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CAS Rugby 2015

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Nev Cottrell (35)
Solid game from Knox against auggies, however perhaps missing input from their star flyhalf. The fullback was definitely MOM having come off a hat trick against Collingwood. Both should be aussie schoolboys contenders in a couple of years

Rather a large call.
Three tries against a team that plays eqivalent to perhaps 3rd or 4th is not an achievement for a 1st XV.

dom winsbottom

Frank Row (1)
After watching the Knox vs augs game on saturday i feel as though Knox has some extreme defence issues. My main concern was in-between the 10-12 with tim white missing more tackles than he made. Knox was blessed with a new player to replace him in the second half.
And in particular this week new prodigy matt turner could potentially find himself comfortable in the team if he continues to create holes in the defence with his well known speed/agility/vision. He could very well be a decisive factor in the Knox team this year and maybe even in consideration for CAS selection.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
My "Bored Schoolboys Mucking Around" Alarm has just gone off.

I am not aware of the background of the lads being talked about here, but if there is one complaint or I get wind that the previous posts are a pisstake, then those responsible will be banned, and your school will be informed of the actions of its students.

If the posts are genuine, then by all means leave them here.

If they are some form of schoolyard cyberpranks, then the original posters should delete their posts very soon, and nothing more will be said.

One idiot has already been banned today. Do you want to join them?

Green and Gold Rugby Forums are not the place for schoolboy cyber bullying.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Cranbrook played trials against St Pius on the weekend. The 14B trial was cancelled because St Pius only had 25 players available in the age group.

Now, when I was at school, St Pius was a hugely enthusiastic Rugby school. Not especially good, mind, but massively keen and located in a traditional Rugby heartland. Now, it seems, the school struggles to field two under-14 teams.

Why does this happen? Pick your own causes. There's more choice now, for one thing. Many schools now offer not only soccer, and some AFL, but also a wide variety of non-football winter sports. So inevitably numbers will be down, because boys who otherwise would have played Rugby for want of choice now have other options. Also, I suspect, parents are more concerned about physical safety. There are many, many more big kids running round than when I played (not all of whom are of Polynesian descent). Parents of smaller boys are reluctant to expose them to risk. But, against all of that, Rugby has been slower than many other sports to market itself aggressively. It needs to wake up to the erosion of its base, quickly.

And, of course, it's not only about player numbers. A kid who runs round in the 14Bs may never be a footballer after he leaves school. But if he learns to love the game, he'll support it, encourage his boys to play, and so on. Rugby needs the players who won't be stars as well as the ones who will.


Alex Ross (28)
Would anyone have any details of any of the trial games for this weekend in relation to times and venues?


Larry Dwyer (12)
The last paragraph is really what the long-term problem is about. I would argue that this is the reason why shrinking numbers of players at school are a massive worry. It is a marginal game in the highly competitive Australian sports 'market' and the true believers that stick with it through thick and thin are normally those that have played it - and mass participation from high school age on really comes from private school rugby. Lose that and you lose the next generation of supporters, let alone rugby players.

I went to St Pius X and only played rugby because that's what the school played - the local primary school fielded its own Sunday rugby league teams so I'd never seen a game of rugby let alone played it before Year 5. My year was both keen and good (I admit it is a long time between drinks) and we played down to 4ths. But the introduction to rugby gave us all a lifelong attraction to the game, regardless of how long we continued to play after school. You can't put a price on that long-term loyalty. There is a strategic logic to size of particpation that is completely separate to the quality of participation, so concentrating on the elite level is short-sighted in the extreme.

PS. In defence of SPX rugby the current Wallaby skipper Michael Hooper and another current Wallaby Luke Jones are alumni from the same year. Just another reason to acknowledge that rugby talent comes from all schools, not just the big CAS/GPS ones.


Nev Cottrell (35)
The last paragraph is really what the long-term problem is about. I would argue that this is the reason why shrinking numbers of players at school are a massive worry. It is a marginal game in the highly competitive Australian sports 'market' and the true believers that stick with it through thick and thin are normally those that have played it - and mass participation from high school age on really comes from private school rugby. Lose that and you lose the next generation of supporters, let alone rugby players.

I went to St Pius X and only played rugby because that's what the school played - the local primary school fielded its own Sunday rugby league teams so I'd never seen a game of rugby let alone played it before Year 5. My year was both keen and good (I admit it is a long time between drinks) and we played down to 4ths. But the introduction to rugby gave us all a lifelong attraction to the game, regardless of how long we continued to play after school. You can't put a price on that long-term loyalty. There is a strategic logic to size of particpation that is completely separate to the quality of participation, so concentrating on the elite level is short-sighted in the extreme.

