred to me that there must be other schools in this position and that there may be some merit in allowing schools to run a 10 a-side team where the same conditions exist. So, rather than having 10 reserves there could have been a Ds v Es 10 a side game prior to the Cs v Ds. This wouldn't work for every match obviously but where schools find themselves in a similar position there is surely more benefit in 10 boys getting a full game with less players rather than being subbed on and off constantly.
Sportsmasters could arrange it in the week leading up to the Saturday if there was interest in the other school - otherwise they could revert to the 10-man bench or search for a GPS/ISA school in the same position. When rugby is such a marginal sport surely we should be doing all we can to encourage as much participation as possible.
Thoughts anyone ?
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