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CAS Rugby 2012

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Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)
...With that said were Trinity perhaps missing some (or all) key players?

It's called MIA!

They turned up physically but it looks like a few will have trouble looking their mates in the eyes during the week. Where do you go if you're a coach with this sort of thing - maybe one or two key players were unavailable, but the team still played like strangers and being reduced to 14 players for 10 minutes [lucky the ref & 2 TJs all missed his first 3 shoulder charges] - at the end the Trinity boys looked disinterested.

Has the hefty weight of expectation squashed them? Or did they think they were such certs - pity whoever they front next week - it will be a big test of character to see how they regroup after losing what so many on this forum said was the "unlosable game "? & yes Newbie "MEEEOOOW" is the sound of a dead cat bouncing!


Frank Nicholson (4)
It could be suggested that an effort like this is functional of cynical recruitment policies. Playing for your long term mates will always prevail over hired help. the Waverley team has showed this and if only they could have kicked goals, should be rightfully on top on their own.
Time to nurture own and grow the passion


Stan Wickham (3)
completely agree, Waverley definitely looking like title favourites at the moment. Return of morton and wright at 5 and 6 should help to bolster up the forward pack even more


Larry Dwyer (12)
any non-biased opinions?.. only a few days ago we had a bunch of Trinity supporters asserting the point margin they were going to beat Knox by.. I would agree with a Waverly win, but not as ridiculous as 30 points


Frank Nicholson (4)
Perhaps we will see next Sunday rtd. No bias here, just facts on what I have seen, Barker not that impressive as yet and Waverley at home will have way to much aggression and pace.


Larry Dwyer (12)
I think you underestimate Barker's ability... I wont argue because the only waverly game i have seen in person was their performance against Trinity in round 1 and somebody told me they were extremely off form in that game.. Either way, I still think it will be close, Waverly by 10 or less


It's hard to see Waverley losing to Barker next round, especially at home. There performance shown against Cranbrook proved they are worthy CAS champions. Although Trinity suffered a shameful loss to Knox, I don't it put it pass them to have that unfed hugner to prove themselves, and should yet to be overlooked. Knox has proven themselves and although they are already two losses down, I believe they will definately make it a lot more difficult in the second round with Waverley and Barker.
These results of what were expected to be certified wins are becoming more and more unpredictable, although there is that odd team or two that i still have my certainties in.

Trinity Imports 2012

Did anyone see Vevers at 5/8 for aloysius, absolutely out-standing kicking game and kicked a field goal 40m out.. A big contender for CAS 1st five eight, didnt miss one tackle.. First game returning from injury as well and nearly pulled aloys over the line.. I was right in front of the try line for Barkers last try and it definitely wasn't a try and was a clear knock on but the referee asked his linesman who idiotically said try

It was a great game and Wood and Williams had great games for aloys as well.. Number 13 for Barker was dangerous all game for Barker making numerous breaks and breaking tackles.. Barker wont beat Waverley, They lack a quality 5/8


Stan Wickham (3)
Predictions for round 4? Where will Trinity go from here? Can Knox continue their one-game winning streak...? (yes that is sarcasm), Knox have had one solid game, going against 2 of the weaker teams in their schedule now so they will most probably keep this streak up, come next round i have a feeling it will be a different story.... teams can't be judged off one performance ladies and gents.


what are the current standings for the cas competition and when are the cas teams being made public?

Trinity Imports 2012

[quote=" Barker wont beat Waverley, They lack a quality 5/8

From what i've heard the Barker 5/8 is a young yr10 with great potential. He's probably just coming to terms with the 1st grade difference to the U16 competition. It'll be good to see how he goes against Waverly this coming week[/quote]

Well he was hopeless agaisnt Aloysius, kicking at the wrong time and deciding to run at the wrong time... Has anyone watched Vevers or Wood play? They were great for aloys


waverley 20+, they would of had cranbrook by far more but were reduced to 14 and playing 2nd xv players

Agreed, Waverley should have won by more,with the flanker sin-binned and Waverley bombing at least 3 - 4 tries.Johnson and hooker Koutsoukis were outstanding in the forwards,while the Waverley halfback Whitaker and his 5/8 O Donnell really took charge of the game, Paterson at the back had moments of brilliance coupled with some curious decisions,Cranbrook forwards toiled well,yet their backs offered little,their speedy wing Delorenzo hardly touched the ball,a waste of a quality winger.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Lads, if this keeps up I will once again have to shut down this thread, and block the IP of the school from which this shit is coming (it's fairly obvious).

We will also inform teachers of these offensive comments, and the email addresses and logons of the perpetrators.

So let's just cut the shit and talk about rugby.


Knox number 11, had a blinder on the weekend against Trinity he managed to slot some goals and score some classy try's he ended up with 19 points. Surely a shoe in for CAS 1's and 2's? Thoughts?
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