PS. In defence of SPX rugby the current Wallaby skipper Michael Hooper and another current Wallaby Luke Jones are alumni from the same year. Just another reason to acknowledge that rugby talent comes from all schools, not just the big CAS/GPS ones.

Some of what you have here is applicable on the thread "Continuing decline in rugby"


Chris McKivat (8)
Results for Waverley vs. Newington

1st XV - Newington defeated Waverley 29-24
2nd XV - Waverley defeated Newington 24-15
3rd XV - Newington defeated Waverley 27-5
4ths and 5ths both defeated Newington


Results for Waverley vs. Newington

1st XV - Newington defeated Waverley 29-24
2nd XV - Waverley defeated Newington 24-15
3rd XV - Newington defeated Waverley 27-5
4ths and 5ths both defeated Newington

Waverley 1sts and 2nds are looking pretty good at this stage.
In the 1sts, Newington had weight and height over Waverley but it was still a closely fought contest.


Bob McCowan (2)
My predictions for 2015:

Knox to go through undefeated. After finally some success after a torrid 5 years of trophy-less cabinets, coach Matt Williams master plan for supreme world domination will finally be approved by the Knox board, whereby the 1st XV playing squad will effectively become a professional rugby team. Players will now actually be paid by the school to attend the school and play rugby, although sacrificing their right to a Higher School Certificate as the squad will train full time. Yes thats right, full time. (I believe discussions are currently under way for a new tv rights deal with fox sports to televise Knox home games, will keep you posted).

(other schools to come shortly)


Chris McKivat (8)
My predictions for 2015:

Knox to go through undefeated. After finally some success after a torrid 5 years of trophy-less cabinets, coach Matt Williams master plan for supreme world domination will finally be approved by the Knox board, whereby the 1st XV playing squad will effectively become a professional rugby team. Players will now actually be paid by the school to attend the school and play rugby, although sacrificing their right to a Higher School Certificate as the squad will train full time. Yes thats right, full time. (I believe discussions are currently under way for a new tv rights deal with fox sports to televise Knox home games, will keep you posted).

(other schools to come shortly)
Other schools would have to agree to this as well wouldn't they? That's a big win for them beating Joey's by plenty though.

As for Waverley Vs Newington...what a great physical game of rugby. The size of the Newington boys was something else - both forwards and backs. The Newington 13 (Captain) was very strong. The Waverley boys were MUCH improved after only a week together. Maybe some credit to the coaches who have copped a bashing over the past 12 months...? Their scrum was suspect though but their lineout was all over Newington's.


Chris McKivat (8)
As I said in NSW GPS 2015 forum.

Newington defeated Waverley 29-24 in the first XV but Waves got the better of Newington in the second XV 24-15.

Observations: Newington left side defence was looking weak, 2 of Wave's tries scored on that right edge. Both teams looked tired and unfit towards the end. Undisciplined by Newington, didn't keep an exact count but I would have to estimate 20+ penalties to Waverley throughout the game (mostly for not rolling in the ruck or off their feet.)

Big match-ups in the back line, some huge units at Newy and Waverley did OK at looking after them (I say OK as they looked after Tyrone and the likes, but Newy's no.15 made some damaging line breaks when Waverley had finally got them in some sticky situations, and pressure was released). Hotly contested match, Waverley did lead just after half time and then exchanged tries throughout the second half. Serious injury looked to occur against no.3 Micallef for Waverley and was a big blow for Waves. Discipline was good in general, nice flowing game, no biff or any of that pushing stuff. Good game and very entertaining. Congratulations Newy. Cheers


Nev Cottrell (35)
My predictions for 2015:

Knox: to go through undefeated. )
I know the knox coach (Williams?) cops a bit of stick , but tell you what he has done an excellent job with this years team ... Talk about well drilled. At the breakdown they are excellent. They were very courageous against auggies to clinch a draw on the bell, and today smoked a disjointed joeys outfit.

And the team does a good job helping referee in unison

I thought last years knox team was going to be hard to beat ... With try scoring machine widders-lee (2) and Connor Watson in centres....

However this team looks even better ... The best would be big hitting number 6 (swinton?), and high work rate number 8, the number 13, and pacey winger

Front row might of been monstered by auggies, but don't think any cas front row will be capable of that

So hard to see where this team can be beaten ... Maybe weaker on one edge, and maybe dim unitive fullback might struggle under high ball

It will take a minor miracle, to beat this team

Either that or a mild mannered maths teacher from the east ... But wouldn't bet my house on it
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