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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
Fred87 - I think you have picked it like a nose! Trinity also have a v strong pack & got ripped up. I think Waverley's success has been based on a strong midfield defensive - strong defence becomes an offensive tool!

Benched '84

Allen Oxlade (6)
It might also be the defensive prowess of the Waverley backline. Agree in the first encounter Waverley forwards dominated and Barker backs were starved. But in the second match i thought the forwards battle was more even. Barker backs saw a lot of ball, especially at the back end of the match where they often score heavily. The Waverley backs worked well as a team in terms of defensive formation and individually tackled well. Barker with loads of ball in the 2nd half did not threaten the Waverley line; then pushed a pass that was intercepted..

Congratulations, best post on this thread for the last week!

I do need to also compliment the Waverley backs, I saw at least three occasions where the Barker backs had space and unmarked men but somehow, Waves got them covered. Special mention to the sub, No22 or 23? I think, several times I saw him hanging on to Barker bootlaces as if his life depended on it!


Peter Burge (5)
Interesting that Waverley restricted Barker to 1 try but conceded 4 to Aloys. Wondering if the loss of O'Donnell is critical to their defensive organisation? Or perhaps they relaxed against Aloys after the big effort against Barker? A few posts earlier in the season commented on teams struggling to perform the match after playing Barker. Be interested in the views of Waverley supporters who were at the Aloys match.


Alex Ross (28)
Interesting that Waverley restricted Barker to 1 try but conceded 4 to Aloys. Wondering if the loss of O'Donnell is critical to their defensive organisation? Or perhaps they relaxed against Aloys after the big effort against Barker? A few posts earlier in the season commented on teams struggling to perform the match after playing Barker. Be interested in the views of Waverley supporters who were at the Aloys match.

Though not totally related some teams with a particular method of play can surprisingly struggle against some teams whilst easily beating other sides who dominate the sides they struggle against. (If that sentence makes sense.........)

Not seeing the game Barker vs Aloys, the closeness could be a mixture of things. The rivalry between the two CAS catholic schools, injuries to Waverley and Waverley playing their 'final' last week against Barker. Though Waverley does seem to have a strong defence this year and do able to capitalise on opportunities. And some credit to Aloys as well, who will always ask the question of the opposing side. It seems that the match must have been a good one though, so well done both sides.


Stan Wickham (3)
it would be my opinion that in the first game Waverley shutdown barker back line by dominated upfront especially in the second half.
In the second game they dropped one of there forwards into the back line with Barker one man down they were able to do this which close the holes if any appeared, the other item that Waverley did well, there number nine put a lot of pressure on his opposite number, which in turn creates slow ball enabling the rest of the back line to insert pressure on Barker's back line


Stan Wickham (3)
the other item that Waverley did well, there number nine put a lot of pressure on his opposite number, which in turn creates slow ball enabling the rest of the back line to insert pressure on Barker's back line

i agree, their number 9 was exceptional is doing so. a little suprised how well their backup 9 is. seems to me, especially in the aloys game that he is as strong if not stronger than their original 9. very lucky to have such good depth.


Peter Burge (5)
In the second game they dropped one of there forwards into the back line with Barker one man down they were able to do this which close the holes if any appeared,
I didn't pick that up from my poor vantage point. Explains why Barker forwards held their own even though a man down and why Waverley always seemed to have enough troops in defence in the backs. Got the result so good tactical coaching.


Bob McCowan (2)
Reading some of the above posts about people complaining how Waverly has their prep school players poached? That a bit petty don't you think? Can you really complain about loosing prep school kids, lots can change in ~10 years guys. I know that A LOT of the boys that played in the 'prep/junior school 1sts' at the CAS school I attended did not go on to player rugby past year 7. So can we really complain about the poaching of prep-school players?


