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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Benched '84

Allen Oxlade (6)
Here's a thought, these recent rep hit outs by basically the whole Barker back line may make them more potent in the second round.


Peter Burge (5)
It astounds me how dove (13) is MOM against GPS 1 and gets dropped for last game. Absolute jole and the selectors have a lot to answer.


Bob McCowan (2)
Selectors obviously had a problem with 13 - Watson was there for the CHS match and from then on couldn't make the 2nds or reserves. Oh for a kicker like Halfpenny.......

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I thought that Summerhayes (C) was the MOM for the match against ISA I.

He seems to be selected as a 4 or 5, but is really a 6 or an 8.

Smerdon was the baby faced assassin who created a lot more damage to the ISA cause than many give him credit for. He seems to have been overlooked this year but should be one of the first chosen next year for higher representation if he can keep his form and fitness.


Frank Nicholson (4)
It astounds me how dove (13) is MOM against GPS 1 and gets dropped for last game. Absolute jole and the selectors have a lot to answer.

Connor Watson was always first choice at 13 but pulled out of GPS match, but back for friday's trials. Cam Dove was extremely gutsy against GPS but at the end of the day it was a physical mismatch. In attack Dove goes very hard and against weaker opposition can star (3 tries on friday) but against GPS he was smashed every time he took it up. To his credit he kept aiming up, never spilled the ball etc, but physically it was a massive mismatch. I guess the selectors believed Watson gave them a bit more. Be interesting to see them against each other in the last CAS round (Watson went off injured early in CAS Rd1).


Peter Burge (5)
Fair enough. Also disappointing N.Kennan (B) wasn't able to play CAS and make the NSW side. I really wish all the best to this extremely talented, large young man.


Sydney Middleton (9)
I think there are alot of players that could do well in any team. And every year there will always be hard decisions to make, neither of the decisions is the "right" decision as such. It's more the fact of does the player that got selected have a good day on the field. Yes that sounds like all the players are "in consistant" but no, we all know people can have an 'off' day. For some players that day causes them to miss out on being selected and for others that might mean only playing one game in a representative squad. But I don't think the selectors have ever made a 'wrong' choice as such.

Do people think that having the full barker back line play for CAS will enhance their performance for playing for Barker? Thus making the comp. into an Ashes test series.
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Peter Burge (5)
I think there are alot of players that could do well in any team. And every year there will always be hard decisions to make, neither of the decisions is the "right" decision as such. It's more the fact of does the player that got selected have a good day on the field. Yes that sounds like all the players are "in consistant" but no, we all know people can have an 'off' day. For some players that day causes them to miss out on being selected and for others that might mean only playing one game in a representative squad. But I don't think the selectors have ever made a 'wrong' choice as such.

Do people think that having the full barker back line play for CAS will enhance their performance for playing for Barker? Thus making the comp. into an Ashes test series.

Couldn't have said it better myself 'Eshayz' (is that your real name?). I agree the complex, multi-faceted nature of the players and thus the competitions demands equal treatment. There are many players who perform at any level and can be considered unlucky to not have been selected, Slack-Smith or Stirzaker for example. The selection process is indeed flawed in its approach to such a player. I think having the full Barker back line will result in an 'origin type period' for the Barker boys. Mind you, with the upcoming 3 week break one would imagine they will be well rested and ready to take out the competition. In saying this, there are some huge games coming up for the Red Army. Knox, despite massively under performing so far, always seem to perk up against Barker, although this will be hard at No 1 oval. Versing Waverly at 'Death Valley' is a tough task and will really test if this barker side has the goods, or is simply a facade hidden behind the face that is Harry Jones. Testing times coming up for this top of the table Barker College 1st XV.


Stan Wickham (3)
Connor Watson was always first choice at 13 but pulled out of GPS match, but back for friday's trials. Cam Dove was extremely gutsy against GPS but at the end of the day it was a physical mismatch. In attack Dove goes very hard and against weaker opposition can star (3 tries on friday) but against GPS he was smashed every time he took it up. To his credit he kept aiming up, never spilled the ball etc, but physically it was a massive mismatch. I guess the selectors believed Watson gave them a bit more. Be interesting to see them against each other in the last CAS round (Watson went off injured early in CAS Rd1).
<p><br><p>Obviously the selectors have their reasons for their choice of players, both in the CAS and NSW sides. However, I do have to disagree that Watson could give the side more in the GPS match up. Both against CHS and ISA he lacked commitment in defence, being glanced of on numerous occasions. He may have a little more skill with the ball, but I do not think he is any more evasive then Dove. In any case, I doubt Watson could have changed the game at all against GPS, and his inclusion may have had a negative impact, (IE if he can't deal with the smaller ISA and CHS centres, how can he be expected to deal with Tepai and Tanne?).<p><br><p>I am not one for questioning the selectors, and think that Watson can add value in attack, but I still cannot believe the defence of Dove, and Stoltz for that matter.<p><br><p>Also disappointed Stoltz didn't get a look in at the NSW II's number 12 jersey. Opinions?


Stan Wickham (3)
Fair enough. Also disappointing N.Kennan (B) wasn't able to play CAS and make the NSW side. I really wish all the best to this extremely talented, large young man.
<p>In regards to "Kennan", I don't believe he has played one match in the Barker 1st XV this season? Could this be a misspelling?
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Peter Burge (5)
<body><p><p> <p>In regards to "Kennan", I don't believe he has played one match in the Barker 1st XV this season? Could this be a misspelling?

He was a big signing for the school last season but has been out so far due to kenpartment syndrome.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Kennan was out for this season. but was a big contender last season, it was disappointing to hear he couldn't play. Hopefully he can play a game in these final rounds.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Any thoughts on the CAS reps for NSW? I'm bound to say they look about right to me. But there could be a few bolters into the Combined States team - maybe Powter and Whicker?


Frank Nicholson (4)
re the Barker Video.

Ha. I must have just got in before they realised what a boon it was to other 1stXV coaches about to play Barker.

For those that didn't see it, it left out the Waverley game. now I wonder why.....

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I saw it, and was a little surprised.
The sum of the parts seem to be greater than the whole, in the case of the backline.
Most of the breaks are just individuals being better than the defenders.
It probably explains,why the CAS backs played like they did against CHS.


Stan Wickham (3)
How do we get access to that video?

looks like it was uploaded in the wrong mode this morning has been changed to private having a look at it, it was combinations of tries scored in four of the six games with both Waverley and St. Aloysius excluded which would be a total of 12 tries not recorded
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