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CAS Rugby 2013

Who will be the 2013 Premiers

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Robert Lowell

Bob McCowan (2)
Very happy to see Akopian (B) coming in to the second row for CAS I's. He is a workhorse in every aspect of his game, a merciless tackler and a fantastic component to the line out. My only issue concerning the controversial backline is actually with the selection of D Stoltz. I concede that he is an experienced and skillful player, but the young man lacks passion. I was looking forward to the passionate rugby of Goodearl or Vevers at 12. I guess CAS selectors are less concerned with this sort of thing.


Bob McCowan (2)
Anyone know who are Year 11's in the CAS 1's? Correct that Smerdon and Burkett were U16 last year so maybe Year 11? Pierce and Watson also Year 11.
From Barker, Burkett, Smerdon and Kirkby are year 11's. I'm not sure about the other schools. Kirkby is a great player, by far the best half-back of the school, I'm somewhat surprised to see him selected for the CAS I's though. Having said that, good on him, I think he'll step up to the plate well.


Ward Prentice (10)
Very happy to see Akopian (B) coming in to the second row for CAS I's. He is a workhorse in every aspect of his game, a merciless tackler and a fantastic component to the line out. My only issue concerning the controversial backline is actually with the selection of D Stoltz. I concede that he is an experienced and skillful player, but the young man lacks passion. I was looking forward to the passionate rugby of Goodearl or Vevers at 12. I guess CAS selectors are less concerned with this sort of thing.
C'mon. Bigger stronger faster. Stoltz as a player and captain has plenty of passion


Bob McCowan (2)
Very happy to see Akopian (B) coming in to the second row for CAS I's. He is a workhorse in every aspect of his game, a merciless tackler and a fantastic component to the line out. My only issue concerning the controversial backline is actually with the selection of D Stoltz. I concede that he is an experienced and skillful player, but the young man lacks passion. I was looking forward to the passionate rugby of Goodearl or Vevers at 12. I guess CAS selectors are less concerned with this sort of thing.

I agree with the excitement to see Akopian selected for CAS I's, I think he is under appreciated by coaches within the school and definitely deserved his selection. However I couldn't disagree more with your opinion on Stoltz. Captain of (by far) the in form team of the season. He is leading a group that look as though they cannot be beaten, a player like that definitely has passion. He is an incredibly hard working player that loves his rugby. I believe he's a boarder at the school so I'm sure dedicates a lot of time after hours to rugby, and he earns the results he gets. Great player, great asset to the CAS I's.


Allen Oxlade (6)
From Barker, Burkett, Smerdon and Kirkby are year 11's. I'm not sure about the other schools. Kirkby is a great player, by far the best half-back of the school, I'm somewhat surprised to see him selected for the CAS I's though. Having said that, good on him, I think he'll step up to the plate well.
Barkley brown is in year 11 I'm not sure about corias from trinity


Alex Ross (28)
Therefore I stick with my decision but wish both of them the best of luck - but know that if Paek digs deep we can expect to see alot from him
I expect that he may. One thing that most impresses me about Paek is his enthusiasm, passion, dedication, commitment, and energy. I wouldn't be surprised that he has great limitations and there are better wingers in the CAS, but the dedicated effort he puts in each time he plays is admirable.

A true, old fashioned Rugby player. You can't ask anymore than that.


Frank Nicholson (4)
Waverley 64 Alos 20
Alos came out very strongly for first 20-25 mins with scores being matched end to end till about 15 all. Alos ability at the break down was what kept them in the game. Several times forcing turn overs from Waverley line breaks. They have obviously been well drilled in this area.
Waverley seemed to wake up around the 25 min mark and scored some very nice tries with what looked to be practiced moves. These were a real pleasure to watch with the ball passing through several hands with clever cut outs, inside balls etc. At the half time break the game was by no means secure.
The second half saw some more tries to Waverley and a consolation try to Alos who did not lie down at all.
Final tally was 9 tries to 3. Waverley goal kicker Tom Murphy slotted 8 from 9 attempts plus a pen.


Frank Nicholson (4)
My only issue concerning the controversial backline is actually with the selection of D Stoltz. I concede that he is an experienced and skillful player, but the young man lacks passion. I was looking forward to the passionate rugby of Goodearl or Vevers at 12. I guess CAS selectors are less concerned with this sort of thing.

See match report by Snort ( a Trinity man i'm guessing)
Stoltz best on ground!!