Stan Wickham (3)
Reading some of the above posts about people complaining how Waverly has their prep school players poached? That a bit petty don't you think? Can you really complain about loosing prep school kids, lots can change in ~10 years guys. I know that A LOT of the boys that played in the 'prep/junior school 1sts' at the CAS school I attended did not go on to player rugby past year 7. So can we really complain about the poaching of prep-school players?

no ones complaining mate, just stating whos gone where... nice arguement though.. :\


Larry Dwyer (12)
i know what the point your making is, and I understand that it's a bit frustrating but can't we just celebrate the incredibly talented side that waverley has mustered this year rather than focus on what could have been?

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Guys let's stop talking about poaching, scholarships, recruitments and just talk about the rugby.

Experience has shown us (on the NSW GPS thread) that such talk can lead to a rugby thread becoming a 50-50 scholarship discussion thread and when you mix the two flameouts occur.

But when scholarships are discussed separately in the thread we set up for it:


…… the slanging matches are avoided.

So please don't mix the two. It doesn't please everybody, but give it a go.

Thank you.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I reckon last round of comp, holds plenty of interest. First u have the bottom of the table clash, and think that could go either way ... But think cranbrook will get up and ensure they don't finish on the bottom of the table.

Then u have the trinity waverley clash, which again is going to be a match of interest. Waverley has everything to play for, as they might come away joint winners, but trinity will sniff waverley being against the ropes. Reckon or maybe hope, that waves will come away in a nail bitter. Duffey's boot to be the difference, and Paterson to show his pedigree

Then u have match of the round. Barker at home, in the local derby. Unlike first round where one of knoxs star backs was carrying a hip flexor injury, i think knox have a better chance. however much as knox is going to try and outmuscle barker, and will do a better job than last time. ... unless hj has changed schools for a 4th time, (after all gps has plenty of rounds left, and scots always has cheque book ready), I think hj , being a classy footballer and the other handy backs (particularly davis) will ensure there is no joint title in 2013.

Sadly wont get to see any of it, as wife's birthday, and that means under the thumb :(


Allen Oxlade (6)
Reading some of the above posts about people complaining how Waverly has their prep school players poached? That a bit petty don't you think? Can you really complain about loosing prep school kids, lots can change in ~10 years guys. I know that A LOT of the boys that played in the 'prep/junior school 1sts' at the CAS school I attended did not go on to player rugby past year 7. So can we really complain about the poaching of prep-school players?
They don't get poached.. they leave because while the waverley prep is highly regarded the high school has a poor reputation academically


Nev Cottrell (35)
I suppose that for many players Saturday will be the last time they turn out for their school. Often this can work as powerful motivation. I remember my own last school game vividly, even though it was over thirty years ago. The high point and low point came within seconds of each other - late in the second half, I barged through from about 15 metres out to score my only try is the 1st XV. High point. Then the referee said the pass to me had been forward. Low point. And it was a fair pass. Not that I'm still bitter after all these years...


Sydney Middleton (9)
Knox barker at barker will be good.
Should get a good crowd an good atmosphere, I think barker will never stop feelin the pressure in a Knox game whether it's a top of the table clash or top vs bottom.
It's always big and the players always push hard.

I predict a very close game that will go in Barkers favour.
Possibly a second half win from Barker after a close 1st half. Knox winning at half time.

Footy, Beers, m8s. Should be a Bonza day.
You beauty.

C.A.S rugby observer

Bob McCowan (2)
If only waverley had kicked the ball out against barkerthey would be cas premiers. It's a shame they don't have grand finals.. They could have it in a split location with all the students from each school attending and splitting the crowd in half. It would be a great way to finish a fine rugby competition


Peter Burge (5)
Absolute rip snorter of a day coming up Saturday. Knox versus Barker will be an deadset rippa' of a game. The last two years this game has resulted in an upset, will this year be the same? Will red fever be enough to overcome the mighty black and blue? Will Barker win their second premiership in 2 years, and their 3rd in 4 years?

Many questions to be answered and now it's up to the boys.
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