As a year 10 boy Stoltz played 1st XV at 10, last year moved to 12 to accommodate the Yr 10 boy Smerdon at 10. He captains an unbeaten team, a potent back line, plays with aggression and control. The "passion" argument is such a throw back and based on speculation anyway. As for the players you mention, when Barker played Aloys Goodearl was at 13 and Vevers 15. I cannot comprehend why they should be selected at 12 in CAS 1st XV.


Frank Nicholson (4)
<body><p>But I do agree. Paek has looked fast and dominant all season. Must have been a close call.

Right wing/ left wing may have been a factor, not sure if selectors take that into account. Davis (B11) had the left wing spot sewn up (8 tries this season). Paek (K11) also plays on the left & has 3 tries. EEH (B14) on the right wing has 4 tries. As a general rule, even at this level, left wing still gets more opportunities as most boys still pass better to the left.

When Paek and EEH faced each other this year it was pretty even. Paek only made ground from broken play when he was running inside. EEH is very fast and a fine finisher. When Barker played Cranbrook, Jones (15) got a corked thigh early and EEH regularly dropped back to run the ball up from kicks - he carved up the Cranbrook defence. He's a good player having a fine season, works well with the team & deserves his spot. Agree its a close call but his consistent form in every match has been rewarded.

I also note from earlier in this season on this blog the Knox boosters were talking up Stals, but have now switched to Paek.

Keen observer

Bob McCowan (2)
I only think they put vevers at 12 because there is no other spot for him in the team I might be wrong but I can't think of anything otherwise.
He's not known as a tackler.,clearly not what they were looking for.. Or this this part of the known being a trade off for schools. For my money I would have thought Ebeling may have been in the mix somewhere, although disadvantaged in the selection process by covering 5/8 for first two rounds due to school injuries to others. But Ebeling is not cas familial pedigree . No coat tails to ride.


Peter Burge (5)
See match report by Snort ( a Trinity man i'm guessing)
Stoltz best on ground!!

As a year 10 boy Stoltz played 1st XV at 10, last year moved to 12 to accommodate the Yr 10 boy Smerdon at 10. He captains an unbeaten team, a potent back line, plays with aggression and control. The "passion" argument is such a throw back and based on speculation anyway. As for the players you mention, when Barker played Aloys Goodearl was at 13 and Vevers 15. I cannot comprehend why they should be selected at 12 in CAS 1st XV.

Couldn't agree more. Stoltz is an obvious choice for captain. He has the experience and heart for it.


Nev Cottrell (35)
To my mind, the most interesting thing about the CAS selections was how uninteresting they were - by which I mean how few real surprises they contained. Personally, I would have picked Paek (K) ahead of Elwood-Hall (B) on one wing, and I would have picked Goodearl (A) ahead of Watson (K). But I wouldn't call those wrong selections. Picking a team involves not just weighing up the merits of individal players but deciding what kind of game you want to play and how the team wil lfit in together. For instance Whicker (T) offers far more around the park that Kirkby (B), but I can't disagree with Kirkby's selection in the 1sts, because his pass is much better, and that's what's needed to give a good back line the best chance to succeed.

Who's unlucky? Slack-Smith (B) is probably a bit better than reserve for 2nds, as is O'Connor (W). I thought Newby (K) had a chance. Ebeling (T) has had a tough season, shifting position and being on the wrong end of more hospital passes than a player has a right to expect in a single season. Who's lucky? Vevers (A) has been picked out of position and after a lacklustre season, but he has talent and I'd expect him to do a decent job. Incidentally, I understand that Kotobalavu (T) is unavailable, otherwise he would have been in there somewhere, I think.


Sydney Middleton (9)
I agree completely with YR and Snort. and I'm sure selectors would've not ONLY looked at this year but also the fact that he has played firsts since year 10. Stoltz clearly knows his stuff and has experienced a tough season in 2011 (the barker side wasnt as strong) and a very successful season in 2012 under the leadership of Tom Wilson (outstanding captain and leader who also played firsts for barker for a few years) and is experiencing what looks to be another successful season this year.
When I was watching the Barker waverley game two weeks back. During the moment where waverley were bout to score I watched Stoltz controlling his team and taking control of the defence.
Selectors could well have chosen what is called a "God".


Peter Burge (5)
Some random thoughts on CAS selection. If I were a selector, I'd start with Barker's backline and ask whether there's anyone who should displace anyone from it. I'd probably put Paek (K) on one wing (for Elwood-Hall). I'd think long and hard about whether I'd play Smerdon or O'Donnell (W). I'd measure Whicker (T) against Kirkby at 9. But that's about it. You might think about Goodearl (A).

Good call - sure you are not a selector!! (post #453 on may 19th)
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